Moving Picture World (Oct-Dec 1911)

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IiJiS THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD POWERS. THE SIGN OF THE HELMET (Dec. 26).— Your Hull' |>iiJ Willi triiiii|>s ilif <.<iiiiitr.v tor n UvIiik ha* uci ic liave (Hiiok »irs — I'lllicr that, or stiirve; Huil yiiu never lioiird of Weary Willy eoinliiK lo an iiiitiiiiely eiiil liy the eiii|ity xtouiiii'li route. He Ik <|iil<'k to xee iiiiy opportunity thai may mean ai-i|uirlnK xometlilni: for nutliini;. iiarilrularly In the fiKiil line, but eripeclally In llie Jrink line, and most esiiei'ially If said ilriuk Is of amiier hue, Willi a reasonalile amount of foam over tlie amber. See V He li'arnK that al a lertalli Kaloon lUe Klf;l>t of a iioliienian'K lielniel -sliowlni; over the Nwinglni; ■ loor meant a free ilrink for the otlirer. ami Inter, when Wiille eomeH in |ioitsi'sKion of a helmet lie lie^'liis lo play the Irick to a Bne iKiiut. lie even ueto his friend. Waccles in on the Rood thing. Ah iiilcht not be expeiied, they do not get tlie worst ■ i| it In th.' long run. for the little fellow is not only brainy, but inUMUlar as well, and for onc-e 111 tlie life «if « tie-walker, tlie commoit enemy wlih'li wears blue and bra>» buttons is roinplelely vaiKpiislied. WHERE STEEL MEETS CLOUD (Dec. 26).— I.lltlt. (In We know uf the brawny structural iron workers who battle with death daily in their perilous work of building for man tlie gigantic sky-scrapers that bis modern business life demands. Holding tenaeionsly tu u tlilii rib of steel that lianas hundred's of feet In the air. he braves a horrible ilealli every seeond of his day's work, high lip near the clouds, with frail, narrow planks that defy the most sure-footed, to walk on. On the end of a calile. a monster derrick swings him out, high over tie beads of the gaping multitude, a mere speik iijiainst 11. e sky. A MAIL-BAG ROMANCE (Dec, 30).— .Tack and Tom carry the mails on the same route, and lioth are Just crazy about Dotty. Tom. with the morning mail, brings her candy, and .Tack, with the next mail, brings some other dainty favor. Kut this kind of a see-saw game becomes a little slow for Tom, so he begins to plot to gel rid of Ills rival. There's nothing more sacred in the charge of the mall carrier than the registered letters that are entrusted to his care, and Tom one day manages to make it ap)>ear as if Jack had done away with the valuable contents of one: in fact, the opened envelope is found in Jack's desk, the evidence Is strongly incriminating, and poor Jack winds uji In a felon's cell. Tom convinces Dotty that the charge is true, and wins her lieart. But that does not end matters, for even after .vears inexplicable fate will claim her own. and so It conies to pass that when Tom meets with an HCcldent that brings him to liis deathbed, the better man in him refuses to meet his maker with a lie on his lips. So just before he breathes his last, he tells the stor.v of his own crime that opens the prison doors for Jack. And Jack captures the widow. MAJESTIC. THE ACTRESS (Dec, 24).— It is the last rehearsal of the new play, upon whose success depends the fortunes of John Millroy. Kllen Dnran has succeeded in securing a part that gives the opportunity for displaying all the dainty graces and coquettries of a maiden. Kllen receives a telephone call that her little airl is critlcall.v ill. Millroy places his car at her dls|Misal, and she hnrries home to find the state of alTalrs even more alarming than she had anticipated. She does not know what to do. The success of the play depends largely U|)on her. Her bab.v girl is crying for her continually. At last she makes up lier mind, and out of the house goes a woman with baby cries ringing in her ears. Into her dressing room flies the actress, and all tlirough that terrible niglit a dainty little ingenue makes men and women chuckle with laughter. The pla.v ends and only kept on her feet b.v the desire to reach her child's bedside the actress is taken to her home. There is a terrible moment in the hall outside of the bedroom door wiiere a wear.v. Iiaggaril nurse Indds up a warning finger, and then the mother riles jiast her into the room where the tired physliiaii catcher her, and In answer, imints to the child, while a quiet smile of content lightens up his face. The crisis has safely passed and too hitter a price has not been |iaid by the little mother for her obedience to the call ttf her iirofession. REX. THE MARTYR (Dec. 21),It is Christmas, l.S.S(i. Mother anil father and married brother Xed and his wife and baby and f'leo, the sweetest girl in the