Moving Picture World (Oct-Dec 1912)

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I 'HE Ml IVING PICTURE WORLD Beading, Pa., Ii in bave a dm theater irblcb win be erected on Front «tn'i'i between Oreen and Oraenwleb streets al ■ coal of f£,T00. Romaina Fielding, director for the Lnbln stock Company now stationed al Praaeott, Arl/. . bl contly i a appointed ■ depot; sheriff al thai town nil poaltion «iii it i >• < • it i in greater advantages to aaenra nim* of thrilling ontlaa life thai Ihe com pany la nou working on. The Heed Bnlldlng, on nibert Street, which had been the m >■ tut feature mm exchangee fur tin past few moil t lis. is now devoid of this line of business. The dtj Bra marshal and Inanrance men pot up each a kick that it »a. necessary for the superintendent of the building to ask ail the feature men to pirns. vacate. Theae concerna, The mil Feature Co . the International Feature Oo., the Moyi r Feature Oo., the Pioneer Feature Oo., the Warner Feature Oo. and the Globe Feature Oo., are nil now in now quartera at i-'ii'_' Unci' Street. The building where they are now located contains nothing imt feature men, None of the it.'i moving picture establish nt throughout the eltj is rloiatlng the law by permitting the exits to be obstructed, according to a reporl tubmltted to Director Porter by Fire Marsimi Latttmer at a general Inspection made bj himself and ills stnir of aaalstanta recently. The ins| tion waa under the personal supervision of Director Porter, and In a number of caaea the * 1 1 rector made the Inapectlona himself, especially In Wee! Philadelphia, and from every standpoint it was found thai the local theaters were In the besl "i condition. Arthur ll.wnnn. of the OalehuS Suppl.i Oo., Ims just Bnlahed a verj successful trip throughout the Btati and came back with a number of orders. Reading seems to have a number of vacancies for moving picture bouses, one called the Subway, which win be located at Ohureh and Spring Streets, which »ill be opened before the holidays; the Star, located at UM South Penn Street, has just opened its to the public, and Is doing a rushing busi Mi, i according to B people in thai Bectlon there still is room for others. Several vlng picture corporations of Phlladel have bad suits brought against them by District Attorney Swartley for having failed to place In the bands of the Internal revenue collei tor a full statement of business done for the year 1911 on which to base the special .-vis,, tax. The time for filing these accounts expired In March, and under the ad those falling to make returns are liable to ■ maximum penalty of 110,000 in each case. CLEMENT II. CONGDON. GRAND RAPIDS. / J HAND BAPIDS is rapidly developing aa regards Bubnrban motion picture houses. The latest thester to open is the Vaudette Theater managed and owned by Mr. B. .T. Hill, with a ca paclty ol 150. Service Is secured through the AntiTrust Film Co., Grand Kaplds, Mich., branch. Another ontlylng theater is the Pastime, capacity 800, operated by Mr. t. a. Giles. The Pastime is said to be one of the beat arranged In the State complying more strictly to ventilation and requirements than the majority. The scats are upholstered ami the house is extremely. CO Mr. Davis has completed the decorating of the Lyric ami it looks very rich. The tlrst film shown after the work was completed was "The Massacre <>r the Santa Fe Trail," which showed to large houses, afternoon and night Rig features are a strong specialty with Manager Davis. The Orphean is making a decided hit under tbi new in cent policy, four good vaudeville acts a good orchestra and 3,000 let of tilin make a bill worth while. ils llros.. Inc., owners and managers of the Apollo and Snperba Theaters are contemplating the installation of a modern electric lighting plant independent of the city power. They figure on supplying power for several stores in the vicinity of the rs as ueii as for their theaters. The Snperba when completed in Its new form will he one of the best lighted and decorated for its size in the State. Work is progressing nicely. It will he necessary to close the Snperba for at least thirty days while re-modeling is going on. Mr r I. Canine, the hustling manager of the Anti-Tmst Film Company branch in (Jrand Rapids says the company has secured the State rights for Illinois. Indiana, and Wisconsin, for the Sarah Bernhardt pictures and is figuring on two other States The Grand RapldS branch covers a circuit of West Michigan theaters located at Muskegon, and other good towns as well as a general service covering the entire western half of the state. Business la reported as being in splendid shape and Mr. Canine Is most enthusiastic as regards the local field in opportunities for suburban and outlvinir theaters The General Film Exchange branch at