Moving Picture World (Jan-Jun 1910)

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.1.98 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD INDEPENDENT RELEASE DATES. Independent Film Stories. actophone company. THE ACTOPHONE COMPANY. Mar. Wttk'l tetMD (DBBitlCj . .■. ......... .1 THE PARSON'S POSTER. Ti„. Parson's Poster" ",' ■ "' T."f '■' Bpe"?l' ' ',',"'"-' ""■■'• ,",' " «■ "'" «""y of ..■. ex-vaudeville actor who became Nl" "■ ""' ''»"""■■■> ''■"■"•■• U*.J «>00 u minister. Dissatisfied with his success In the ... ... r-TTM mlII11„v uilnliterlal Held, be divides to resign lils pastorate ECLAIR FILM COMPANY. .,,„, | ,,..-., r ,,. . .,,, .,,.,,„, A chance meeting With an .Mar. 7 Taming Wild Horses al Bnenoa Aires old name of bis who is on the vaudeville stage. ISceuicJ 850 somewhat changes liis plans, especially after she Mar. ii The ttevenge of Dupont I'Angullle <3o baa proffered her services to Increase tbe attendance Mar. 14— Aspirants to tbe Hand of Helen 465 at bis cborcb. Mar. 21 The Lover's Embarrussmenl (Com.).. 420 — — Mar 21 Honesty. Us own Keward (Dr.) 510 Mar. 2>> Tin. Treasure of i is < 1 n i 090 POWERS CO. Mar. 28 A Tripe to Berne (8cenlc) 300 J0HN HARDY'S INVENTION. John Hardy bas rwT-AT vnHTHFSii rTTM mHP1„v invented a flying machine. It works perfectly in OKtAl MOKlHtKM JrlLM COMPANY. |,|s OWI1 ,,,„„, wl,|, ,„,|v !i1k devoted wife and lllln Feb. IS—Ruined by His Son (Dramatic) self as spectators. Feb. 2tl — The Doctor's Sacrifice (Dr.) _ a party of capitalists assemble in the office of Mar. B — A Pleasant Walk (Comedy j 41." Mr. Mailed;, who buys and sells Inventions. The] Mar. 5 — The Mad Drainpipe (Comedy) 843! witness a trial of Hardy's flying machine model. March, l -A Wedding During tbe French itev The machine tails to By, and the capitalists refuse olution (Dramatic) to back tbe Invention. Poor Hardy returns heart Mar. in The Theft of the Diamonds (Dr.) 564 broken to lib) humble home. His wife tries to \i.n-. 18 a Quiet Honeymoon (Comedy) 209 cbeer bim up. As she embraces blm s hairpin falls from her hair. Hardy picks it up and looks at It. "IMP." Willi a pliers he makes a couple of bends In the Mar 7— Mother Love (Dramatic) 089 hairpin, and his wife, alter trying it. is delighted Mar. 10— Devotion ol Women (Dramatic) 930 "There Is an Invention thai will till a long felt Mar. 14— The Broken Oath (Dramatic) 050 want. Let's patenl It." Hardy makes fun of his Mar 14— The Time Lock Sate (Dramatic) 960 u,"'s enthusiasm and sets to work on his flying Mar. 21— His Sick Friend (Dramatic) 700 machine ..... Mar. 21-Stungl (Comedy) 800 But Mrs Hardy feels sure that she has a good Mar. 24-The Stage Note (Dramatic) TOO thing, and she goes to the office of Malleck to Mar. 24— Stunts on Skates by Edmund Laroy....250 ntewat him in the ha ■ i;i>m. A crowd of hungry Mar 28— Transfusion (Dr.) 900 inventors are also waiting for Malleck, so Mrs. Mar! 31-Hard Cash (Dr.) 900 Hardy writes a note to him asking if he will see her at his home and look at a great invention. LUX FILMS. Malleck replies by mail, telling her to call at his . , /rv . ,„, hotel after five. Mrs. Hardy puts the note into Mar. 9— A Fathers Patriotism (Dr.) 534 a drawer of her sewing machine. She visits Malleck Mar. 9— He Knew Best (Com.) 459 and he agrees to consider the Invention. Mar. 16— The Two Brothers (Dramatic) o^j Three weeks pass. Mrs. Hardv goes out to Mai Mar. 10— Life in the Next Century (Coin.) 29o ]eck's office to sign papers. Hardv works at his Mar. 23— A Family Feud (Dramatic) Uoo invention. He needs a piece of heavy thread, and Mar. 23— How a Bad Tempered Man Was Cured |ie opens the maehine drawer in search of it. He (Comedy) 3.