Moving Picture World (Jan-Feb 1925)

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502 MOVING PICTURE WORLD January 31, 1925 (Continutd from prtctding pagt) Kind of Picture S«Tirw. Feet Bread (all-iUr) Teas of U'Urbervilles (Sweet) Ljule Kobmson Crusoe (Coogan) Broken Barriers (all-star; True As Bteel (all-star; ^velauon (Dana; Becoll (Blytbe-ilaniilton) W me ol t outh (aU star) Along Came Kutb (Dana; Red Lily (Bennett-Movarro) Sinners in bilk (Menjou-Boardman) (jrce, The Bnchantress (Murray;.. His Hour (Prmgle; One Night in Rome (L. Taylor)..... Navigator (Keaton) Bandolero (all star) Great Divide (all star) The Snob (all star) He Who Gets Slapped (Oianey).... Rag Man ((ioogan; Silent Accuser (Peter, the Great) So This Is Marriage (all star; Beauty Prize (Dana) Ben Hur (special cast) Merry Widow (Murray) The Scandal (Novarro) Seven Chances (Keaton) Sporting Venus (bweet) Married Flirts (all-star) Temptress ((^raopolitan) The Square Peg Zander, the Great (Cosmopolitan) ... Romola (Lillian Gish) Greed (Von Stroheim prod.) Chu-(niin-Chow (B. Blythe) Wife of the Centaur Dixie Handicap (VVindsor-Keenan) .. Cheaper to Marry (AU Star) A Man’s World Goyce-Marmont) Kind of Picture Review. Feet 2. . 6.726 ...Drama 9., . 7,736 16.. . 6,126 ...Drama 16.. 5.717 ...Drama 28.. 6.454 ...Drama July 5.. 8.752 ...Drama July 12.. 7,069 ...Drama July 26.. 6,805 ...Comedy-dr 2.. 5,161 • ..Drama 16.. 62^5 ...Drama 30.. 5750 ...Drama 13.. 6,882 ...Drama 20.. 6,300 ...Comedy-dr 27.. 5,883 . . . Comedy 13.. e 7£0 ...Drama 11.. 6,e"' , ..Drama ...Drama 8.. 6,513 ...Drama 15.. 6,613 22.. 5,883 . .. (.omedy-dr 3.. 6,300 ... Comedy-dr 11.. 5750 . Ounedy-dr .Drama . Comedy .Drama .Drama Oct. 25.’. 6,765 Famous novel Dec. 13.. 12,974 Special Dec. 20.. 10,067 Spectacle Drama Jan. 17.. 6,586 Drama Jan. 10.. 6,905 Drama Drama PARAMOUNT fen Commandments (all star) Spectacular dr Jan. Icebound (DixWilson) Rural dr Mar. Society Scandal (Swanson) Society dr Mar. Fighting Coward (Cruze prod.) .Satirical dr Mar. Dawn of a To-morrow (Logan) Slum dr Apr. Singer Jim McKee (W. S. Hart) Western Apr. Breaking Point (all star) West-MetropoliUn Apr. Omfidence Man (Meigban) Romance dr Apr. Moral Sinner (Dalton) Crook melo Apr. Triumph (C DeMUle prod.) Theatrical dr May Bluff (Ayreis-Moreno) Drama May Men (Negri) Society dr May Wanderer of Wasteland (Holt-Technicolor)Westem May eixie of the Sea (LaRoequeLogan) Sea melodr Jun. Bedroom Window (W. DeMille prod.) Mystery dr .....Tun, Guilty One (Ayres) Heavy mystery Tun. Tiger Love (Melford prod.) Modern dr Jun. Changing Husbands (Joy) Dual role dr July Unguarded Women (Daniels-Dix) Society dr July Enemy Sex (Compson) Romantic dr July Side Show of Life (Torrence) Clown dr Man Who Fights Alone (W. Famum) Drama Aug. Monsieur Beaucaure (Valentino) Spectacle melo Aug. Empty Hands (Holt) Forest Melo Aug. Lily of the Dust (Negri) Drama Sep. The Female (Compson) Society dr Sep. Merton of the Movies (Hunter) Travesty ^p. Sinners in Heaven (Daniels-Dix) Drama 2*P Open All Night (all star) Demestic dr Sep. Feet of Qay (Cl. DeMUle prod.) Drama Alaskan (Meighan) Drama Her Love Story (Swanson) Romance dr Story Without a Name (Ayres-Moreno).... Prize title Oct. Dangerous Money (Daniels) Comedy-dr Oct, Border Legion (Moreno) .....Drama Nov. Worldly (mods (Ayres). Drama Nov. Fast Set ((Hompson-Menjou) Domestic dr Nov. Forbidden Paradise (Negri) Drama Nov. Sainted Devil (Valentino) Dhama Dec. City That Never Sleeps (Cruze prod.).... Mother-love melo Oct. Manhattan (Dix) Romantic com Nov. Garden of Weeds (Compson) Drama Nov. Wages of Virtue (Swanson) Drama Dec. Tongues of Flame (MeighanIxjve) Melodrama Dec. North of 36 (Torrence-Holt-Wilson) Historic romance Dec. Argentine Love (Daniels-Cortez) Spanish romance Jan. Peter Pan (Betty Bronson) Barrie classic Jan. Locked Doors (Compson) Original story Tomorrow’s Love (Ayres) Divorce com-dr East of Suez (Negri) Drama Miss Bluebeard (Daniels) The stage success Golden Bed (LaRoeque) Drama of classes Man Must Live (Dix) Newspaper romance Coming Through (Meighan) New type Meighan story The DevU’s Cargo (Starke) Drama of Old California Lord Chumley (Dana-Griffith-Roberts) ...Stage success Top of the World (Nilsson-Kirkwood) Africa and England The Swan (Menjou-Howard) Stage success Contraband (Wilson-Noah Beery) Bootleg drama Madame Sans Gene (Swanson) World Famous drama ... '!?■ indering Herd (HoltWilson) Buffalo stampede PATHE . Jan. . Jan. -Jan. 5.. 12,(X» 15.. 6,471 22.. 6,433 29.. 6,433 5.. 6,084 12.. 7,008 19.. 6,664 26.. 6,500 26.. 5.439 3.. 8.292 10.. 6,504 17.. 6.700 31.. 6,086 7.. 6,550 21.. 6.550 28.. 5,365 28.. 5,325 5.. 6,799 5.. 6,051 12.. 7,861 2.. 7,511 9.. 6d)08 9.. 6,337 23.. 9,932 30.. 6,976 6.. 6,811 13.. 6.167 20.. 7,655 20.. 6,621 20.. 6,881 4.. 9,741 27.. 6.167 11.. 6,736 18.. 5,912 25.. 6,864 1.. 7.048 15 6,055 29.. 6,574 29.. 7,000 6.. 8,633 11.. 6,097 8.. 6,415 15.. 6,230 6.. 7,093 27.. 6,763 13.. 7,908 3.. 5,970 3.. 9,593 24.. 6,221 24.. 5,903 17.. 6,821 8,584 6,116 7,167 Why Mice Lei Wolfe and M( Scarem Much Fields of Glor; Hunters Bold From Rags to Don’t Forget . Seein’ Things Stan Laurel 15.. 2,000 Terry cartoon 15., . 1,000 (Chronicles of America . . 22., . 3,000 Sennett comedy 22., , 2,000 “Sportlight” “Spat Family** 22., , 1,000 22., , 2,000 Terry cartoon 22., , 1,000 (Charles (Chase 22., . 1,000 Rex (horse) 29,, , 5,000 Will Rogers 29., . 2,000 Charles (Chase 29., . 1,000 Harry Langdon 29., , 2,000 Terry cartoon 29. . 1.000 Frontier series 29., . 2,000 “Our Gang” 5., . 2.000 .Bird Novelty 5. . 