Moving Picture World (Jan-Jun 1910)

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II" THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD THE SHEPHERDESS. Molly, a pretty Bbi in love with Tony, a corporal in the King's army, hut her parents waul her to ma it young man "i great wealth. Molly, not wishing to hurt her parents' feelings, consents to marry Capelo and then goes i<> saj good bye to Tuny, who is iii camp wiili the d Molly, arriving at tin. camp late al nlgbt, is heard ap proachlng by Tony, whi ruard. Ton; out, "Wlio goes there?" Mollj bearing his voice is just about I" answer, when Tony, thinkini an enemy is approaching, Ores his (.'tin, bitting Molly, who screams and Calls i" the ground, Toi ■ zes her voice and rusl er assistance. in Molly's i"i>g convalescent days that follow, Tony proves liis love and devotion and gains tbe consent of her parents to marry her. INSIDIOUS WEAPONS. -•Insidious Weapons" arc those long and pointed shining pieces <>i steel which 'Madam" uses to hold on ber latest "Chantecler" hat. .Madam starts upon a shopping tour, but is unfortunate enough to board a car filled with men, One of her hatpins, the "Insidious Weapon," protrudes Hum her beautiful bonnet and at every lurch of the car some poor fellow receives tbe point <d' tbe weapon In the eye. At last the men, aroused in Indignation and anger, cause .Madam's arrest. When taken to court, tbe Judge, learning of Madam's extreme carelessness, sentences her to a long term In prison. A MEXICANS WARD. La Bile Carman, a young and beautiful Mexican girl, the ward of Jose Espanno, is about to inherit the fortune left to her by her father. Jose Espanno, knowing this, is anxious t<> have his son Pedro marry her. Pedro, urged on by bis father, proposes to J. a lielle and is refused. Espanno, upon learning of her refusal to marry his son, tells her that she must either marry Pedro or enter the convent. I. a Belle answers thai she will do neither. Espanno and Pedro, growing angry, force her into a carriage and start on their way lo tin* convent. Jim Blake, an American cowboy, passes them mi the road and noticts licit the girl is being held in the carriage against her will. Buspects that the two Mexicans arc up to Some trick, and decides to follow them. i i reaching the convent, I. a Belle is carried in by the two men. Jim. waiting until they have gone, knocks upon the door of the convent; a nun answer ing, Jim asks lo see the young lady who was just i in. The nun refusing to let Jim see her. be now feels positive that she is being held against her will. Learning from a [icon working about the mounds the location of the room in which La Belle is looked, be wails until the night has fallen and then goes bad; to the convent. Throwing a pebble against the window of La Belle's room, be attracts her attention and tells her that he has come to rescue ber. Throwing his lariat ii|> to the window, she catches it, ties it to the bed-post in her room, and slides down the rope into Jim's arms. Taking her upon bis horse, they ride back to La Belle's home, where I hey arrive just ill time to find Espanno and Pedro robbing the sale of all the valuable papera belonging to La Belle. Jim forces them al the point of a revolver to leave tbe house, saving La Belle's fortune and winning her as bis wife. THE BETRAYING MIRROR.— Iloiicnsi.i. the sweet and fascinating daughter Of Col. De Arvile, aged to marry Alfredo Le Punas, a young and handsome navy lieutenant. Shortly after announcing their engagement Alfredo is ordered on a cruise with his ship. A few days later, Jacques l.a Tor;,, who holds a mortgage on tbe Colonel's home, oilers to compromise with the Colonel for I be band of his daughter Ilorlcnsia. Wben tbe Colonel tells Ilortcnsia of bis circumstance, she realizes that he will be ruined and reluctantly consents to sacrifice herself and marry La Tora. After the marriage La Tora takes her to his beautiful home, where bis nephew lias always ruled the house. The nephew becomes angry and vindictive at being displaced by Hortnsia, and be vows to get vengeance upon her. A short time later Alfredo returns and learns to bis sorrow of Ilortcnsia's marriage. doing to see her, be cannot resist the lion and embraces ber. The nephew sees Hortnsia and Alfredo and at once goes to La Tora and tells him that she is untrue. While waiting for Ilortcnsia to return. La Tora sees t lie nephew's reflection in a mirror, as be is putting some poison in a L-hiss of water for him to drink. Realizing Is nephew is a scoundrel and blackguard, he drives him from the bouse, just as Ilortcnsia returns. NESTOR FILMS. THE SILVER LINING.— That Mrs. Stewart felt worried and ill at case 1 lure could be no doubt. Her only son bad married against his father's wishes. The father was inexorable and had abso lately refused to forgive his son for disregarding his wishes in the matter. William Stewart had It an understood fact that his son was lo marry his partner's daughter, and now just from fancy for a pretty face to have his plane so completely blown to pieces was anything but agreeable. The bride's father had also objected, but for a different reason, he feared that bis gentle little daughter would not t„» happy with such swell city folks, till she assured him that her visits to her cousin in the <iiy had prepared her for Just as she was going to. Besides she fell assured that Mrs. Stewart would welcome ber wilb open arms. Mrs. Stewart did receive ber and with many kind and tactful suggestions regarding dress and manner enabled tier lo become very popular in their This, together with her youth and beauty, bad Bomewbal mollified the elder Stewart's resentment lis son's wile, so Wesley Stewart smiled triumphantly as with proud and happy eyes bt beheld her many little victories. It was, therefore, doubly humiliating to havt ber brother Silas spoil everything by bis