Moving Picture Weekly (1916)

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46 I UK v BBKL\ 1 IK r v w III I ^ m\n I MfW ant • led that Paul s for an> then Util II) I SI I IIICI I \ W I I K. Blur Inr At are still running Blu< : run on .1 Bluebird irr on that day. that us a trial. any thing Mil \ H \l> 1(1 I I ItlKli. Bluebird Photoplays. Inc. ago. III.: Gentlemen — After having many of vour production*. I know just why it is that "If it's a Bluebird, got to be good " It's because of your • r slogan. 'The Play's the Thing." I've shown practically every feature program on the market. At time* the nuaTity of these programs are wonderful. Then again thev come pretty bad. In other words, they have no consistent quality. On the other hand, I can't remember having shown a single bad Bluebird in the last three months. Picture ire, they are away above the other in quality. In other words Is can be depend ed upon for the quality that br my photopla back. H. . ■ \ SJOl ED IT. Blue Blu. that it i patr !l say e. as our came BLUEBIRD Exhibitor* evcry where praise productions which have made money for them and there it every reason why they should. And if they made money for them, they will do the tame thing for you. JRO? AfL fTW£WWE a k. man. *. l.»Ti. «^<k. PI I ISES HIS I'UliuNv Bluebird Photopla\.«. be Indianapolis. In Gentlemen — I desire to state at this time that we are more than pleased with the Bluebird picture, and it seems to please my patron very much. Thev are getting better all the time. Best wishes. rj truly vou' \ ' KK Mgr. Royal Theatre. Tell City, Ind. ( (iN-l-l ENTI ^ < ' Groesbrck. Texas. Bluer ten your H i| alw; h. P ■ M -,-t •tre. It \|\ < "I I H\ 1 Kl I P Ml KM \W \* I ROM HI I I MORC IVS GID : an tag ■ n"h BOC mng did ii . soon a. you hav< Pasadena aire I WED \l»\ I RTISING. Bluebird Photoplays. Il .lias, Texas: lave no: interest your "Establish a Bluebird Day" advertising, and beg to advise that since your first release, we have not missed one, and by following your advertising policy have made it by far the best day we have. The program, we r. Il excelled h\ and our patrons always :> more like them uly. HEATRI Ball • . KNTITI Kl» in -I < ( I Bluel Inc., I •• i grei Pueb