Moving Picture World (Jul-Sep 1911)

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5rH THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD ontatlvea ol the enemy. The mistake of Or i ■ made ele 1 1 Kod inoff, who Instantly Bends a messengei posl baste to Btop the execution. The messenger arrives In the nick ■ ■I time, and the Innocent officer la released al once, i be Is soon al the aide of his sweetheart. SOLAX. A GAY BACHELOR (Aug. 23).— Mr Jam ild bachelor, meeta a bewitching and flirtatious widow al the beach and becomes so smitten thai he asks permission in .■all al bei cilj borne, lie Anally proposes marriage and is accepted, when to bis horror, be flnds that she is the mother of Ave children. His friend advises blm to go to an orphanage, where be succeeds In getting the matron to lend iiiin five children, whom be presents to Ihe widow, representing them to be bis own. Bui to bis consternation she accepts them .-ill with open arms, and i r James has to make the besl ol the bargain. THE STAMPEDE (Aug. 25). — A troop from a Western posl is in pursuit of a band of smug Sergeant Cooper is sent with a message ti Hit to return to post, inn on his way he stops to see ids sweetheart, where be is captured by the chief Of Ma' I. ami. The chief semis his men back Id the i»i~i for the purpose of stampeding the horses "iiiii in' takes after the girl. She escapes ami to stop the stampede, bul is forced i" Bee the onrush of the terrified animals. Cooper makes his escape ami arrives jusl in time to rescue his sweetheart ami capture the brigand. NESTOR. ALIAS YELLOWSTONE JOE (Aug. 23).— ^Joe Murdock, alias Yellowstone Joe, cattle rustler, had been captured, much in the satisfaction of Sheriff Dillon, who, after seeing his prisoner locked iu jail, ami placed Deputj Wilson on guard, hurries home in tell his daughter of bis capture. lie is mel by a messenger, who advised him thai the gang cf which Yellowstone was captain, had already crossed the lines into his country. Mounting his hois,.. iin. sheriff, accompanied by his daughter, staris off to organize a posse, in the meanwhile, Yellowstone has stolen away from the jail and secures il.c deputy's horse and galloped away before ids escape was discovered. Entering the woods, be Is soon in again with bis friends, and arc holding a conversation, whim the sheriff's daughter returns on her way home, one of iin crew, Long Bill, slops her ami insisis upon kiss-* ing her. The girl, who recognizes Yellowstone, i<< whom she bad given a glass of water as lie passed with her father on his way to jail, appealed I" him fin1 assistance. Instantly a quarrel arose between II en. which ended in Yellowstone being bound fo a tree while his followers placed an ace of spades over his heart and were about to fire, when lie sheriff and his men could be seen approaching. Leaping into their saddles the rustlers dash away, followed by the entile posse. The gill shouts to her father thai she would hold Yellowstone a prisoner until they return, lint instead she released her protector and gave him a horse and a gun so that he might make good bis escape. MUTT & JEFF AND THE COUNTRY JUDGE (Aug. 26). — Mull and Jeff are seen wandering down Hi' country road, thinking all sorts of despairing thoughts, and unaware of Ihe friendly greetings, tin ready bows and ihe sweel whispers of trees, grass an. I zephyrs. On .left's fare one may see Dante's Int. 'run. while Mull's shrinking visage is too eloquent for mere words. Suddenly his optics twinkle and shoot forth a shaft of hope upon the hopeless .left'. Mull has an idea that is sure to work well. If ihe hanking business is had. why not try antomobillng? There are plenty of autos whizzing past i lie country road; all that Jell' has to do is to i touch" with one of the horseless things, ami well, leave ii to Mutt m collect damages. Like all ihe ideas propounded by Mutt, this one also gains Ihe disapproval of Jeff. He cannot see why he should he Ihe goat and buck a bucking ■ 'ii.. Mull's logie. however, finally overmasters the unhappy Utile fellow and he's ready for the sacrifice. The plan is finely executed, for Jeff gets fairly well mussed up and Mult gels ten dollars for — funeral expenses. A series of serious tilings befall the crafty Mutt, who is finally made to "cough up" thai accursed ten spot. ECLAIR. A MARRIAGE IN THE STARS (Aug. 28).— Pretty Jeanne Debray is In love with her cousin Raymond; gentle Mrs. Debray favors the a inent. but Mr. Debray, suddenly becoming aware of the truth, drives Raymond from the house by Mrs. Debray, the young man returns to ask for the hand of his love, hut the ii Is Inopportune, for Mr. Debray is suffering from a violent toothache. The lover departs, heartbroken, and Jeanne gives herself over to despair. Gazing at the laudanum her father is applying in his tooth, sin conti alclde. The mot he i anticipates her, ami replace! the drug with Tiie lovers agree upon a suicide pact — if i he united on earth, they will join each other among the stars. They meet at the last try Sting place, and after swallowing the supposed poison, embrace, eagerly awaiting death. 