Moving Picture World (Jan-Feb 1927)

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January 22, 1927 MOVING PICTURE WORLD 299 Miscellaneous DANGER SIGNAL. A goot railroad drama for a program night. Fairly good paper helped business. Guy C. Sawyer, Town Hall, Chester, Vermont. DEMPSEY -TUNNEY FIGHT. These piitures, taken at the ringside in four interesting reels, are a great drawing card just now if properly exploited. They are used with regular show as extra added attractions, at 25-50 top. Rental asked is high, but if bought right and played soon they will do business. A, E. Andrews, Opera House, Emporium, Pennsylvania. FREE TO LOVE. Title not good: went flat here. Should not be played on last of week and better on some olf night if not possible to lay off. Town 2,000. Admission 10-25, 15-30. A. E. Andrews, Opera House (136 seats), Emporium, Pennsylvania. FIGHTING YOUTH. Star, William Fairbanks. Drew good business and pleased them. Tone good, appeal 95 per cent. Sunday, special no. Draw general class, city 23,000. Admission 10-25. Ed C. Curdts, Bijou Theatre (300 seats), Greenville, South Carolina. HIS MASTER’S VOICE. Star, Thunder, the wonder dog. A very good picture; sold as a program feature. The war shots are good, the dog is great and the paper was a big asset in getting them in on this one. Guy C. Sawlyer, Town Hall, Chester, Vermont. JUSTICE OF FAR NORTH. Novel and interesting. Cast is an entirely unknown one but the picture was satisfactory. Drew well and pleased about eighty per cent. Guy C. Sawyer. Town Hall, Chester, Vermont. LAZY LIGHTNING. Star, Art Acord. This was a good western with the little boy doing nicely and with the dog and horse pleasing the kids and a lot of the grownups. Chas. Dee Hyde, Grand Theatre, Pierre, South Dakota. LURE OF THE WILD. Star, Lightning, dog. A good dog picture, with Lightning as intelligent as some humans. He isn’t a police dog but he’s as smart as some we have seen in pictures. As long as the picture going public is interested in a dog’s intelligence instead of his pedigree, Lightning will have a place in the sun. Guy C. Sawyer, Town Hall, Chester, Vermont. PERILS OF THE SEA. Star, Elaine Hammerstein, with Robert Ellis. A good sea picture for a program feature. Nice paper on this drew a good attendance. Guy C. Sawyer, Town Hall, Chester, Vermont. PLASTIC AGE. Star, Clara Bow. This is a real satisfactory picture from every angle. Tone O. K., appeal 85 per cent. Sunday yes, special no. Draw general class, town 3,600. Admission 10-20. Wm. A. Clark, S'r., Castle Theatre (400 seats), Havana, Illinois. PLASTIC AGE. Star, Clara Bow. Very nice little picture. Clara Bow plays the part of the flapper about as neat as anything I have ever seen. She isn’t hard to look at, either. The trouble with a film like this, here — the Pennsylvania censors spoil it: for instance, at the dance, when the boys and girls were going in a little room off the dance hall the censors cAit it there and left a worse impression than had they shown them drinking. H. L. Beudon, Grand Theatre, Port Allegany, Pennsylvania. PURSUED. Star, Dorothy Dwan. An ordinary program show that did not draw any kind of a crowd at all for us. Tone good, appeal fair. Draw better class, town 4,500. Admission 10-20. C. A. Anglemire, “Y” Theatre (400 seats), Nazareth, Pennsylvania. RED KIMONA. Star, Mrs. Wallace Reid. Exceptionally good. One of the best box office attractions of the year. Book it and boost it: it will get the money and please. Draw town, rural class, town 2,500. Admission 10-25. S. H. Rich, Rich Theatre (450 seats), Montpelier, Idaho. RIDER OF MYSTERY RANCH. This came from mid-west with a poor print: but a good program for a western. Draw oil field class, town 300. Admission 10-25. W. H. Clower, Liberty Theatre, Wirt, Oklahoma. Mr. E. W. Collins, now President of the M.P.T.O.A., once, while a contributor to these dependable reports, formulated the ideal way to use the tips to the fullest advantage: “Follow reports sent by those whose tips have agreed with your experience on pictures you both have played” In order to make this fully effective the tips must come in regularly from the folks you are being guided by. SEND TIPS REGULARLY. THRILL HUNTER. Fair comedy special but failed to draw. Tone fair. Appeal 85 per cent. Drawl general class, city 23,000. Admission 10-25. Ed C. Curdts, Bijou Theatre (300 seats), Greenville, South Carolina. WARNING SIGNAL. Star, Gladys Hulette. A fair action picture. Should be good for a Saturday night. New actors in the cast for us. Tone good, appeal fair, not special. Draw better class, town 4,500. Admission 10-20. C. A. Anglemire, “Y” Theatre (400 seats), Nazareth, Pennsylvania. WRECKAGE. Star, Holmes