Moving Picture World (Jan-Jun 1910)

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THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD 621 King, ntul though tlio former was audacloun enough, Mary decides upon Ned, \\h.i shows Belden Unit his presence li undealred In the garden. As Belden be mecti ills old swetbeert, Annie, whom he spurn*, leaving hot il ■ Ned cues to ieek ortune In in oil troll and after much tabor Is overjoyed to have "si ruck oil." lie Is congratulated by hla associate*. Belden. with an unacrnpalooa lawyer, Beragga, coneocti • acheme to Ned's disfavor Annie, however, overhear* their plotting and bldei iier time. After Ned leave* the real estate otllee In UfSsMMlOII of hll Belden gets another paper from Beragga and leemi well satisfied. Became of his good fortune, Ned elves Mary an engagement ring and they are elated over their prosperity. When Ned returns to work at his well, the sheriff allows him a paper wlileh shocks him and Mary as well. Belden stands by and triumphantly laughs at their plight, Ned Is distracted and all Mary's sympathy avails little. At this time Annie tells Mary of the duplicity and el her help. At an Interview between Belden and Beragga, Annie succeeds In being an unseen third and becoming possessor of the valuable document. Taking it to Mary nnd Ned. Bhc Is delighted at their Joy and is Anally satisfied by seeing Itelden arrested and Ned again Installed at the well. ITALA— THE THREE BROTHERS.— Cretlnettl and his two brothers are naturally lazy nnd the servant experiences great difficulty In waking them. Instead of getting up as all good children do. they simply Ignore the morning call and turn from one side to the other and continue their slumber tint 1 1 such time as their mother brings water for tbelr morning toilet. Here's where the fun begins, of which the eldest brother Is generally the victim. incitement in general prevails until the father of the boys takes a hand and marches them off to school. Not enthused over the Idea of going to school, the three little vagabonds go along the way nnd do all the damage they possibly can. One nfternoon they manage to steal the medal of good behavior and tnke It home. Their parents, proud of them, give them many gifts for the attention nt school. AMBBOSIO— THE LEGEND OF THE CROSS. A Lord once sought n beautiful but humble girl. who. to earn her living, led a few sheep to pasture. Stelllnn paid no nttentlon to the Lord's attentions and ho determined to win out. so one day he borrowed n monk's coat and went to Stelllnn's door. She. unsuspectingly, opened it and greeted the monk. When she saw the deception she ran to the edge of a bluff and decided that it would be best to end her troubles. The cross, erected in her memory, is ever strewn with flowers. FRICOT IN COLLEGE.— rarents. who decided their boy needed strict discipline, sent Fricot to college, riere. however, he has large scope for his tricks and leads the different board members a terrible life. Nothing but the very severest thrashing avails, nnd that only for n short time. He rnlses the pupils to mutiny nnd In desperntlon the princlpnl puts him In n trunk nnd sends him back to his parents, freight prepnld, telling them be could do nothing with their boy. LUX FILMS. THE ARTIST'S CHILD.— .Tncques. the son of a wealthy merchant, is a painter of promise: his father, however, looks upon his aspirations with disfavor. Praise by some friends of one of the yonng man's paintings leads to a quarrel between him nnd his father, and he goes away to mnke his own wny In the world. Years pass, but success does not come to the artist, his wife dies, his child Is starving, and one day falls exhausted In the street. A lndy takes the child home nnd finds the father to be her son. whom she has been trying to trace ever since his hasty departure from home. A reconciliation Is soon brought about, and the fnther welcomes his .son and grnndchlld home. A YOUNG AVIATOR'S DREAM.— A young boy. having spent the day at an exhibition of flying machines, comes home very enthusiastic over airships. He sits down at his desk thinking of what he has seen and finally falls asleep. While slumbering, we see him mnke a flying machine out of all the pieces of furniture about him. and sail high In the skies, over housetops nnd church steeples, seemingly everything going smoothly. Next we see him crossing above the houses and later fall to the street. Simultaneously, his head slipping from his desk, he awakes and sees In reality It Is but a dream. THANHOUSER. HER BATTLE FOR EXISTENCE.