Moving Picture World (Jul-Sep 1911)

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THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD mz THE testimonial of Mr. W. H. Esch (see page preceding-) is not an exceptional case as we have hundreds of customers ready to testify the value of the Deagan's Bells and other musical instruments as an amusement attraction. Mr. Exhibitor, you are not taking anv chances. We refund your money if you are not entirely satisfied. We have been 31 years in business and trom almost nothing built up a $100,000 00 proposition by delivering: the goods everv time. y We make these bells in sets from $40.00 up The most popular set of bells we are now making is the No. 310 outfit 25 Bells, 2 Octaves, Chromatic C to C trkaUPppaeratth reS°nat°rS' keyboard and a11 elec" Price of this outfit is $75.00 reSoft^6? t0 y°U f°r examinati°n -and trial on receipt ot #5.00 to guarantee express charges. Every set of bells guaranteed one year. Write for circulars and descriptive matter W < J. C DEAGAN 3800 N. Clark Street CHICAGO, ILL. j J.