>3 finus jialleck's letter to Mrs. Hardy. Hardy is Mar. 30— A Drama on the Reef (Dr.) 6oi5 erased with jealous rage. Seizing a pistol, he Mar. 30— Cured By a Tip (Com.) S2i rushes out. At the apartments of Malleck be is told by the valet that Malleck is out. "It Is a NESTOR FILMS. lie!" On a table Hardy sees the model of the Feb. 1G-A Daughter's Devotion 520 Pairpin. That proves to him that his wife was ... ;,. ;,/ ij i u, i . ■ s-:\ there. He searches the rooms, and then rushes £e,b' ^rf'V1" Bonebead 4,o franHc.a„v f,.om the ,10te, As ITardy crosses the .. o .!?, If" T .'• " "i >iA street he is struck by an automobile. He is taken t ar £~2 \h . ,C,7 V<R.i °u ,' nils "ome unconscious. The next day he Is able to sit J" ,2~2S %Utl(l BiS HOr" u up. His noble wife is at his side. He raises his J}"r o^-r, e ■? ,L, i? mV i ,, band to push her away. The good woman places Mar. 23-The Tenderfoot (Dr.) B90 jn Hardy,* hand MaIleok.s agreement to pay Hardy ™m vnmr MnTTrtv PTfTltHF C.n $10,000 for his invention of the "Hardy Hold-Fast » u <£ ¥ ,, r M,0T.10 * , PICTY,K^ C0 qqq Hairpin." and enclosing a cheek for that amount. £6b/ ^_^0r,HCrR ££?!■ F°,n,° ,.' ;'„'•;,;,•; 'soo Now Hardy understands. He begs forgiveness of Feb. ao-Dooley Referees the Big Fight (Com. ) .800 ]iim kjss_ Mar. 1— Cowboy and the Schoolmarm (Dr.)....»7S Mar. 4 — The New Partner (Dr.) 775 Mar. 8 — Indian and the Cowgirl (Dr. i 950 THANHDIISPR Mar. 11— The Rose of the Ranch (Dim 970 inftnnuuoLK. Mar. 15— For His Sister's Honor (West.) 978 THE LIAR AND THE THIEF.— Sikes. a gentleMar 18— A Mexican's Ward (Dr.) 985 man of the Raffles order, reads In the paper that Mar' 22— The Man From Texas (Dr.) 975 Mrs. Eldridge, a young society woman, who alleged Mar. 25— Company "D" to the Rescue (West.) that she had been robbed of her jewels, confessed app 1000 that she had in reality pawned them — admitting ttat.a. that the robbery was a prearranged affair in which „ „ '_ _ . she played the leading role and her maid the sup , /By, M" *.! " ,', ,V . r. . porting one. Skies decides to have it appear that Feb. 26— Foolshead at the Ball (Com.)... 614 robbpd herself a s(>con(1 tilne. Disguised Feb. 20— The Dog of the Cheese Monger (Com.). 303 as ft Pier„vman he obtains the Jewels. Naturally. Mar. 5 -Supreme Recognition (Dr.) ... ..9oo everybodv believes Mrs. Eldridge again guilty! And Mar. 9 Foolshead Chlel of Reporters Coin. .000 tl _a clever aetectlve turns up and shows public Mar. 9 The Town Travelers Revenge (Com.) .209 . , mtataken 1>v faBtening the offence on the Mar. 19— The Betraying Mirror (Dr.) 9.,> rLi offender Mar. 26— The Rivalry of the Two Guides (Dr.). 500 roal OIIe,luer Mar. 20— Foolshead Wishes to Marry the Governor's Daughter 500 NEw YORK MOTION PICTURE CO. AMBROSIO. BISON— (By N. Y. M. P. Co.) THE MAN from TEXAS. -Boh Foster and Sam Mar. 2 The Two Mothers (Dr.) G41 Loomis arrive in El Paso, Texas, after a hard day's Mar. 2 The Mysterious Track (C .) 42o rifle, just at dusk. Bill Desmond, a big and burly Mar. 12 -Fatal Imprudence (Dr.) 538 fellow with a bad reputation, comes staggering Mar. 12 They Have Vanished My Wife (Com.). 