Moving Picture World (Nov-Dec 1927)

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34 MOVING PICTURE WORLD HOLLYWOOD OFFICE MOVING PICTURE WORLD’S HOLLYWOOD DIRECTORY PAUL SCHOFIELD Scenarist DUMMY LAMSON Manager FRED NEWMEYER Directing Paramount Pictures MILDRED WALKER Ingenue Telephone: Gladstone 7102 LEATRICE JOY Now Starring in “THE BLUE DANUBE” for Cecil B. DeMille HARRY BEHN Scenarios and Original Stories Telephone: Glendale 7238 ELIZABETH PICKETT West Coast Editor and Supervisor for WILLIAM FOX’S Varieties MARIE PREVOST DE MILLE STAR Now playing in “ON TO RENO” A James Cruze Prod. Philip Bartholomae First National EASTERN REPRESENTATIVE Cora Wilkenning 475 Fifth Ave.. N. Y. C. Tel. Ashland 5337 WESTERN REPRESENTATIVE Maxine Alton 44 S. Harper Ave.. Los Angele*. Cal. Tel. WH. 8289 WINIFRED DUNN Scenarist Burbank, Calif. WARNER OLAND ERNEST S. COWELL Manager CAREY WILSON Scenarist First National Pictures BILL CODY Releasing Through Pathe Exchange IRVIN WILLAT Directing Universal Specials WILLIAM A. SEITER Directing LAURA LA PLANTE in “Thanks for the Buggy Ride” BYRON HASKIN Directing Warner Pictures LOUISE FAZENDA Warner Bros. Telephone: WH 1710 MARIA CORDA Feature Player First National Pictures MONTAGU LOVE DEMMY LAMSON Manager IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE HOLLYWOOD DIRECTORY December 17. 1927 SOL LESSER ORGANIZES THEATRE BUILDING UNIT COL LESSER, president of the Principal Theatres Corporation of America, and Leo M. Harvey, real estate operator, have organized a new realty ownership and theatre construction organization to be known as the Western States Building Corporation. According to an announcement, plans to purchase properties in cities of 15,000 or more population, and erect new houses therein, have been formulated. Principal Theatres Corporation of America, the recently organized motion picture theatre circuit with headquarters in Los Angeles, will operate these new theatres. Lesser declares that within the next six months he expects at leat fifteen new houses will be erected. Activities of the new building and realty organization are to be centered in the Western States, extending Eastward as far as the Mississippi river. Construction activities on the first fifteen theatres scheduled for erection will probably begin shortly after January L when the names of the cities selected will be officially made public. “Our purpose is to provide Paramount Signs Nancy Carroll and Jack Luden, Paramount featured players, have just signed new long-term contracts with Paramount. smart, modern theatres, costing about $150,000 each for the smaller cities of the country,'’ declared Harvey. "Motion pictures in the larger cities are housed in veritable palaces and it is our plan to carry the same splendor into effect in theatres of less seating capacity.” Lease With M-G-M MetroGold wynMayer officials seem very much impressed by Rex Lease, young juvenile leading man, and it is rumored that a long term contract is being considered. Lease recently finished the juvenile lead with Jim McCoy in one of the latter’s horse operas. He was immediately re-signed for the lead in a newspaper story. In this he plays the part of an aggressive young newspaperman in California luring the eighties. Dorothy Dwan plays opposite Lease. Marion’s Titles George Marion Jr., is to write the titles for “The Legion of the Condemned." Paramount's companion picture to "Wings.” which is now being filmed at Hollywood under the direction of William Wellman, the man who created the war-aviation spectacle. Gary Cooper and Fay Wray are co-featured. Mary Pickford, United Artists’ Star, and “the World’s Sweethear." always, is shown here with her young leading man, Charles ("Buddy”) Rogers, in “My Best Girl,” her current United Artist release, which will serve as the exceptional medium for the opening of the United Artists Theatre in Hollywood next w-eek. “My Best Girl" proved a success in New York City, and in other key points, and the local presentation is keenly awaited.