Moving Picture World (Jul-Sep 1911)

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THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD 589 flfc Ihe The Acme of Carbon Quality *4i$ •TRADE MARK' ■TRADE MARK' HUGO REISINGER Sole Importer 11 Broadway, N. Y. City zr m mJ % PENN FILM SERVICE 159 North 8th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Write or wire us at once for information on our Special Reel Service. No other exchange in America gives you the same proposition. Film Perforating Dies The A. Dewes Co. 249 Center Street Tel. 2351 Spring New York FOR SALE — Moving picture theatre, Waukesha, Wis., $600, $300 down,. $20 rent; 10,000 population, factory town;-, or ,will rent complete, $30. Imp, Biograph-,' Selig and all makes him. $5 per reel; Passion Play, 1 set $75,' 1 set $100; new Model B gas outfits," $20; $15 plush opera chairs, $2; used Edison, Powers, Lubin machines, $60; new, $100; song sets, $1; light reducers, $15. For Rent — Film, $1 reel weekly. Will buy films; want to buy Johnson-Jeffries Fight. Tale of Two Cities, Uncle Tom's Cabin. H. DAVIS. Watertown. Wis. TURNER & DAHNKEN (lac) 1 38 Eddy MH San Francisco, Cal. LARGEST EXCHANGE ON THE PACIFIC COAST Pacific Coast Agents for the Pathe Machine " La Ginematografia Italiana ed Estera" IS ITALY'S LEADING PAPER FOR THE ANIMATED PICTURE PUBLISHED FORTNIGHTLY. .( a, 36 and 40 large pages, 8 shilling* per annum ($1.60). Editor-prep'r: Prof. GUALTIERO I. FABRI, VI* Cnmlana, SI (Barrier* S. Paolo) Torino, Italy HEADQUARTERS FOR ASBESTOS Curtains and Picture Booths ?oSD C. W. Trainer Mfg. Co. BOOKLET 39 Pearl St., BOSTON Passion Play Wanted I want a good copy of Pathe's three-reel hand-color -d Passion Play, and am willing to pay a fair price for same. Would expect the reel shipped C. O. D., subject to examination. Reference First National Bank, Minneapolis. Minnesota. JAMES V. BYSON 258 Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, Minn. Advertising Slides of all descriptions at the right price. Write now. EXCELSIOR SLIDES CO. 61 W. 14th St. New York City SONG SLIDES The Hit of the Country " Railroad Rag" EXCELSIOR SLIDE CO. 61 W. 14th St. Phone »j 4351 Chelsea !>• Y. City Money Makers for you. Think of the people pasting by or out of your place that woulu drop another nickel or dime. Many ttyla* Catalog No. 14 tells all. KINQERY (VIFQ. CINCINNATI, O. CO. Moving Picture Machines Bought, Sold and Exchanged / Have Several Calls For Second Hand Machines What Have You To Offer? H. A. MACKIE 853 Broadway New York City 'Phon* t 2478 Stuyvcaant Subscription Rate Moving Picture World IN EFFECT JULY 1st, 1911 DOMESTIC $3.00 PER ANNU: CANADA $3.50 FOREIGN $4.00 PAYABLE IN ADVANCE THE REPRESENTATIVE TRADE PAPER 125 East 23rd Street -: -: -: -: New York City