412 down the street and bumps into Sam. Getting \lar. 16 The Shepherdess (Dr.) 007 angry, Bill hits him. and is just about to hit him Mar. 16 Insidious Weapons (Com.) 402 again, when Bob grabs his arm. saying. "Whj Mar. 23 The Sea's Vengeance I Dr. I 572 don't you hit your own size, you coward!" Bill .Mar. 2.; Military Dirigible 350 pulps his gun. but Bob h:'s the "drop" on him first. telling blm to sneak or there will be trouble. Bill sneaks oh", vowing; vengeance on Bob. The next day they meet on the street. Bill pulls his gun anil fires at Bob. but Rob is too quick for liini and Bill falls dead, shot through the heart. Bob. knowing that he will have to stand trial for Bill's death. tnonnts his horse and dashes away. A few weeks later Bob appears nt the ranch of William Barlow, in California. Barlow, needing a cowboy, employs him. A few days pass by and Bob is beginning to feel at home. One day. while out rounding up the cattle. Barlow discovers that he has forgotten his pipe and tobacco. He sends Bob back to the house for It. Bob reaches tbe bouse just In time to hear Hank Benson insult Sue. the pretty daughter of Barlow. Benson, not knowing that Bob is near. Dies to kiss Sue ■lirainst her will. Bob rushes up and knocks him flown. When he Rets op. Bob orders him off the ranch. From that moment on. "Cupid" starts to get busy. Three months pass by, and everything appears to be "sunshine and PANTOGRAPH CORPORATION. Feb. 12— Ills Untimely Visit 804 peb. IS — The Hobo's Dream of Wealth (Com.). 820 Feb. 25 — Iron Arm's Remorse (Dr.) 980 Mar. 4— The Electric Bath Tub (Com.) 900 Mar. 11— The Mysterious Armor (Com.) 940 POWERS PICTURE PLAYS. Mar. 8— Her Cowboy Lover (Dr.) 930 Mar. 15— War-Time Pals (Dramatic) 905 M„r oo — Toiln Hardv's Invention (Dramatic) ... .985 Mar. 28— The Man Who Waited (Dr.) I"1"1 Apr. 5— The Artless (Dr.) 1000 THANHOUSER COMPANY. Mar. 15 — The Actor's Children (Dramatic) Mnr. 22— St. F.lmo (Dr.) Mar. 29-She's Done It Again (Dr.) 1000 roses," until one day the Sheriff posts s notice leading: "$1,000 reward for Bob Foster, dead or alive; wanted for the murder of Bill Desmond, Kl Paso, Texas." Benson, seeing the notice, tells the Sheriff where Bob can be found. Going to the ranch, they liml Bob and tell him that they have come to arrest him. Bob pulls his gun and a fight takes place, in which all three are wounded. Barlow comes from the house to learn the couBe of the Shooting and Is shown the Sheriff's notice. He says that be does not believe the charge against Bob. Telegraphing to Bl Paso, he receives an answer telling blm thai Bob shot Desmond in selfdefence and is not considered guilty by the court. Barlow then tells Boh that be knew be was ■ square fellow and would like to have him for t son-in-law. Sue. hearing this, says, "He is; we were married last week." COMPANY "D" TO THE RESCUE.— Colonel Cor<Dii ..mi ins pretty daughter Belle are waiting for tbe -'age coach to arrive to lake them across the plains. Just as tbej are about (o start off they are warned that the Indians are hostile and thai should have an escort of cowboys. Two or three volunteer to accompany them. The Indians watch with triumph the approach Of tbe stage coach, and as it comes through the mountains follow after. There is an exchange of shots, but when the open prairie is reached tbe Indians attack the coach and make S prlsoni r Of Belle, the Colonel's daughter. The two surviving cowboys, Jack and Jim, after Overcoming other of tbe Indians, decide that Jim should go for the mounted troops and Jack in pursuit of Belle. When Jim reaches the army headquarters and tells of the happenings, the Captain and his company mount their horses and leave for the scene of action. In the meantime, Jack has reached the Indian village, has overcome the guard, released the girl, mounted on a