3.000 Running Wild Friend Husband The bwiit and Strong GirlShy (Our Little Nell «... Medicine Hat Brothers Under the Cihin Gateway of the West The UoUywood Kid Hit the High Spots One at a Time 11 Noah Lived Today A Trip to the Pole Sun and Snow Get Busy Highbrow Stuff Flickering Youth Commencement Day An Ideal Farm Homeless Pups Sporting Speed Publicity Pays When Winter Comes Near Dublin North of 50-50 The Fortieth Door April Fool The Pilgrims Fishin’ Fever Black Oxfords Bottle Babies Going to Congress Position Wanted The Cat’s Meow Cradle Robbers Building Winners Before Taking Rupert of Hee-Haw Yukon Jake Up and At ’Em The Flying Carpet Declaration of Independence Fast Black Lion and the Souse On Guard Suffering Shakespeare Young Oldfield His New Mama Don’t Park There Her Memory Solitude and Fame Stolen Goods Jubilo, Jr Jeffries, Jr The Wide Open Spaces The Body in the Bag Yorktown Why Husbands Go Mad Desert Sheiks Radio Mad Maud Miller Our Congressman A Woman’s Hour A Ten -Minute Egg It’s a Bear The Sport of Kings Our Defenders Seeing Nellie Home Into the Net Romeo and Juliet Flying Fever Short Kilts A Hard Boiled Tenderfoot The Puritans Amelia (xjmes Back The First Hundred Years A Truthful Liar The Battling Orioles East of the Water Plug High Society The Prodigal Pup Hoofbeats House Cleaning Alexander Hamilton Lizzies of the Field Barnyard Olympics South of the North Pole One "Third Off The Happy Years Why Men Work Message From the Sea Luck of the Foolish Outdoor Pajamas Three Foolish Weeks In Good Old Summertime Danger Lure Dixie Goofy Age (Glenn Tryon) 10 Scars Make a Man (Allene Ray) Black Magic Sporting Rhythm Riders of the Purple Cow Every Man for Himself Hot Water (Harold Lloyd) On Leave of Absence Bungalow Boobs (Chase) Sky Plumber (Arthur Stone) Galloping Bungalows Stunts Hot Stuff Cat and the Magnet Fast Company She Knew Her Man Gridiron Glory Love’s Sweet Piffle (R. Graves) ... Are Blond Men BashfuU (Stone) . Out of the Storm Good Old Circus Days .Ml Wet ((Thase) Deaf, Dumb and Daffy Cannon-Ball Express .. Terry cartoon ..Snub Pollard . . “Sportlighr" . . Harold Bloyd ..“Dippy Doo Dads” ... . . Frontier senes , . Stan Laurel . . 8tb Chromcle . . Sennett comedy .“Spat Family” . . Earl Mohan , . Terry canoon ..Terry cartoon . “Sportlight” . Snub Pollard .Will Rogers . Sennett comedy .“Our Gang” .Terry cartoon . Terry canoon . “Sportlight” .Charles Chase .Terry canoon . Stan Laurel .“Dippy Doo Dads” ... .Allene Ray — serial ... .Charles Chase .Chronicle series . “Sponlight” . Sennett comedy . “Spat Family” ..Will Rogers . Charles Chase , . Sennett comedy . “Our Gang” . “Sponlight” . Earl Mohan . Stan Laurel .Ben Turpin .