Moving Picture World (Jul-Sep 1911)

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hi: moving pictukf. world -?-?y Dante's Inferno (MILANO FILMS— 5 REELS) Opened last Monday at THE AUDITORIUM THEATRE, BALTIMORE, to IMMENSE BUSINESS, turning people away at each show at prices of 1 5c to 75c, two shows daily, and immediately engaged by the Messrs. Shubert FOR A SECOND WEEK READ THIS TELEGRAM FROM MANAGER PERRY: Baltimore, Md., Aug. 15, 1911 Monopol Film Co., New York: Dante's Inferno (Milano) tremendous success artistically, critically and financially. Press, public and pulpit unanimous in praise Would advise to remain another week. Confirm quick if O. K. PERRY. STATE RIGHTS GOING FAST Manager Jake Wells, of Richmond, just leased Virginia, Georgia, the Carolinas, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi and Tennessee, and he's some showman, and knows a good thing. BEAR IN MIND T| _aa>c /lV/Tit ^ r»f\\ Yv«fA4**%s* Approved by National Board of Censorship i/Qlllc 5 ^lYllldllO/ iniurnO and Licensed by General Film Co. IS COPYRIGHTED AND WE WILL PROTECT OUR RIGHTS Keep Your Eyes Open and Watch the Trade Papers! ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO MONOPOL FILM COMPANY .145 WEST 45th STREET P. P. CRAFT, Gen'l Manager NEW YORK CITY