Moving Picture World (Mar-May 1927)

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AND HIS PALS Sonora IQd JOSEPH P. KENNEDY presents Top This One If You Can! BORN TO BATTLE: Tom Tyler — I never did see a tide fit like this one did. If he doesn’t battle I have failed to ever see a battle, and to carry out the ride the kid has a battle that absolutely sets the kids wild. Out of die 800 that is made every year 1 do not believe I could have selected anything that would have filled the bill as good as this one did. I used “Born to Battle” for the kids’ Christmas morning, but 1 had oodles of adults ask me after the show if I wouldn’t run it in the afternoon instead of “The Freshmen” which I was using C. E. Longacre, Dixie Theatre, Dickson, Tenn. Exhibitor Reports like th:s are coining in on all the Tom Tylers! This boy is coming through with REAL ACTION WESTERNS every time! Story by William Wallace Cooke Directed by Robert DcLacy Produced and Distributed by