Moving Picture World (Jul-Sep 1911)

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5r'-' THE MOVING PICTURE WOULD Independent Film Stories RELIANCE. A LITTLE CHILD (Aug. 23). — While the nurse is coquetting with her Bweetheart, Babj Uosanna wanders off and meets the burglar. sin plays with him, ruffles his hair, and gives him her cook ii-s. and it Is with genuine regret thai he parts r s\ii. -ii the frantic nurae finds her, Thai High I the burglar breaks Into Rosanna's home through her bedr i window. She awakens and recognizes liiin In the moonlight. He quickly gath cis together the silverware, when K"s; a runs in in ni wants i" renew the morning's play. She soon falls asleep In his arras, and the sofl little burden awakens In him lender memories of Mi-. Ister <>r years pnst. Geutly lie carries her to her little bed, softlj kisser her, and with tears streaming down his face exits without his plunder. GRANDFATHER (Aug. 19).— Alice Borton's favored suitor is George Blake, His rival, favored by her father, is Jim Harris. The clash ol the men bring forth sunn Interesting situations. Mr. Horton places suiiic mone.i in iiis desk, and old Grandfather secretes ii in the fireplace. As George was the last man in the room he is suspected of the theft, and having ridden away on horseback since gallops after him. Indignant, lit' returns in face his accusers, and is placed nnder arrest by the sheriff, Jim Harris giving false evidence against him. Grandfather awakes from a doze, and when he learns what the commotion is about ii nidi is ins action and gets the money. Mr. BEbrton is mortified at his uniust accusation of George, and willingly consents to his marriage to Alice. BISON. A COWBOY'S LOYALTY (Aug. 22).— .lack anil Dolores have a quarrel and re tilts her, transferring his attentions to Inez. Dolores turns 'to Dick fen consolation. At a dance Dolores and Dick are in the wardrobe room when Inez dances past thai door and sneers at Dolores. She snatches Dick's gun and tiros, and Jack falls, mortally wounded. Dick forces Dolores to escape through the window, and declares he tired the shot. That night lie «-■.capes from prison, and. accompanied i>y Dolores, goes far away, where they marry and live down the [last. A woman Who was concealed in the wardrobe room tells the sheriff the true stale of facts. Years later Inez discovers the couple and notifies the sheriff. When he comes to arrest them and discovers their reformation and happiness and sees their little child he tears the warrant up and leaves them in peine PIONEER DAYS (Aug. 25).— John Craig travels W'esi in a prairie schooner, builds a cabin and prepares to till the soil. Indians attack him. kill his wife and leave him for dead on the ground. II!s little son. Joe. is saved, having gone to the spring tor water. The hoy thinks both parents dead anil runs into the woods. He epmes upon a prospector. win. adopts him and lie (.-rows into a stalwart man. The two discover a mine and post a sign on their claim. John recovers consciousness, tint is crazed by the blow and wanders around as a tramp. Veins later, during an altercation with another knight of the road, he receives a blow on the head which restores his mind and memory. lie makes his way hack to the old cabin, and finally comes upon the sign. Investigation discloses that it is peally his son. and he is joyfully received. these caudles afli nil the windows :i u, I d iiihI then wait for resulls. Mi, did as she was told. Having some spine lime on her hands, she and her daughter paid n call on i Ighbor. While i ej "en. .iv, bj . I lie "I lltj Clnii i!i i, i, i !■•! around to paj a call upo i the wi. in. in i ■• .M.. t. He savi sin..k • curling int'-i-r i; ,■ ,i,,ii and realized thai the place was on tire. Ami having lis chance to he a l.ero, he seized it promptly. 'II tiergetlc young citj clap fairly l.uiinui I in, inn |, ,,i gauiz d n hu i, •, lirlgat e. a il nuilei Pi, , i , [one i lie} poured gallons ol n a'er m I,, s incline, smash d in He . -s. and "saved" I ,■ I ' I II i 1 I lire Ii' I lirllllfi it Of I. e Wi.H O.N S. Km he saved the house, ail right, ant waited Modest 1} |l"' •' few kind words when Ma cam I ..II.. Iii a lew well chosen words sic fold hi in what she thought of I iiii. and explained i n muc as si c loat hed mot hs. il ej would i e far more « el conn as guests than fce would he. He never saw He girl again. Bui he believed that he was unjustl) treated, und hat soini w ouien are rsi reinely unkind. ROMEO AND JULIET (Sept. 1).