'ih. •!.' they are discovered >>•■ the agitated father and Hi. composed mother, still waiting for death! Papa repents of his cruelly, and the lovers gladly abandon their dreams oi the stars! AN OBLIGING YOUNG MAN (Aug. 28).— Percy, a well-bred, delightful young fellow, feels ii iucumbenl upon himself to render assistance to his fellow being whenever ihe opportunity presents itself. In his eagerness nol lo miss an oeeasion, Perej often finds himself in some rather "light" places. We sir how he manages lo carry an old lady's grip, restore a lost handkerchief, and do numerous other arts „f courtesj all at once — and nits! lie swings a lady who bas a tired husband, helps catch a thief, assists a dentist, all in a Jiffy, and the film ends in a most aston ishing climax, which pn \ maxim, "Cour tesj is its own reward." REX. THE COLONEL'S DAUGHTER (Aug. 17).— Lieut. Perry wins Ihe General's daughter, Helen, and Lieut. Thome, an old euemy and rival, disappointed ami defeated, seeks a means of revenge upon the more fortunate suitor. There is to be a military ball at the post that night, and Thome evolves a shrewd plan of placing Perry in a compromising situation. He goes lo an inn of ill repute in the vicinity, and proposes to one of the immoral women, Milly. to attend the ball with him and make a scene involving Perry. During an interval between dances, Thorne approaches Perry and his sweetheart, and presents his companion to them. Thorne asks Helen for a which is granted, leaving Perry to dance with the hired woman. Wlille they are dancing. Milly feigns faintness, and Perry escorts her to the veranda, where she might get some air. Tborne sees the incident, and grasps the opportunity to tell Helen that be loves her and that Perry is false to her. Helen denounces the slander, and he challenges her to go with him to the veranda and prove his accusation true. She goes. Perry is seen fanning Millie, who seems to have recovered. She asks Perry to sit beside her for a moment. She tells him she loves him. and puts her arms about his neck. Perry, bewildered and astonished, stares at her -hut the evil has been done: Helen bas seen, and with a breaking heart she reenters the ballroom with Thorne. A little later, when Perry hi in us. she spurns Him. He tries to explain, but she walks away from him, asking Thorne to see her home. He who plays with fire will be burned. Millie blackmails Thorne for more money, more and still more. At last he can give her no more, and she threatens lo tell Helen all. Thorne, driven to desperation rides the safe in the commissary. A soldier detects him in the act. ami forces him to replace the money. In the meantime, Milly has carried out her threat and told Helen and the General what she has done. Helen seeks out Perry and — well, just what you expect happens. CASTLES IN THE AIR (Aug. 24).— P.edelia, the maid, is berated by her mistress for tardiness, and. ruminating on her hard lot in life, falls asleep. Then a sweet dreamlet gels on the job and works overtime. Bedelia beo s mistress of Ihe bouse, and the real master and mistress become man and maid, who obsequiously obey her orders, and whom she si-olds and reprimands with the haughtiness of a duchess. She falls heir to a paltry million, and acquires social ambitions. She puts a personal in Hie newspapers, stating that she would he pleased to entertain a lord. Of course, the lord calls. Lord, what a dream ! Automoiiiling. yachting, entertaining, follow in quick and rapturous succession, until — Bedelia opens her eyes with a start. Dreamland lias vanished, Para. lis,, is [ost, and Bedelia goes back to nature — ami the kitchen. POWERS. THE WHITE CHIEF (Aug. 29).— Bright Eyes, an Indian Maid, marries a white trapper. He leaves her alone with an infant. Not knowing what to do. she returns to her tribe, leaving her babe mi the l.ank ..I' the river. She is received back in the tribe and when Ihe squaws are sent for water Hie babe is found. She. Keeping (he secret, asks <i to raise ihe babe, which is granted After iwenii years, stalwart Brave, the pa| se, ta for ihe chieftainship in the lariat duel on horseback. He defeats the champion and becomes the While Chief. lie falls in love with the old chief's daughter, but is denied her. The brave he defeated, for revenge on (he old chief, lashes him. Panther leaves hei in a rage, vowing i is rescued by the White Chief and wins the girl." SILVER TAIL AND HIS SQUAW (Sept. 2).