family for other reasons than that she Is the only one. and the yonngest son. Bert, are all gath ••red about the festive hoard. Ned tells his family he has a promising offer to go to England, and with well wishes and fond good-byes he departs. While th» others laugh and chat with the Clnislmas italety of young souls, the mother draws aside anil weeps for the loss of her first-born, going away. Iierhaps forever. Kut the years linger not. and with them go sorrow and pang. I'onies a new I'hrtstnias, new iovs — and new sor r.'ws. It Is ISSKi. Another bird ha* tried lis wing— Cleii has married. After the dinner slie and her liiiKband ile]iart. The younger «on. meantime, has g«» le the way of many others wito have faced tno patliH and seledeil the wider, and has chosen the downgrade and degradution. He leaves the house to Join the fast set of whom he is one. He returns lioiiie very late, intoxicated. The father has liM-ked the ihsir, intending to keep lilm out of I he house as a piiiilshmeiit. Hut the little mother sieallhlly and silently opens the door, and walta long hours for the wayward son's return. So the dreary montha go and the weary years speed by and ■ It is I'hiistmas, llWHi. The father has crossed the vale that leads Into the Veiled Domains. .Mother is living In her daughter's home. Her sonin-law has taken his aged mother lo live with them, and looks ii|ion both old women with displeasure. .Mother notices and knows, and decides to go her own Ifuie way. Wltii sliattered hopes and a broken heart, she leaves. And the years go by. It is Cliristmas, 1911. .\ed has succeeded In making a failure of himself. It Is the old tale of sin and vice and the wage they exact. Mother receives a note from him saying that if she does not send eiioiigli money to pay his fine he will have to go to Jail. The last few dollars that stand lietweeii her and destitution are sent to liie erring youth. Ferhairs Ned will never know. If he did perhaps he rcallj" would regret it — the aged angel, a martyr to her own motlier-love. goes over the I Ills to The poor-house! .\nd when Christmas, l!l2ii, dawns, there will be another Salnled .Madonna in the Celestial (Miolr, with a .spirit as white as the Christmas snows, ready to bless those who had caused her |ialn and pang, read.v — and eager — to forgive! NATIONAL FILM DISTRIBTTTING COMPANY Monday December 18th, 1911. Plantation, "Village Champion" iCom,) \i)SM) Clarendon. •Stonii at .Sea" (Dr.) 10(H) -Mono, "Kew itched Uestanrant" (Com.) 4T,<) -Kqiiila, "Tik-nik Dandy" M'oin.l ."i4i] Tuesday, December 19th, 1911,, '-Was She Kiglifr" iW. Dr.) Iimki D. Biograpb. 'i.ove and Duty" (Dr.) (i!M Cricks & .M, "•Kngllsh (kiats"" (Educational) 2!»8 Helios, "'Dawn of a (Jieat Kevolution"' (Hist.). 9G:j Wednesday, Dec, 20th, 1911, .... Federal, "-Heart of a Child" (Dr.) !»<»4 Mondia. ""Scroggins (Joes in Chemist"' (Com.).. 7,2^ Hepwix, "Gypsy Nan" (Dr.) 42.'i Latinum. "Great Scott of Wheels" (Com.) 450 I.atinum, "Smltirs Dream of Promotion"' (Com.) ."120 Thursday, Dec,, 21st, 1911, Washington, ""Two Soldiers'" (W. Dr.) H7!t Hepwix, ""Veteran"s Pension iDr.) ,5iiO ITepwix, ""On the Borders of Shannon" (Sc.).. 6110 Kilm d"Art. ""William Tell" (Operatic) 1059 Friday, Dec. 22nd, 1911, Mohawk, "Door of Death"" i Dr. I llMK) Cricks & M, ""The Resourceful Scout"" (Dr.).. 670 D. Biograph, "".Mr. .Sticket"s Sunday Trousers (Com.) 3.30 Aquila. ""Pik-nik Master Singer"' loOO Sattirday, Dec, 23rd, 1911, Oklahoma. '"Marked .\rrow"' iDr.) 10<K) D. Bioscope, "To|>sy-Tnrvy Town (Dr.) .loO Helios, "Tours Through Italy" (Scenic) 440 ,<avoy. "Stnilli Becomes Waiter" (Q)m.) 494 Savoy, "Peaceful Holiday" (Com.) 30S Sunday, Dec. 24th, 1911. California, "Two Brothers"" (W. Dr.) 96.S Messters. ""His Most Iin|Hirtant Case"' (Com.).. 1000 ("oinerio. "Demon Doe"" (Com.) 5.50 ("ricks & M. ••Bllly"s Bible" (Dr.) 4.50 Among the Exhibitors Birmingham. Ala .1. K. Jones is the new manager of the .\lamo Theater. Allentown, Pa. — H. E. Hartmann. proprietor of the Keystone Theater, has taken over the lease of the Lyric Theater from S. B. Walter. Pottstown, Pa. — Tlie new motion picture theater in East liiiladelphia Avenue has opened. It has a £eating capacity of 50O. Chicag-o, 111, — The Victoria Theater CorporatloD, 21.54 Shellield .\venue. will erect a moving picture and vaudeville theater to cost $146,00. Madison, S. D. — I<eon Goetz will erect a moving picture theater in this city. "WHEN?" (g! Minneapolis. Minn. — -M. \. Wallaci? will have plans prejiared for the erection of a moving picture theater here. Wheeling, W. "V*, — The new National Moving Picture Theater In Knilon is now open. The theater Is one of the finest equipped Id this section, and will seat 30iJ persons. Smith & Thomas are tbe proprietors. Houston, Tex. — Tuffly, Scoggins & Tuffly have made application for a liuildlng permit to erect the Isl.