Moving Picture World (Jul-Sep 1911)

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THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD 645 AR emin der HAVE YOU NOT BEEN BUMPED AGAINST THE WALLS OF EXPERIENCE IN THE MOTION PICTURE FIELD OFTEN ENOUGH TO HAVE LEARNED THE IMPORTANT LESSON? IT PAYS TO GET YOUR FILMS FROM A RELIABLE SOURCE! It pays to reject all dubious offerings ! A SHORT REVIEW OF YOUR PREVIOUS EXPERIENCES AND YOU WILL AGREE WE ARE RIGHT. YOU WILL REMEMBER THE FIFTY-TWO INDEPENDENT BRANDS THAT WERE ADVERTISED AVAILABLE, ETC. THE SALES COMPANY AT THAT TIME SECURED THE BEST OF THOSE MANUFACTURES OF FILM, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, AND HAVE SINCE SECURED NUMEROUS OTHER MANUFACTURES OF THE HIGHEST CLASS. WE STAND ON SURE FOUNDATION THAT CANNOT BE SHATTERED. WHEN YOU ARE APPROACHED BY PROMOTERS WITH ALLURING PROPOSITIONS, INSPECT THE POSSIBILITIES OF THEIR FUTURE COMPARED WITH PAST ADVENTURES. BEWARE OF INFERIOR PRODUCTIONS AND STICK TO THE OLD RELIABLE WEEKLY PROGRAM: MONDA Y Imp Eclair Yankee American Champioa TUESDA Y Thanhouser Bison Powers WEDNESDA Y Champion Solax Reliance Ambrosio Nestor THURSDA Y Rex American Itala Imp FRIDA Y Yankee Solax Lux Thanhouser Bison SATURDAY Powers Itala G*. Northern Nestor Reliance We always have held and always shall hold our business on the merit of our goods — TKE BkSl . Ill East 14th St., New York City -* ELIES WESTERN PICTURES AUGUST 31st THE CALL OF THE WILDERNESS SCENE FROM THE CALL OF THE WILDERNESS.' A wealthy young Londoner, tired of city life, journeyed to Colorado, married a pretty Indian girl and had settled down to a peaceful Western life when word reached him to return at once to London to claim an estate. He went alone, and tried the society life, but the yearning for the woods was too great. He heard the call of his little bride and returned, but too late. A broken heart had been given eternal rest. Length 1000 feet September 7th The Hobo Cowboy A Story of Gratitude A set of seven photos of our leading players $1.00. One sheet poster of the "Star" Films Stock Company 20 cents. * G. MELIES 204 E. 38th St. , New York Western Representative JOHN B. ROCK, 109 Randolph St., Chicago, III. *