— Silver fail, an Indian brave, and Panther, memi.ris of the Seminole tribe, are both in love with Palling Water is sent by the chief of the Inn much i,, his surprise, falling Water spurns him. Pant her leaves her in a rage, vowing vengeance. Palling Water is sent by the chief of the tribe to a ranch to exchange skins. Panther, who overhears the chief give her instructions, se, chance for revenge, and plots with a Mexican to rapture Iter, which i hey do. They lash her to the back of her hois, and send it galloping through the woods. Silver Tail observes the look of satisfaction which overspreads Panther's face, and feeling mischief is on foot, follows them. He arrives on the scene In time to see the squaw's horse dashing madly through the woods, gives chase and captures it in time to save Palling Water from death. AMERICAN. AUNTIE AND THE COWBOYS (Aug. 24).— Bud Norris, a young cowboy on Triple Star Ranch, Is very fond of fast horses, and finding a horse that pleases bis fancy while at the races, he buys the animal and rides it borne. On the way he passes the home of Daisy Miller, his sweetheart, who lives wi:h her aunt in the outskirts of the town. She greets him, and they are admiring the horse together, when Auntie appears and upbraids Bud for bis fondness for racing and tells him never to call upon Daisy again. Auntie wants a horse of her own, a kind, gentle one. While in town she sees a mule bitched to an old buggy with a sign, "For Sale Cheap." attached to the shafts. She soon makes a bargain with the owner. She passes the general store where Bud, with some companions, are talking. Pud Mounts bis racer and starts to pursue Auntie, and overtaking her, be challenges her to a race. Auntie's sporting blood is aroused, and she whips up her mule. The race is on! Auntie stands up in the seat and urges her mule on. Bud racing close behind her. As Bud has intended. Auntie reaches her home neck and neck with bis racer. Auntie is highly pleased, and removes her former objection to bis calling upon Daisy. THE BLOTTED BRAND (Aug. 21).— Oliver Thompson and Bessie Hitchcock are lovers and are determined to many just as soon as Oliver has saved enough money to start a ranch of his own Hi inires a small herd and draws a picture for Bessie of bis newly registered brand, consisting of bis initials, O. T. , and she draws a picture of her father's brand, the Crescent T, to show the similarity of the two brands. They return to the ranch bouse and inform Mr. Hitchcock of their intentions, but he refuses to give his consent until Oliver's herd is one third as large as his own. Oliver returns to his own ranch, with his hope of marriage shattered. Bessie is also despondent. She looks at the brands drawn on the side of the building and traces the outline with her finger. A week later some of her father's cowboys discover that the Crescent T brand is being tampered with. They find a fresh brand running from the crescent, forming the O. T. brand of Oliver Thompson. They inform the ranchman, he declares that Thompson is the rustler, as be is the only man who would be benefited by the change made. They go to Thompson's ranch and accuse him of stealing Hitchcock's cattle. Oliver denies it and offers to assist them. Bessie when left alone at the ranch, starts out to brand cattle, when she bears approaching horsemen. She mounts her horse and gallops away. The cowboys, seeing the rustler mount, start in pursuit. P.essie dismounts and bides behind a pile of rocks. The pursuing cowboys reach the spot. and immediately dismount, determined to take the rustler. Bessie fires her pistol rapidly in the air. The searching parly fire in her direction, and she receives a wound. They surround the rocks. They discover a very much frightened girl, crouching low on the ground. Bessie's father, seeing that she is bent on marrying Oliver, gives his consent to their union on the spot. IMP. THE TOSS OF A COIN (Aug. 31).— Dan tier, a young man. is' down and out. Arrested as a tramp, he is thrown into jail and forced to associate with disreputable characters. He is released and with but a single coin iu his pocket. Arriving at a bridge, he gazes into the water and bis thoughts turn to suicide. He reaches in bis pocket, extracts the coin and flips it up. Heads he dies and tails be lives. Pate is against him and he is about to carry out the decree wbhen bis preserver, Parmer Barton, drives on the scene. Mr. Barton is bound for the village to hire a man to assist him in his farm work. Dan is more than anxious to secure employment and accompanies the kind-hearted farmer home. Dan is fitted out with clothing and takes up bis quarters in a detached cabin on the farm. Alice Barton is the rosy checked daughter of the farmer, and lias attracted the attention of Ed. White, the sheriff, who released Dan from jail.