Moving Picture World (Jul-Sep 1911)

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402 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD REX HAS COLUMBUSED a new trait in the American Indian — and puts the discovery in a picture that's a treat. "A White Redman" Released Thursday, August 10th IS a new one on you for local color, isn't it ? It's a film with an Indian who has an original personality, and teaches us a lesson of sacrifice and stoic fortitude that should be long remembered. It tells a sound and subtle tale of an Indian's loyalty and gratitude. An intensely human story, original and stimulating. Talk about "talking pictures"! This one is eloquent! The characters are worked in upon the brain with such exactness, perfection and realism that you will almost think you hear their voices. This is not leap year, but the 80 foot leap the Indian makes at one part of the story is a thriller! "A WHITE REDMAN" are the colors to hang outside of your theatre to get the crowd inside. It's strong, virile, vital---and a REX! R€X MOTION PICTURE MASTERPIECE CO. MAKES ONE EVERY WEEK AT 5 73 Eleventh Avenue New YorK City and the Sales Co., says each one is better than the last— but there'll be no last. — It lasts forever ! IT'S REALLY FUNNY To Watch the Tactics Resorted to by the Patents Company Endeavoring to Check the Very Large Falling Off of Their Business and its Efforts to Regain Part of it by Bringing Suits Against Independent exhibitors upon the Latham Loop Patent No. 707934 and the Pross Patent No. 722382 (for the Pross Revolving Shutters), thus trying to scare and intimidate EXHIBITORS INTO signing long term contracts with it to use only Trust films. THERE IN NOTHING IN THESE SUITS that need alarm any exhibitor. The Trust gains no legal advantage whatever from beginning these numerous suits or from prosecuting them. There is already a suit pending on the Latham Loop Patent, in which testimony is being taken and which suit we are defending. We have every reason to expect a decision in our favor in this suit and that will conclusively settle all of the suits now brought or being brought. It Is a Bluff Pure and Simple ANY EXHIBITOR USING OUR PRODUCT WHO HAS RECEIVED a summons for infringing SO-CALLED PATENTS of the Motion Picture Patents Co. WILL PLEASE CALL ON OR SEND TO THEIR EXCHANGE AND GET INFORMATION BLANKS. EXHIBIT BRANDS FROM THIS WEEKLY PROGRAM IN YOUR THEATER AND SUCCESS IS HEADING YOUR WAY. WEEKLY PROGRAM: MONDA Y Imp Eclair Yankee American Champion TUESDA Y Thanhouser Bison Powers WEDNESDA Y Champion Solax Reliance Ambrosio Nestor THURSDAY Rex American Itala Imp FRIDA Y Yankee Solax Lux Thanhouser Bison SATURDAY Powers Itala Gt. Northern Nestor Reliance III East 14th St., New York City