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enters. The matcb Is broken « ■ 1 1 and the next day laiinan, with a friend, goes West. Here lie employs [tip tlpe in ytiintiug iuv.il an accident I ,-iai.s iiim. He is crushed unaer a (alien tree ,hi,I earned i" Hit cabin gf tlie woodcutter, Is tentenj cared for by the woodcutter's daughter. Lu.iug Ills eonvaleaence lie becomes smitten bj I,,,, rugged beauty and faithfulness of the girl ;i-i, lier to marry blili. Sii" consents ana a weeks later thej are married. Months pass as time Hies by Farman thinks o£ the oilier mid secretly longs for her. Cloise, in the meantime, bus learned of the accident which has leiallei Harry and of bis whereabouts. She goes ... . ini. Catherine, tarman's wife, timls them togel >t and realizing she cannot win back lier bus!:,,,,.• love, lakes her life, begging Eloise to many i ei husband.
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THE EASTERNER S S/i^KlFICE Jack Chambers, societj le t, goe
l,. oineS a COWboy OU the Austin ram
in love with Nell, the pretty daug .■ ,.i his admiration is returned.
.xell is devotedly attached to lier brother Jim, a wild reckless youth who bad left the ranch In aiij r. vowing never to return. She lias none all li . or power to effect a reconciliation between tiie i her anil lirother. lull to no avail.
s. e receives a letter from Jim, siating thai J1, i. .-.is! have five Hundred dollars before the 2.">th , . the month, or he will be arrested. Nell is , , ii crazed by the news.
ii is now only a few days liefi "■' 2.">th. but
no way in which to get the required amount has i es moil itself. Her brother must not go to jail. Nell is desperate.
Austin prepares to drive to town to bank money
derived from the sale of cattle. A desperate plan forms iii Nell's mind. She titilits. against it, but love for Jim conquers her. She will do ii for his sake.
Nell changes her dress for a cowboy's suit. She makes a mask from an old fell hat and drives across the plains to wait for her father. Whan lie arrives, lie bears the command, "Hold up your lands!" Nell relieves him of his cash. She rides nft in the opposite direction, and meets Jack, Who is surprised at her attire, asks her what is the matter.
.Nell then shows him Jim's letter. They exc, ange horses and Jaek takes the chaps which she I as been wearing and leaves lier in English trousers. .la k rides back past the scene of the hold-up. and is met by Austin, who commands him to bold up his hands. Jack escapes while Austin forms a posse of cowboys, who ride out after him. '11. ey b ally wound him and bring him hack.
Neil overwhelmed with grief, explains thai she was the thief. .The shows Jim's letter to lier father, who, finally won over by Nell's pleadings, forgives Jim and helps him.
Jack wins the love of this noblest girt and is later on married.
A GAY TIME IN WASHINGTON (Sept. 4).— George Clayton, not long married, pines for an old-time bachelor vacation. He tells his troubles to his pal. Harry Bunting, who lives in Washington. They fix up a fake telegram, stating ['resident Taft wishes George to dine with Harry sends this from Washington. "Mrs. (' delighted with the honors thrust upon George."
George starts off in high glee. Harry meets him at the station, and they proceed to do the town up right. All would have gone well bad not "Mrs. I'." read in the paper that the President had not been in Washington for several weeks. George gets his when he arrives home again.
THE STORY OF ROSIE'S ROSE (Sept. 7).— Rosie Carter, while visiting at the home of Captain Hi-ant, captivates Walter Allen and Jasper I nine. She encourages both men in her flirtatious way. and causes .jealousy between the two friends. One day as they are preparing to leave mi a Ion;.' fishing tri|i. Rosie give to each admirer a rose, telling that "to the one still possessing helms' mi his return, she will give a kiss.
Allen hides his rose. l.orne Witnesses the .n't
thai him.
aud throws it overboard.
rose and is took! ig at if
goes to the hiding-place
lie accuses Lome of the
ami steals Allen's rose id then takes out his when Allen, seeing him, and discovers his loss, t: eft.
The two rivals are struggling when Captain Hranl sepai ates them, and orders tl em to tak a nel and go mil inn a dory, which they launch, The struggle starts anew and the boat upsets. Both men are tin-own into the sea. I.onie catches hold of a log ami dings to it while Allen breasting the waves, finally reaches shore.
He meets Hosie and tells lier that I nine lias been drowned. Rosie. grief stiiek-n. runs nut
upon the rocks scanning the water for signs of
l.orne. Allen follows, pleading with I er thai it was not his fault, but she answers him with a look of scornful anger and runs away. Captain Brant ami ids crew lad lighted l.orne
Clinging to the log. They throw a line aid be i
pulled ashore. He tells Coin Cat Mien has I i
drowned, ami when the boat rem-hi'S slime, t ' ey earry tie news of Allen's suppes d death to Mrs. Brant, l.orne. remorseful, goes Oil! upon the rooks and grieves. Allen comes over C e rocks and sees
A Gaumont Every Tuesday and Saturday,
an I'rban-Fclipse Every Wednesday 'CjlJ^S^
Current Releases
G.iumont of Tuesday. August 29, 191 1 About 1000 feet
He saves a little girl from the unkindness of her father. The two children have numerous odd experiences.
Eclipse of Wednesday. August 30, 19 1 1
Reel about 995 feet
In which the Duke of Padua perpetrates a practical joke upon a cobbler.
About 572 feet
Excellent views of both the ancient and modern quarters Travelogue About 423 feet
Gaumont of Saturday, September 1, 1911
Reel about 985 feet
A great comedy in Seven Magnificent Colored Scenes.
About 775 feet
Typical scenes in and about the camp of the Tunisian Army Travelogue About 210 Feet
George Kleine 0^%,^
1(6 N. Slate St., Old No 52 State St. fG^WOm!
Licensed by the Motion Picture Patents Co.