Detroit, Mich., is under the effective management of GUllngham & Smith, and supplies the United Theaters of Grand Rapids, which are controlled hv (Jlllingham & Smith. Both of these gentlemen ' are compelled to be on the road much of the time, though Mr. Oillingham devotes most of his time to Detroit, while Mr. Smith takes care of the western Michigan end of the business. Mr. (;illingham states that he is optimistic as concerns the outlook for winter business and that conditions are fine all over the extensive territory covered. Mr. A. J. (iiiiinghiiui has i. .en in Grand Baptda, for several dayi looking after his interests among the United Theatres, which compose the II houses, and nls,, in connection With affair nt the Columbia and Orpheum theatres. The ties sun bookings nt the iiipi ware rerj Mr Paul Clayton, who is favored with ■ moat excellent baritone Voice, has stall.-. I at the "Otlg lllill." Mrs. and Mr Bchledt, Who form us in tie "Original" have gone to tba Monroe, a era Ibej are making tba aa hit thej did it the "Original." The Columbia, of which Mr. Frank O'Donnell i tbe manager, has bad a change of treasurers. Mr l. Gallup resigning to go to Jackson, alien, The former treasurer, under the Tampla ha assumed charge ills man] friends ara glad to ■ee Mr. Fred Harpater again al hi old stand. kin Popelwhalte i singing al the Idle Hour in place "f Mr. Deveaux who baa g to Chicago No" Callle tick.-t isiM-s grace ii ntranca of the "Original," "Ideal" and "Idle Hour" theaters, having Inst i n Installed, Boy V7. icevins orchestra, enlarged, is furnishing the music at the Columbia this year, repeating the favorable impression made all lost season al the Orpheum. General Manager Breen of the United Theatres Company -ai. he intends to present every feature on the Licensed release schedules as soon aa II la possible to do so. He baa always given the new stun" at an early date and this i. a salient reason for tin ua.i the pictures fill tin bouses under his supervision. The Snperba Theater closed October -'. and will be dark for some thirty dais while the rebuilding Is under way. Work will be pushed as rapldl] as possible. The sdig Feature "Count ..r Monte Crlsto," was run for l«o days at the Idle Hour. Usually mill one day Is given to any feature, bu1 this film was n big winner and went strong both dais al double admission price. Mr. Fred Ni.-holls, of the Apollo, was ill with the grippe last week, but is now able to I,. back on duty. HUGH KING IIAUItls. IN THE NORTHWEST. \['SS IRENE GORDON, Who for the last year i^J has operated a moving picture show in r, Washington, has reopened the Lola Theater in Grand View, Which has been dark for sj\ llths •\ loin. -nt has been started at Bemldjl, Minnesota, to have moving pictures censored by a local committee, following a suggestion by Governor Bberbardt, Thomas .1. Burke of the Commercial Club, plans to have the city council appoint a composed of the city superintendent of schools, an alderman and a private citizen. The Kssanay Company took pictures nt Minneapolis iliiritiir "Made in Minneapolis" week. The State University grounds, the three newspaper offices, state and city officials, fire department, department large factories and the parks and boulevards were included, a copy of the film is being use. I bj the Minneapolis civic and Commerce Association tor aidbig its convent i. .n bureau. The city council of Moorhead, Minnesota, has passed an ordinance providing a license f f $25 a year for moving picture shows. Jacob Moelk of StOUghton, Wisconsin, has purchased the Brickson property on Main Street in that city, and will remove his Lyric Theater into it. Moving picture theaters of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, co-operated with the Milwaukee Visiting Nurse Association In its biennial tag day. 0 12. The slogan "Do Your Share" was shown in all the theaters. Films were also given showing the uplifting work of a visiting nurse. Walter fJifTord Smith, chairman of the Hawaiian promotion committee of Honolulu Chamber of Com merce, has been doing successful promotion work In the northwest with 3.000 feet of pictures. They were shown to the members of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce and were given as a paid Sun. la Ing lecture at the First Unitarian church In that city. President C. R. Van Hise of the University of Wisconsin, at Madison, Is said to have spoiled a plan for taking pictures of a freshman sophomore clnss rush which ended In a lake ducking stunt. F. II. MADISON. Friday night pictures nt I hi itlonal i nun h in Appelton, \\ I . nud educational, while those which form a port of the Siindni night services will be r. i . The i tin Texas rarlotu pusses of ...i lege life at Southwestern I ni.-r-ii setown, I .-mi f..r Dai id ii Ill i, pi town plctun hi. k opera hoi -, baa iii Ballard of ami.