“Dippy Doo Dads” ... .Terry canoon . “CTironicles” .Mohan-Engle . Sennett comedy . “Sportlight” . “Spat Family” . Ciharles Cihase . Sennett comedy . Will Rogers . Will Nigh Miniature . . “Sportlight” . (Tiarles Chase . “Our Gangr” .Charles Chase . Stan Laurel .Terry cartoon . Chronicles of America . Charles Chase . Terry cartoon . “Spat Family” . Special . Will Rogers .Terry cartoon . Charles Chase . “Our Gang” . Terry cartoon . “Sportlight” .Charles Chase . Mulhall-Murphy serial . Sennett com^y .Terry cartoon . Hal Roach comedy . . . . “Spat Family” . ^‘Chronicles” series . . . .Terry cartotm . Sennett comedy . Will Rogers . Special . Sennett comedy . “Our Gang” . Terry cartoon . “Spoirtlight” . Terry cartoon . “CThronicles” series ... . Sennett comedy . Terry cartoon . “Spat Family” . Cxibb-Rice comedy .... . “Sportlight” . (Carles CThase .Terry cartoon . Harry Langdoo . (Charles Chase . Ben Turpin . Terry cartoon . Sportlight . Chronicles , Comedy , Serial . Terry cartoon . Sportlight . Smnett com . Our Gang . Feature com , Detective .Comedy . Comedy .Sennett com . Sportlight . Spat family . Terry cartoon . Our Gang . Terry cartoon .Sportlight . Comedy . Comedy .Detective .Terry cartoon .Comedy .Spat Family Sennett com 5.. 1,000 5.. 1,UU> 5.. 1,UU0 12.. 7,457 12.. l.UUO 12.. 2,UU0 12.. 2,UU0 19.. 3,WU0 19.. 2,000 Apr. 19.. 2,000 19.. 1,000 19.. 1,000 26.. IJJOO 26.. 1,000 26.. 1,000 26.. 2,000 26.. 2,000 3.. 2,000 3.. 1,000 3.. 1,000 3.. 1,000 3.. 1,000 10.. 1,000 10.. 2,000 10.. 1,000 • •••May 17., ....May 17.. 2,000 ....May 17.. 3,000 ....May 17.. 2,000 ....May 17.. 2,000 ....May 17.. 2,000 ....May 24.. 2,000 ....May ^.. 1,000 ....May 24.. 2,000 ....May 31.. 2,000 ....May 31.. 1,000 ....May 31.. 1,000 June 7.. 2,000 ....June 7.. 2,000 ....June 7.. 1,000 ....June 7.. 1,000 ....June 14.. 3,000 ....June 14.. 1,000 ....June 14.. 2,000 June 14.. 1,000 ....June 14.. 2JX» June 21.. 1,000 ....June 21.. 2,000 ....June 21.. 2,000 ....June 21.. 1,000 ....June 28.. 1,000 Juno 28.. 1,000 ....June 28.. 2,000 ...July 5.. 1,000 ...July 5.. 2,000 ...July 5.. 1,000 ....July 12.. 3,000 ....July 12.. 1,000 ....July 12.. 1,000 ....July 12.. 2,000 ....July 19.. 2,000 ....July 19.. 2,000 ....July 19.. 1,000 ....July 19.. 1,000 ....July 26.. 2,000 ...July 26.. 1,000 ....July 26.. 1,000 ...July 26.. 1,000 ,...Aug. 2.. ...Aug. 2.. 2,000 ...Aug. 2.. 1,000 ...Aug. 2.. 2,000 ...Aug. 9.. 2,000 ...Aug. 9.. 3.000 ...Aug. 9.. 1,000 ...Aug. 16.. 2,000 . .Aug. 16.. 2,000 ...Aug. 23.. 5,000 ...Aug. 23.. 2,000 ...Aug. 23.. 2,000 ...Aug. 23.. l.OOf 23.. , 1,000 Aug. 23.. 1,000 6.. 3,000 6.. . 2,000 6.. , 1,000 6.. , 2,000 6.. , 2,000 6.. 1,000 6.. 1,000 6.. , 1.000 ....Sep. 13.. 2,000 13.. 2,000 13.. 2,000 .... &p. 13., , 1,000 11.. , 1.000 11., . 3,000 11.. . 2,000 18.. ....Oct. 18.. 1,000 ....Oct. 18.. 1,000 18.. , looo ....Oct. 18.. , 2,000 ....Oct. 18.. 5,000 ....Oct. 25.. 2,000 ....Oct. 25.. 1,000 25.. 2,000 1.. 2,000 1.. 1,000 1.. 2,000 1.. 1,000 15.. 2,000 IS.. 1,000 15.. 1,000 22.. 2,000 22.. 2,000 22.. 2,000 22.. 1.000 . . . . Nov. 29.. 1,000 29.. 3.000 29.. 2,000