Moving Picture World (Jul-Sep 1911)

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THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD 59i SPECIAL^JNOTICE i MANAGERS IN Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire and Canada. Get the Sensation of the Motion Picture World. The Wonderful "Mirror Screen" "Glass Curtain" The first and only "SCREEN" to project MOTION PICTURES in ABSOLUTE DAYLIGHT. Can be rented for $10.00 per week. New England State rights by permission of the Motion Picture Screen Co., of Shelbyville, Indiana. ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE MIRROR AND TRANSPARENT SCREEN CO. Knickerbocker Building, Rooms 203-204 1402 Broadway, N. Y. Telephone 1717 Murray Hill. CHAS. F. POPE, Gen'l Mgr. M. R. SHEEDY. Sec'y. FRANK MANNING, Exclusive Eastern Sales Agent. Are You Going To Be First, or Last ? Since placing our system for displaying programmes before the exhibitors of motion pictures, we have been more than surprised the way orders have been coming in from live exhibitors all over the country asking that we furnish them with our system at once, as they desire to be the first to put on this high class advertising in their locality. THERE-IS-A-REASQN for this, as a good live wire knows that by introducing a class of advertising of so high a character that he is bound to get the business away from his competitor who is still plodding along in the same old fashioned way of using unsightly posters and smearing the front of his theatre all over with paste. The fellow who takes time for doing things, is a lazy cousin to the fellow who does time for taking things WAKE UP, AND ORDER NOW Exhibitors Advertising Company Suite 604-605-606, 1 17 North Dearborn Sti, Chicago, III.