-,,, i-. i m Carter, James Heard ,:-.-• i , . | will !.■■ managed bj Bonner and Tyr \ -t... k company ha. been formed m Baa villa, arltb i i Dougherty m president, to manage II e lie" opera l,< I ii M IDISOM WASHINGTON, D. C. \ f wv.i.i: s.ii BB, of the 1 not -xl rhased ii.. propert] adjoining ter and Intends to enlarge II. sting enjoys a good business; pan ..f mi success u due I,, the excellent music furnished with tin pi. ihe bouse i well ventilated, projection ret at nil times i r I . . Indirect lighting system i Tom Moor. has taken charge of the old In , a vaudeville bouse, changing it name to nden, ami nos siio.i i ,,nii pictures The "Leader," i ring picture boose under tie aide management ..r Miller I excellent business f be bouse i ami indirect lighting system used The pr. and music are perfect, iii. Virginia baa a front mad. entlrelj of m Mr. Alvlne'a activities are verj much in evldenci bulging by the amount of bush this bo doing. The Mari land I always pi nces Under the able management of Mr. John Dea ter this I so I fa-t I,.-, Ing tOO -mail 1. late Its patron-. \|r Dexter Intend I.. ■ it bi converting a building on Q street into ter. using the pre. -nt Maryland a. an entrai Ninth Street, forming a complete I. Mr. Mayer, tin mw manager ol I Film Company, report, excellent business. He slwsys L'r.-ets ion with a pbasalit smile. The company o • -uides an entire tlier mi tin corner of Seventh and i; sireets Northwest Mr. Mink, of the Mutual, rcorts l.ii-ln. and on the increase II. i. alii.-iys then with the ■glad hand." doing everything in iiis power to please. Excavation is well underhand for the erection ..f a new moving picture theater at the corner of North Capitol and II Streets NoTtl The M it Vernon, on Ninth Street, near New York Avenne, after having i n closed for a year. has re-opened under the management of Mr man, who reports business very go,..! II. A JOHNSON IN THE SOUTHWEST. p OMMISSIONEB FRED BARTLBTT, of Dallas. ^-' Texas, recently assigned two plain clothes oil eera to Inspect the various moving picture shows in order to protect women from "masherMoving pictures were recently made of convicts nt work in the shops and on the farms at the T,\as stat. Penitentiary at lluntsville. They will be preserved on the prison records and exhibited On special occasions. The Rex Theater, of Nowata, Okla.. has been ineor|Mirated with a capital stock of $2,100. The Incorporators are A. A. Shllkett, Metta Shllkett and George R. Schwabe, all of Nowata. Licensed pictures are being shown at the Majestic Theater at Madison. Wis., which has been converted into a moving picture show by Sherwood and McWIIliams. OREGON. AjTANAGEB M. il. WIN8TOCK of r I -» ^ Amusement Co., has returned fi a trip to Pendleton, "here be has picked on) two locations "here tin company intends to put up photoplay house. While at IVndlotnn. Mr. Willstock made special preparation. f,,r the Round-Up pictures, of whlcb I. mm feet "ill I.. shown through out the country, tins being s,,|.| only on tl,. tights plan. Mr. Win. to, k also visited Walla Walla, Wash . Colfax and Spokane. Wash., Inspecting lb. company's theaters | s. .1. Nelson i. tin ueu manager of tt< I er in Portland, while Arthur Blwell baa made manager "t the Sunnyslde Thester. The throe suburban theaters of the Peo] mint Co., the Sunnyslde, Crystal and Tiv.di. are thrown open each Sunday morning to various sun • lay School and Church .,,,-i, tie. to i t therein. This has met with suc'i LT.-at SUCesS that the sill urban theaters of the company has had to dalsociety and church to meet on a different Sunday, thereby giving each a chSnCC tO hold it. .essioii" iii these beautiful theaters. "Custer's Last -111:111." tin American master piece, has be.-n hooked for tie Star Theater. Port land, and will be shown at a private exhibition 10 the Dress Club. A decision win be readied at tin next Board of directors n ting of the Peoples' Omiiaeiiienl 1 •• . Whlcb lakes place next 111. .nth. " llether or not the alterations planned for tie Star Theater, Portland, will be made or not II onteinplated alterations mil coal approximately (25.000 1 unique front, which "ill represent a large sh.'i. it having several entrances and cryataltsed walls. The manager of the star neater of Medford, was a visitor in Portland last week, A Berg, manager of the Star Theater. A was granted a leave of absence by tin r Amusement Co., for tin. months. Mr. Berg win visit his parents in England, and will re. nine his duties as manager again upon his return Al. t'llff of San Francis ... will manage the house during his absence I V WEINBAI M ST. LOUIS. BURTON HOLMES and his motion picture travelogues opened at the odeon. Tbursdsy. Or. toher 10th. Farther India, South America and the Panama Canal were some of the new subjects