Moving Picture World (Jul-Sep 1911)

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156 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD DOWN BY THE SHADY BROOK AS PRODUCED BY THE FAMOUS BIO CARBON MAKES THE HOUSE COOL BY THE REALISTIC PRODUCTION-YOU CAN FAIRLY HEAR THE WATER SPLASHING AGAINST THE ROCKS THEY BRING OUT THE DETAIL THROUGH ALL EXCHANGES 39 CORTLANDT ST. pUADT TTC T "L^ T 1?\X7T?T> TP nf\ 19 SUTTER ST. NEW YORK CITY V_jOrllVl^ILO JLv. JY 1 JL V V 1L IV 1 K^VJ . SAN FRANCISCO C CAL. get lux THE WORLD'S BEST—BAR NONE GET LUX INDEPENDENT EXHIBITORS: Pleased with Lux Films EVERY FRIDAY P; jerfect W\opular w^^n'—a.*.!*. J^leastirable holography JT icturesque We want you to get the World's best every week. LUX FILMS Released, July 21, 1911. One Good Turn Deserves Another Plucky Bill DRAMA— 521 Feet COMEDY— 439 Feet A most interesting comedy-dr.ama, cleverly played, which will amuse your audience and at the same time secure their interest in the plot. " BILL'S" comedy this week is an exceedingly clever piece of work, which you SHOULD NOT FAIL TO SEE AND OET. If you are not getting Lux Releases every week, tell us why See Other Pages for Synopses and Past Releases R. PRIEUR lO East 15tK Street 'Phone, 3427 stuyvesam New YorR City Sold only through the Motion Picture Distributing and Sales Company 10 REASONS WHY You Should Purify the Air in Your Theatres. 1. It will insure the health of your patrons. 2. It will reduce the germ laden air to a minimum. 3. It will disinfect the air. 4. It will deodorize the air. 5. It will give you the healing breezes of California or Maine within your doors. 6. Because Physicians are unanimous in their endorsements of it. 7. Because its beneficial effects will be recognized by your patrons. 8. Because the performers will do better on account of its healing effects on the throat and lungs. 9. Because the people will return to your place. 10. Because all around it is the best investment you can make. Our Specialty 184-186 W. LAKE ST. Price Complete with Fluid, $5.00 PURE AIR APPLIANCE CO. N. E. Cor. 5th Ave. Phone Franklin 218T CHICAGO