Herbert. An excellent program picture that pleased all who saw it. The paper leads one to believe that it is a sea story, whereas, only a small portion of the plot is laid at sea. Herbert’s acting was splendid and he was well supported by pretty May Allison, the heroine, and Rosemary Theby as vamp. Tone O. K. Appeal very strong. Sunday yes, here. Special no. Draw all sorts, town about 1,000. Admission 10-25 to 15-35. H. H. Hedberg, Amuse-U Theatre, Melville, Louisiana. Short Subjects DON’T GIVE UP THE SHIP. (Navy Film). A one-reel subject sent to us by the Paramount exchange and it proved interesting to our audiences. C. A. Anglemire, “Y” Theatre (400 seats), Nazareth, Pennsylvania. GREEN ARCHER. (Pathe-serial). One of the best serials ever shown in this theatre. Sure is a peach. A little old now, but lots better than some newer ones. Mitchell Conery, Columbia Theatre, Renssalaer, New York. HIS PRIVATE LIFE. (Educational-Lupine Lane). A peach of a comedy! A wow of a comedy! A humdinger of a comedy! Had everybody laughing. Tone, appeal good. C. A. Anglemire, ‘‘Y” Theatre (400 seats), Nazareth, Pennsylvania. HOLD ’ER SHERIFF. (Educational-Cliff Bowes). A fine one reel Cameo laughmaker. C. A. Anglemire, “Y” Theatre, Nazareth, Pennsylvania. HOLD STILL. (Educational). Stars, Jack Duffy. Anne Cornwall. This girl is great. She has the looks, works hard and is a real comedienne. The picture as a whole proved entertaining here. M. W. Larmour, National Theatre (430 seats), Graham, Texas. HOLD TIGHT. (F. B. O.-Blue Ribbon). A good two reel Blue Ribbon comedy that got a good many laughs and went over fine. W. C. S'nyder, Cozy Theatre, Lamont, Oklahoma, THE HURRICANE. (F. B. O.-comedy). Plenty of laughter in this two reeler and the hurricane brought out some howls of glee. Action comedies always make a hit in this village. Tone O. K. Good appeal. H. H. Hedberg, Amuse-TJ Theatre, Melville, Louisiana. IN A COTTAGE GARDEN (Kellycolor ). A very fine reel on flowers that is fine for the high class houses. C. A. Anglemire, “Y” Theatre, Nazareth, Pennsylvania. KIN Oi&RAMS. (Educational). Always a good, clean, interesting news for our patronage. C. A. Anglemire, “Y’’ Theatre, Nazareth, Pennsylvnia. MR. CINDERELLA. (Educational-Johnny Arthur). Not so good, not so good. It was away off from the usual high standard ’ of Educational comedies. Tone and appeal good. Carl A. Anglemire, “Y” Theatre, Nazareth, Pennsylvania. THE NEWLYWEDS BUILD. (UniversalSnookums). This is a good comedy. Not as good as some of the others or perhaps 1 should say the other Snookums, but still above the average comedy standard. Chas. Lee Hyde, Grand Theatre, Pierre, South Dakota. NOTHING MATTERS. (Educational-Hnmilton). Some funny tricks pulled in this that brought plenty of laughs. Tone, appeal good. C. A. Anglemire, ‘‘Y” Theatre, Nazareth, Pennsylvania. OPEN FACES. (Educational-Big Boy). This is an excellent comedy. It was the talk of the town. Played it with a picture that has been the biggest money maker in the United States and the comedy created more talk here than the feature. Tone O. K. Good appeal. M. W. Larmour, National Theatre, Graham, Texas. OVER THE BOUNDING MAIN. (U. S. Navy Film). A two reel subject that is given to theatres gratis to stimulate recruiting. This subject is wonderful, showing the Gobs in other lands. Get it if you can. Appeal good. 'Sunday yes. Stephen G. Brenner, Eagle Theatre, Baltimore, Maryland. OVER THEREABOUTS. ( Pathe-Bevan). Fair Mack Sennett comedy that brought out eight or ten giggles. H. H. Hedburg, AmuseU Theatre, Melville, Louisiana. PATHE NEWS. This is news all right. I believe it would be improved if they would make an effort to get some smiles into it; give the kid an extra quarter and have him trip and fall as he carries the banner past the camera. It’s a good news reel, though, and I expect to use it for a good many years. Chas. Lee Hyde, Grand Theatre, Pierre, South Dakota. ROUGH PARTY. A fine comedy that brought the yells. It takes some comedy to do that after you have played some Pathe comedies I have. W. H. Clower, Liberty Theatre, Wirt, Oklahoma. A SHAKEDOWN CRUISE. (Navy Film). Another recruiting subject from the Navy Department that is very interesting, and can be procured from your local recruiting office. Prints new. Stephen G. Brenner, Eagle Theatre, Baltimore, Maryland. SOLID GOLD. (Educational). Only a comedy. H. H. Hedberg, Amuse-U Theatre, Melville, Louisiana. Because they are the BEST and ONLY Trailers with Actual Scenes from Each Picture. NATIONAL SCREEN SERVICE, Inc. Distributing throughout the United States from CHICAGO NEW YORK LOS ANGELES 845 S. Wabash Ave. 130 West 46th St. 1922 S. Vermont Ave.