— Two rival noble families of Verona who for several generations have i n hitter lo-s. Juliet, the daughtet ol the (apiilets. and Romeo, son oi He Montagues, meet and hue: before the.! know that, on ac count of the family feud, Hey can never be united in marriage. S ortlj at er this, young Romeo is ban sled from Padua for dueling, ami is compelled to bid his young bride farewell. During his absence, Capulet endeavors to force his daughter, Juliet, to marry a nobleman he has chosen for her. In her distress, Juliet turns to the Friar, who secretly married them. This kindly old ma i agrees to help the 'overs. He gives Juliet a sleep i ig potion, which, after she has taken it. will make her seem dead. H is his intention to fake the supposedly dead Juliet from her tomb, and reunite her to her banished husband. He sends a message to Koineo. telling him of the plan, but unfortunately news of Juliet's ilea ii read ed Romeo before tie Friar's message. Tie distracted youth purchases a vial of poison, and taking it with him to the tomb, wl ere he finds lie apparently lifeless body of Julie:, p,. drains' tie deadly potion. Juliet revives soon afler Ihis. ard finding on the, steps of the tomb the body of her beloved husband. takes her own life. When the friar arrives upon the scene, intending to free Julie!, and unite the lovers, he finds them already united in death. AMBROSIO. GULNARA (Aug. 23).— Sathas. a Creek traitor, joins the Turkish army, and abducts Gulnara, the beautiful wife of Zacarias, a Greek warrior. The husband disguises himself as a Dervish and buc i I in securing admission lo the palace. He is recognized by Sathas. arrested and thrown in jail. Gulnara slays the Pasha, and takes his ring, which is a badge of authority. The use of the ring periii i t s her to reach her husband's side, and the couple plan to escape by means of a rope. Gulnara descends safely, but as her husband follows Sathas appears ai the window and cms He rope, dashing Zacarias to the rocks. THANHOUSER. THE MOTH (Aug. 29). — A young man. "a City Chap." decided to spend his vacation ill 11'e country, and made a profound impression upon the villagers, who were honored by Taving him In their midst. He whs so neatly dressed, that the rural swains found tlieinselv s cast in the hack ground. He made a profound impression upon the belle of the village, and even her mo: her heartily ;i|. proved of him, Unt a moth was the cause of his undoing. Ma found the moth in her home, and her anguish was intensified when she discovered thai he had been dining on some of her winter clothes. At the village drug store she secured sonic "moth candles." guaranteed to light any moth to all unwept grave. The directions were to light LUX. BILL FOLLOWS THE DOCTORS ORDERS (Aug. 25). — Hill consults his medical man, the tatter's prescription being "more exercise." Bill piyeliases a Sandow developer with which to CjBrry out the doctor's commands. lb is delighted with the instrument, and hastens to affix it to Hie wall in his bathroom. Unt he unfortunately upsets the bath in his efforts, and is forced to retire downstairs, where he tries the door-handle, with no better results, however, as He strain is loo great, and he is propel] *d with much force into the middle of a party of people feasting inside the room. Not seriously damaged, William picks himself up and seeks exercise nil' of doors. lie fixes the elastic <~ 'Ve:nper to t ■■ l — "k of a motor, and is enjoying a free and original ride through the town when a policeman intervenes. WHAT A PENNYWORTH DID (Aug. 25).— Tim is leisurely dragging out a mournful tunc from a hurdy-gurdy, placed outside a cabinet maker's shop, witli the result thai the proprietor finds his workmen three parts asleep. Tie maids employed in shaking mats are also very sleepily Inclined, so much so thai tie cabinet ker drags Tim and his instrument of torture off to the nearest cafe. Here Tim is mn -h interested in a machine giving electrical "s' o~ks." and invests In n "pennyworth." The resu'1 is staffing In the extreme: Tim frags bis hurdy-gurdy hack to the workshop and n'livs for .• i 'e is worth, f e employees setting nl-onl treir tasl's wi . ri' i ■'. ItJ I' at leaves nothing lo he desired. The maids perform wonders with I' arpets, mii'kel wo i stop Heir bargaining and Join In a wild fig, while a party of sandwich men riei'fo"m envious evolutions in the stre't. Kve i t e tilde ait'' M e chairs outside a cafe are immune from the charm nt music and after a curious waltz dash away in all directions. The horses and cabs on a rank also i: in in. white I i'n tuns and turns, dually be is escorted to the police station, where nolle and commissioners alike join in. Tim taking advantage of their dancing to leave, still holding his beloved hurdy-gurdy. CHAMPION. A DAUGHTER OF DIXIE (Aug. 28).