Moving Picture World (Jul-Sep 1911)

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THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD 401 NOW RFAHY Bound Volume No. 8 llVy TV l\LirVL' 1 JANUARY TO JUNE, 1911 MOVING PICTURE WORLD Price, Two Dollars EACH Postage or Express Charges EXTRA Supply Limited Order Now MOVING PICTURE WORLD 125 East 23rd Street : : : New York City IMPROVE YOUR PICTURES Express your old machine to us for a good job. Improved, Star, Cam, Arbor, and Sprocket, Installed $12.00 LATEST TESTIMONIALS Lavezzi Machine Works, Chicago, 111. Dear Sirs: Machine came back in good shape, and I want to thank you for getting it back to me so quick. The machine is in perfect shape and projects a much brighter and clearer picture than it ever did. I am a machinist myself by trade and I can tell good work when I see it. The machine runs 50% easier than it did and is very quiet. It is worth a great deal more than I paid to have the machine run as it does. The Star and cam are certainly all you claim for them and I can readily see why they will outwear any ordinary star and cam. Yours truly, C. L. Hoover, Gem Theater, Audubon, Iowa. June s, 191 1. Mr. E. W Lavezzi, Chicago, III. Dear Sir: Yours of May 31, saying you have had another inquiry about deal with Mr. Stevens at hand. In regard to your cam will say it does not interfere with gate at all, no matter where the machine is framed, and it works smooth and almost noiseless, and the picture it puts on the screen is a joy to see, clear, steady, and as a visiting picture show owner said a few nights ago, "It is the best picture I ever saw in my life anywhere." And that is about what we think too. Have seen pictures in some of the finest houses in this country but I have yet to see one that will beat ours since you put your repairs on our machine. Those sprockets repaired are fine. I have recommended you to several since securing machine. Also showed sample sprocket and explained saving on having sprockets repaired. Wishing you every success, I am respectfully yours, R. A. Meek, Box 34, Silver City, New Mexico. With The Tournament Film Co. May 26, 191 1. Lavezzi Machine Works, Chicago, 111. Dear Sirs: I received your improved star, cam and intermittent sprocket all O. K. and installed same in machine and would be willing to stake $10.00 that I am projecting the steadiest picture and have the quietest running machine in this city. Yours respectfully, Morton E. Bundy, 441 Rembroke St., Bridgeport, Conn. LAVEZZI MACHINE WORKS 2940 Herndon St., Chicago New ! Novel ! Mystifying ! SOUVENIRS ! Created just for Moving Picture Theatres. Has your imprint on it. Causes your patrons to wonder and show their friends, giving you the desired publioity you want. $25.00 per 1000. Samples and Particulars 20 cents LAUTERBACH & COMPANY J/l wBrYao rE ELIES WESTERN PICTURES August 10th HIS TERRIBLE LESSON Scene from HIS TERRIBLE LESSON A young man goes on a drinking escapade, during which a murder is committed and the bloody knife placed in his hand by the real murderer. He flees the country, and upon his return to visit his sister, is saved from the rope only by the rarest of incidents — a dying man's revelation of the truth. It was the boy's terrible, but lasting lesson. Length 1000 ft. August 17th ON ONE REEL The Local Bully Two Fools and Their Follies Two Comedies of Western Life. Length together 1000 ft. A set of seven photos of our leading players $1.00. One sheet poster of the "Star" Films Stock Company 20 cents. G. MELIES 204 E. 38th St. , New York Western Representative JOHN B. ROCK, 109 Randolph St.. Chicago, III. *