untimely Visit. Silas could stand tbe separation no longer — be must find out lor himself whether his sister was really as happy as her letters declared. .Mis. Stewart was giving an elaborate dinner iu honor of ber daughter-in-law when Silas was an | no. d, but Kose in ber joy ut tbe unexpected i ii ii her brother, forgui ail save bis presence, and danced and frolicked in great joy, to tbe consternation of the guests. All ol' which, however, would uo doubt have been overlooked bad not Silas forgotten the little restraint placed on him al home and behaved at tbe table as only u very hungry lad can. The guests, led by the haughty and vindictive Mrs. Gilbert, swept from the room, leaving Kose and her untutored brother lo finish their repast undist urbed. Silas' hunger being somewhat appeased, be dis covered that they were alone, and calling tbe more engrossed Hose's attention to this apparent slight, her first Impulse was to return home with bei brother, and after her husband entered and ae. cused Silas of humiliating them, her impulse was hardened into decision. Thoroughly frightened at bis hasty words, and their effect on bis wife's feelings, Wesley diil all in bis power to pacify ber, but without avail. He would, however, have soon overtaken her and brought ber back had he not been thrown from his horse and laid up. She had nol even answered his letter written as 6 i after the accident as he was able, imploring her forgiveness and return. The reason he had received no reply he was 1111 able to guess, for he did not know that bis fathel upon receiving it to post bud carefully opened il and believing he was acting for the best, had cut Hie letter in two and had sent only that portion I hat told Kose that her husband intended leaving the country. Finally recovering sufficient Strength to travel, he determined to see his wife and prevailed upon his father to accompany him, though much against his will, where they found Kose slowly recovering from a severe sickness. I'pon learning of the deception practiced upon ber, she not only forgave ber father-in-law, but insisted upon ber husband being equally magnanimous. Her generosity so touched tbe old man that be insisted on taking Silas back with him, declaring that be should be put through college at his expense. THANHOUSER. ST. ELMO. — St. Elmo, a wealthy young man, is betrothed to bis cousin Agnes. Dick Hammond, St. Elmo's chum, is studying for tbe ministry. Ls soon as be is ordained be is to take charge of a church built for him by St. Elmo. Hammond. however, takes St. Elmo's frienusntp lightly and makes love to Agnes in secret. The affair is discovered by St. Elmo, who, in a rage at Hammond's perfidy, challenge him to a duel. The false friend loses bis life in the ensuing combat. Edna, the granddaughter of the village blacksmith, strays upon the scene of the duel, an uninvited witness. St. Elmo is forced to flee the country. He is pursued by Agnes and tbe sheriff. Edna tells her first lie when she deceives St. Elmo's pursuers as to his direction and leads them completely off the trail. St. Elmo makes good his escape. On the day that Edna witnesses the duel her grandfather dies, leaving her alone in the world. She is adopted by St. Elmo's mother. Five years later the fugutive returns. Edna os him as tbe victor of tbe duel but he does not remember having met her. He discovers that be loves the girl. Edna rejects his suit, declaring that she never would marry a man who had taken a human life. In desperation. St. Elmo attempts suicide, ch as the spot the grave of Dick Hammond, but is swerved from this purpose by Edna, who relents and promises him ber love and Bympathy. St. Elmo decides that life is worth living if but for her sake. THE ACTOPHONE COMPANY. JACK'S RETURN — "Jack's Return" Is a story of life among tl oast folks. Tbe principal characters are. a jolly jack tar who returns home after a three years' cruise, Just in time to prevent his old mother and his only child. Bessie, from being evicted by a cruel and heartless landlord. THE WORF IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING. — A story taken from real life, copied from the records of the police department. Of course, the nan somewhat disguised, but they are none the less line. The story discusses the pit fails into which many an innocent young man has fallen unawares. MANAGERS We can book for you exactly what you want for the money you can afford to pay. Phone, Write or Wire 4468 Bryant Great Eastern Vaudeville Co. 250 WEST 42(1 STREET Lang's Rewinder No. 2 Price, $5.00 Net Lang Manufacturing Co. OLEAN, NEW YORK Sound Effects FOR Moving Pictures No Picture House is complete without our Sound Effects. They make your show realistic, increase your box office receipts 100%, satisfy your patrons. W'rite for our catalogue A. 21% lower than any house in America. M. P. SOUND EFFECT GO. 19th Ward Banh Building 57th St. cor. 3d Ave., New York City Folding and Assembly Chairs JN fit Most popular pi iced chairs on the market for picture show use Prompt Shipments. Write for Catalogue PEABODY SCHOOL FURNITURE CO. NORTH MANCHESTER, . INDIANA FOR SALE -Complete moving picture theater outfit; 500 chairs. Will sell cheap. STATE AMUSEMENT CO., C14 New York" Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE — Moving picture theater in Richmond. Va. Pest market and business location. ISO opera chairs, room for another hundred seats. Elevated floor. Owner wants to leave the city. Unusual opportunity. 7BEAN & CO., 1720 K. Main street. Richmond, Va. FOR SALE— Film released to Feb. 1. $5, $10, $15 per reel: :i.000 ft. Edison Passion Tlay. $50; Dissolving Stcrreoptieon, new. $40; song Bi Model B gas outfit, $2."i; Optlgrapli. (30; Lull Edison, Power's, $00: new $100. FOR RENT— G.000 ft. film. $10: 0,000 ft.. .$12 weekly, one shipment. Will buy Passion Plav, machines, film. H. DAVIS, Watertown, Wis.