< Moving Picture Theater in Prairie Avenae. Bay City, Mich — A. A. Wolff is erecrine a tnovIng picture theater at Third and .Johnson streets. Lebanon, Pa, — Arthur IJchtentbaler has opened a motion plctun* theater here. Angleton, Tex. — .1. Gayle will soon open a motion picture theater in this city. "Virden, 111. — Leonard & Gardiner have opened their new motion picture theater here. Ft. Wayne, Ind. — Charles Clark has purchased from Joseph P. .Mollett. the Kalry Theater. Glens Falls. N. Y. — A. .M. Burdette, Jr.. has assumed management of tlie Bradley Opera House and will open It as a moving picture show. Sharon, Pa — All t-ontracts have been let for the new Thomas Moving Picture Theater in Shenango Street, and the entire work will be completed by I be end of December. Wheeling, W, Vt.. — Work has begun on the moving picture theater for Munn Brothers, at 1428-30 Market Street. The theater will have a seating capacity of Soo. Union Springs, Col.— A new moving picture show has been opened In the Stroud Hotel Building by J. S. Watthews. Bridgeport, Ct. — XI. W. Leigbton will erect a moving picture theater in Jane Street. St. Petersburg, Fla. — H. C. Stewart will operate a moving picture theater in this city. Champaign, HI, — Tlie new Lyric Theater will shortly open. It is a very handsome playhouse. Chicago, 111, — Fred Hartmann, 2611 Lincoln avenue, will erect a $5.0iKi moving picture th-ater. Taunton, Mass, — The Park Theater will be enlarged. Newark, N. J. — Ix;wrey. Berger & Co. have bad plans prepared for a moving picture theater at 1122 Elizabeth .\venue. Perry, N. J. — E. D. Hamlin will open a moving picture theater here, to be called the Casino. Storm Lake, la. — D. E. Fyock has purchased tbe lake resort properties of the Casino Amnsement Company, which have been controlled by C. F. .\lkln. Mr. Fyock is constructing a handsome motion picture tlieater. Oglesby, 111. — Frank Bothwell. Harold Hooliban and William lyewls, have purchased a moving picture theater in this city. Ottawa, 111, — The Fiske & Beem store on L> Salle Street has been leased by a moving picture concern, which will spend several thousand dollars In remodeling and fitting. Philadelphia, Pa, — The Globe Moving Picture Theater, 59th and Market Streets, has been conveyed to Edward Harshaw, subject to a (30,000 mortgage. Dea Moines, Iowa, — Behrends Bros, have sold their moving picture theater to Mr. Hodgln. Peteau, Okla. — Improvements will be made In the Jo Del .Moving Picture Theater, recently parchased by Messrs. Hill & Cox. Pipestone, Minn. — A moving picture theater will be erected here by .\. Berkeley. Vlncennes, Ind,— Councilman Ryan has purchased David Padgett"s interest in the Rex Theater, located In the building at Second and St. Clair Streets. Milwaukee, Wis. — A moving picture theater to cost JIO.KK) will he erected at Thomas and Murray Avenues by David J. Brown. "Wheeling, W. "Va, — The Globe Moving Picture Theater has opened. Rock Island, 111. — The Family Theater has been purchased by the proprietors of the Family Theater at Davenport. Louisville, Ky, — The Pastime Amusement Company will bnlld a JlO.CKiO brick and steel motion picture theater at ISth and Gallagher Streets. Alexandria, La. — A high-class moving picture theater with a seating capacity of .'>.5(1 will be opened about December 1 by Dr. H. C. Van Cott. Wheeling, W. "Va, — Work is progressing rapidly on the $25,0(X> moving picture theater at Market and Sixteenth Streets and It is expected to be opened during the latter part of December. Cinciimati, Ohio. — The Eureka Amusement Company will open a motion picture theater on tbe premises they formerly occupied as a bowling alley. Waterbury. Conn — John L. Fernandez is building a motion picture theater on Bank Street, near Porter. Shakopee, Minn. — .\ motion picture theater will be built here by Itoy Darnel. Mankato, Minn. — Don V. Daigneau. formerly of Austin, will open a moving picture theater here. Chicago, m. — .\ motion picture theater to cost |6.0(K1 will be built by Oscar Elger. Benwood, W, Va. — A moving picture theater will be built by Robert Smith. Washington, Iowa. — A moving picture theater Is to he built here by J. C. Canfleld. Algona. Iowa. — M. Stevens will build a new moving picture theater here. Hallettsville, Tex,— M. II. Hradliek has sold his airdome and moving piciur? machine to H, S, Paulls. who has also taken a Uase on t'le opera house.