Moving Picture World (Jul-Sep 1911)

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THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD 823 ONES CO. of ROME Studios and Factories, Rome and Padova muni /Preferred Stock Lire 2,000,000 mm lOrdinarv Stock, 3,750,000 Fully Paid-up Lire 5 750.000 EXCHANGE MEN WRITE TO US FOR PARTICULARS OF OUR FIRST RELEASE Branch for the United States of America 445 BrOOme St., cor. Broadway New York City TELEPHONE, SPRING 9232 TELEGRAPHS, CINES NEW YORK ■ g»_ NOW BOOKING (MKfeph EASTERN STATES ONLY IWafe LOUISE M. MARION n V"X5^» in her own novelties \ ^PATRIOTIC AND ILLUSTRATED POEMS REFINED ENTERTAINING TERMS REASONABLE Great Novelty and Drawing Card j LOUISE M. MARION PRESENT ADDRESS 29 South 12th Street Newark, N. J. Changeable ILLUMINATED Program Sign i"1 Easily operated, quickly changed, inexpensive. : : Interchangeable letters stenciled in metal, specially arranged for any program. Illumination of each subject controlled individually. Write for descriptive matter and money making particulars. Zenith Manufacturing Co. P. 0. Box 252 CINCINNATI, 0HI8 Your Business !;:,'„: Dollars to You Because we can save you MONEY on every foot of Positive and Negative Stock you use. LUMIERE Cinematograph Film GUARANTEED Perfect in Manufacture The Acme of Perfection Uniform and Reliable 3H CentS per foot (unperforated) J4 cent, per foot extra for perforation All Orders Filled Promptly. Send us yours. Lumiere Jougla Co. 75 Fifth Ave., (Between 15th and 16th Sts.) New York City PHONE 531 STUYVESANT Chicago Branch 30 East Randolph St. "ELECTRA" K, CARBONS cost more than others, but when taken into consideration with the superior service they give, they are more than worth the difference in price. Don't experiment with the so called "equal to ELECTRA" kind, but specify the genuine "ELECTRA," Pink Label CARBONS. The immense superiority of "Electra" Pink Label Carbons lies in the absolute mechanical and scientific perfection of their manufacture in conjunction with the high grade materials with which they are made. They are always uniform, and prompt shipment can be depended on. Sole Importer HUGO REISINGER 11 Broadway New York City