— Susan Dale has been brought up In luxury. She has two suitors. Will Emory and Jim Brlggs. She chooses Will, and at the opening of the picture Informs Jim of her choice. But a change comes to the fortunes of Susan's father: an unlucky speculation claims his wealth nnd his life. When Will discovers thnt his fiancee Is penniless his love cools: he hrenks the engagement nnd goes to Europe to avoid the girl. Susan, friendless, starts out to earn her own living. She applies for a Job In n lawyer's ulti. c. but leaven when tin man In-ults her. She secures 11 place In a department ■tore, but is discharged because, tatlgusd after mi 11 day at the counter, she took a scat while on duty. She applies for work at a factory, but is rejected, owing to lack or experience, finally, in deaperatJon, aha taUi-s a placa as maid in tha 1 ■ ol Mi •■' ' 1 here Burg, the offeoalv* lawyer, meeti her, and in a Hpirit of revenge, flebet as u thief. The mistreat discharge! her and Siis.iii il.-cl.h s I d her life. Fortunately foi Jim Brlggs. the rejected suitor, on tha street »i"i laughingly tells him bow ho brought about charge. Jim knocks tha WTetCb down and rushes to Mrs. Qray'i residence. He arrives in time to dissuade Susan from her purpose, and all ends happily to 1 of (redding chimes. INDEPENDENT FILMS. Motion Pictures of JAMES J. JEFFRIES Stanley Kotchel Tom Sharkey Kid Herman Gunner Moir Young; Corbett Kid Sharkey JACK JOHNSON Billy Papke Tommy Burns Joe Gans Joe Palmer Terry McGovern Young Dority FRANK GOTCH GEO. HACKENSCHMIDT IN THEIR CHAMPIONSHIP CONTESTS Write for low rental terms The CHICAGO FIGHT PICTURE CO. 81 CLARK STREET CHICAGO, ILL UNIFORM your ATTENDANTS with Singer Uniforms They make your Theatre more attractive — Costs less than you think and Pays big — Chicago's Leading Theatres use our Uniforms exclusively— MADE TO ORDER ONLY Writefor Samplesand Fashions of Latest Style of Uniforms and Caps for Moving Picture Theatres. A. L. SINGER CO. CO. 171 E. Adams Street, Chicago, U. S. A UNIFORMS AND CAPS ^ FOR ' 1 » 1 1 1 * 1 Moving Picture Hf Theatres V ! W SI ' \ — i Catalogues, Samples and Prices for the I \ Asking James H. Hirsch & Go. Jackson Boulevard CHICAGO, III. •* c B •111 Miir. I..111 \i u Mnr. Mnr. liar. Apr. Apr. A 1 1 1 Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr, Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. .• following IIIiiih 1 1 it v •• l,iin r. Iiuhi.I, pn li -1, l.y tlio Dinpln rilm Company. LOO teCDtD street. . .\cvv Vi.rk: i End i.f 1 1 . « 1 11.11 (Actopb :u— A in.iinii on the Beef (Lax) , , ;:i Cared by • Tip (Lax) 820 .1 Bard Cain 1 Imp) 1 sndre* Chenler (Roma) Tin in Tim* (Blaon) 1 Bervanl Mini the Tutor (Itala) •j Madam* Bant Sana i'.r. Northern).... 1000 Miser'* Daughter 1 Imp) '■ r il.. lull ..r the Bagl* 1 Bclali 4 — The Theater of Phenomenon* (Bclali :. Boaumce of ■ Snake Channel r> — Daddy's Doable (Thanhoaaer) r> — The Actress ( Power*) 982 0— The Bnake Han d.ux) 8T2 e Bieo tha Jester (Lux) 8 \n unpleasant Dream (Atnbroalo). 6 My 1. iff Remembrance* of a Dog (Ambroaio) 8 Frontier Days In the Par "Test (Nesto <; — The Partner* (Actophone) 1000 7 UN second Wife (Imp) 091 Roosevelt al Messins 1 imbi oslo 1 KM v B ... 1 Reception (Lester) .">«<i 1 wine's Loyalty (Bison) lOOn s— Cotno to Supper with Me (Cine*) 802 S— Motherless Waif (Clues) Dls 0— At the iTarm (itaia) t::o 0 — A Valuable Hat (Italai 2r,n • V New Burglar Alarm (C,t. North.) 492 B Hustling Mr. Brown (Gt. North.).. Culdes — Foolshoad the Governor'* Films released by the Eagle Film Exchange, 140 North Eighth street, Philadelphia, Pa.: Mar. 24 — Stupe Note (Imp). Mnr. '_>4 — The Tenderfoot. • Mar. 20— Sleeping Pills. Mar. 2'! — Innkeeper's Daughter. Mar. 20 — Bridegroom's Disguise. Mar. 2S — Transfusion (Imp). Mar. 2S— The Rivalry of Two Wishes to Marry Daughter. Mar. 2.1— Winter Romance at Niagara I-\ills (Acto phone). Mar. 20— A Treasure of Mills (Eelalr). Mar. 26 — A Trip to Berne. Mar. 28— Tningfu (Great Northern Film Co.). Mar. ?R— End of Trail. Mar. 28 Dncle's Will. Mar. 28 Nannla (Ambroslo). Mar. 28 In (Thanh". Mar. 30 — Inventive Tronser. IWOrthy Flnnee (Ami.. Mar. 30— Sudden Telephone Call. Mar. 31— Hard Cash (Imp). Mar. .".1 -Heir of Clavencoiirt Casth-. Mar. :;i 'Bobber'* Rose. Mar. .'II — Rohher's Ruse. 1 —Yellow Devil. Mnr. 31 — Cowboy Preaeher ( Nestor 1. Apr. 1 \ Race for Inheritance. Apr. 1 — Pa. Mn and Baby. Apr. 2— Cured by a Tip (Lux). Apr. 2 — Drama on a Reef. Apr. 2— A Shot In Time (Bison). Apr. 2 — Servant and Tutor. Apr. "2 — linxing Fever. Apr. 2 — The Heroine of Chanre (I Apr. 2 — The Lemon Sisters (Cai Apr. 4 — Miser's Daughter (Imp). Apr. 4 — Adventures of Princess LovelOi No. 1 10 A 35c Postage Paid Send for Catalog of Announcement and Ad slides The Neosho Slide Company 100 S. Wood St., Neosho, Mo.