horse and dashed for freedom, as tbe Indians awake and pursue them. Shown tbe evidence of tbe Indian outbreak, the soldiers need no further encouragement to do away with the Indians. By the aid of his field glass tbe Captain locates Jack and the girl, closely followed by the Indians. Jack, wounded, falls from his horse, and Belle dismounts to aid him. At this crucial moment, when the Indians' victory seems almost complete, Company "D" dashes to the rescue. While the soldiers give chase to the Indians, Belle is tenderly caring for Jack's wounds. AMBROSIO— THE SEA'S VENGEANCE.— Lola, a beautiful Italian girl, hears that her chum. Santa, Is going to marry Cici, a young fisherman. Enraged with jealousy, she vows that she will win his heart. One day as Clci passes Lola's home she bestows upon him s captivating smile. He is enraptured by her beauty and soon forsakes his old sweetheart. A short time later Santa meets Lola and Cici on the beach and tearfully begs her lover to return to her. Cici. annoyed by her pleadings, strikes her to the ground. He then bids farewell to Lola and departs on his fishing boat. Santa arises, this time not with tears in her eyes, but with a logk of hatred upon her face. She raises her hands and puts a curse upon Cici. That night, as if in answer to her call of vengeance, a hurricane arises and the waves, rolling and pitching, dash Clci's boat against the rocks and all on board are lost. The next morning. Lola, waiting and watching for Cici's return, finds his body ss It is washed ashore: and thus she learns that the sea has brought about the punishment for Cici's desertion of his first love. ITALA— FOOLSHEAD WISHES TO MARRY THE GOVERNOR'S DAUGHTER.— Foolshead Is employed in a shop. He thinks more of making eyes at the master's daughter than of serving the customers, and between serving one and another he finds time to kiss her more or less secretly. The neglected customers complain, and so the gigantic master takes the diminutive Foolshead and throws him out of the shop. Rolling between the legs of a passerbv. he passes through the window of the underground goods deposit and falls plump in the midst of boxes and parcels. After much difficulty, he succeeds in returing to the shop and wishes to recommence his love adventure. He is discovered and again begins tbe usual flight, full of accidents, which ends in a grand master stroke by Foolshead. Followed by n crowd of people, he places a large wardrobe in their way. and when they fall inside he quickly locks them in. lie then sits triumphantly on the top with his sweetheart. The father, who Is locked in the wardrobe. Is obliged to consent to the wedding if he wishes to be set free from his inconvenient prison. THE RIVALRY OF THE TWO GUIDES.— The old guide had for a long time held sway in his little village, and all the tourists who passed through It vied with each other to be conducted by him. But now all is changed, for he is no longer so surefooted and has a competitor in a villager who is young and who is preferred by all. The old guide hates his rival. The latter, however, doo* not reciprocate this feeling, and on the contrary wishes to be friendly, because he is in love with the daughter of the old man: but it Is all In vain. The hatred of the old guide is rekindled by recent preferences and he decides to take revenge. He cuts a little footbridge., over which the young guide must pass, and waits. Here a terrible co incidence; instead of the young man, the old guide-! wife passes over the bridge first and falls heavily