— Nell Polling loved Newton Harry, who was a Northern boy. When war broke out Barry bade his sweet 1 earl g l-bye and went away to don the 1'nion blue. Nells brother fought for the South. The fortunes of war had brought a battle right to the doora ol Nell, and two of the participants in n. at battle were Newton Barry and Tom CoUings, tie brother. Newton, wounded ami separated from . in, look refuge iii the home of his .hi. The Confederates tracked him l her.-, led 1.1 Tom Nell hid Newton in a secret closet. Put was discovered by Tom. Seizing a musket from one of Ha troop i it at her brother's breast and there keni it until Newton was far away on bis journey. \\ ,. n ii.. ended Tom was first to join in i in giad welcome e\ ended lo Newton on his return lo wed his sister. HOW TONY BECAME A HERO (Aug. 30).— A I a id ol marauding Indians rausack a ranch, when cowboys suddenly dasj upon the scene. Mounted on a jackass. To iy is < placently jogging alo ic. wleu the Indians fall up. ci him. lie caps off and climbs a tail tree, while the red skins build a tiie linn. Tie smoke compels 'tony to descend, and' he la dragged to their camp. I chief's daughter falls in love with Tony. by her. they Bee tie camp. Tie pair dash away. Tony clinging to the neck ol the home. They dash Into the midsl of the cowboys. The cowboys decide to I old the Indian maiden as a hostage until the Indians return the things II ey have sti The Indians i ic :o carry out the arrangements, where Ton] i> guarding the chief's daughter. 'tony has gotten hold of some wine, and i Hat ii go -s around freely, pretending to imbibe himself of Hi juice which inebriates. The old chief pleads with Tony to he allowed to see his daughter. Tony grants permission to all the Indians to do likewise. Tic moment they have all entered where the Indian girl is held the doors are haired hard and fast. That is bowTony beca a hero. YANKEE. THE POWER OF DEVOTION (Aug. 28) Jack .Mason, the successful Wall Street magnate becomes i isiinc from overwork, his insanity takes the form of hatred and jealousy toward his loyal wife. He attempts to kill her and is sent to a sanitarium as a dangerous maniac. Information i ies of his escape from the sanitarium, and can not lie found. His wife takes up tie search single handed. Emaciated and ragged she finds him in one of their former tr.vsiing places and in attempting to escape from ! er. he fal's down a deep cliff and is found there unconscious. The fall regains his reason. The first face he gazes upon is that of his devoied wife, anil her devotion brings him hack to health and reason. A GREAT WRONG RIGHTED (Sept. 1).— After having drank himself into poverty. Zeke Thompson, e young sailor, realizes the error of 1 is ways and turns to seek other means of support for himself am] loving wife. He goes lo his father's home and conies just in time to interrupt a burglar at his work. A struggle ensues in which Zeke is felled. When he recovers his mind is a total blank. His hat is left in the room anil is discovered by his father, who suspects him ot having robbed him. Wandering along the docks Ic receives w.nk as a depkhand upon an outgoing steamer. The burglar, who was also a sailor, seeks the "cup Unit cheers" and is soon in a seml-COnSCfOUS state. While in this condition lie is shanghaied and placed aboard th? same vessel that Zeke has been put on. He conies face to face win, Zeke and realizes that his Plow has deprived Zeke of memory. Remorse sets in and he tries to recall to Zeke tl e scene of the conflict. The men become fast friends. A wreck occurs ami Z 'ke saves the life of his ipaniou almost sacrificing his own. A blow on the head during the rescue brings hack his memory and he first learns H'at his sai'iiiL' companion is the man who had robbed his father. Zeke heco s ill and his companion nurses him ha.-k to health and strength. They are res cued and Zeke forgives his companion. Tl e sailor confesses to Zeke's father that he was Hie guilty one aid Zeke. vowing never to lou-h liquor again, is clasped in the arms of his loving wife. GREAT NORTHERN. A TRAITOR TO HIS COUNTRY (Aug. 26).— lieutenant Dobrino, a rejected suitor to General Zoi'.inofl's daughter, is in league and conspiracy Willi the enemies of his country to sell them certain important plans and war documents. To revenge himself for the humiliation of refusal received at the hands of the general's daughter, she causes suspicion for the theft of He plans to fall on 1 is successful rival. Lieutenant Orlof. The general, in due course, discovers, much to his amazement, the loss ,,t the papers, ami as prearranged by Dobrinow, suspicion falls upon the innocent OrlOf, who. after a brief trial is court -mart illicit and sentenced to suffer the penalty of death. Friends of Oriof, however, who are confident of his innocence, make every effort to track the real offender, ami eventually Lieutenant Dobrinow is suspected. His movements confirm the suspicion. He is followed and arrested in secret conclave with