Moving Picture World (Jul-Sep 1911)

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164 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD If you are in the Market for SECOND HAND FILMS Write to the largest and most reliable Dealers and Importers of these goods in the U. S. International Film Traders Incorporated 5 West Mtb Street, NEW YORK CITY Perfumed Disinfectants fr^If in the market ask us for prices, etc. We have everything you want and our goods absolutely without equal. U. S. DISINFECTANT CO. 236-238 Skill, nan St., Brooklyn, N. Y ■McKENNA BRASS KICK PLATES STAIR TREADS. DOOR SILLS McKenna Bros. Brass Co. PITTSBURGH, PA. FILMS FOR RENT New Films High Glass Service The Pioneer House, With 8 Years' Experlenoe and S260.000.00 ■aok Of It Writ* To-da* for Tmmi EUGENE CLINE 21 9 S. Dearborn St., Ohlaaga Moving Picture Machines Sold on the Installment Plan WRITE AT ONCE FOR PARTICULARS Remember that OUR FEATURE FILMS will DOUBLE your BOX OFFICE RECEIPTS, Send for list right now. Don't Delay. Chicago CHICAGO FILM EXCHANGE omaha Fresh Air is Worth Money!! Hot Weather is Coming Preoare for it Now Ventilate and; cool your|| theatre, with Garden Gitv Ventilating Fan INEXPENSIVE EFFICIENT NOISELESS DURABLE Furnishes constantly a supply of fresh pure air, exhausts the foul air. Advertise the fact and your Box Office receipts will show it. Draws the Crowds and keeps them coming KEEPS THEM COOL Built in all sizes for any voltage electric current, also for belt drive. BULLETIN 31 YOURS FOR THE ASKING GARDEN CITY FAN CO. • Manufacturers McCormick Bldg., Chicago, III ESTABLISHED 1879 KEEP YOUR DRUM HEADS DRY The very nature of drum heads causes them to absorb moisture readily, and when the heads become damp it is an absolute certainty that your drum will lose its brilliancy. Our latest invention, the Electric Drum Heater, entirely overcomes this difficulty, for by its use you can keep your drum brilliant and snappy regardless of the weather. This device can be attached to any drum and the connecting plug will fit any ordinary no-volt incandescent lamp socket. It gives no light; never burns out; may be turned on and off at will, or if desired, entirely removed in a few seconds time. Entire outfit, including the Heater proper, two connecting plugs, and six feet of cord, weighs eight ounces — the Heater but two. It is practically indestructible and can easily be carried in your drum case. Be sure and say whether you wish it for Snare Drum, Bass Drum, or Tympani, as each instrument requires a different strength. Try one— your money back il you are not entirely satisfied Price Complete, $3.50 Postage 1 5c. LEEDY MANUFACTURING CO. 1055 E. Palmer St. Indianapolis, Ind.