The Moving picture world (January 1920-February 1920)

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634 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD January 24, 1920 and Learn the Art of Kissing. Luxurious Production Depicting the Fifty Odd Varieties of Love. Excellent Comedy Drama Which Dwells on the Art of Kissing, Features Lew Cody. A Kiss so Fine Makes a Fellow Want Nine — See Lew Cody as "The Beloved Cheater" — a Drama of Kisses. Exploitation Angles: Back up the star with snappy sentences about the story. Start off by announcing that on a given date there will be an illustrated lecture on kissing by an expert. Get them Interested in this and go on to a more definite talk. Use "kissing bugs" for attractors on window cards and try a "my best kiss" contest, printing or posting in the lobby the best letters received. "The Tree of Knowledge" Paramount-Artcraft Presents Robert Warwick in An Artistic Adaptation from the Play by R. C. Carton. Reviewed by Louis Reeves Harrison. THE Tree of Knowledge" is a drama of man's attitude toward the wayward woman. It shows the results of an experience men seek with worldly women, though not for purposes of enlightenment. The Paramount product artistically sets forth that each such experience may add to a man's knowledge of the subject, but not to his good judgment. In a legendary prologue there is given a brief view of Adam's encounter with the original vamp. Theodore KoslofT, famous Russian dancer, impersonates Adam and seductive Yvonne Gardelle charms as Eve. Both are graceful and interesting personalities. Robert Warwick plays the difficult role of a man who mixes in and tries to arrange matters for his friends, and he performs with both dignity and force. Kathlyn Williams is intense in her unsympathetic part of the modern Lilith. Her appeal is not through affected innocence. She represents a highly intelligent type of the calculating woman. She is a tigress who barely hides her claws, and whose ferocity burns in fierce eyes. The rest of the cast measures up to the interesting performance of these two stars. There are some romantic and beautifully pictured exteriors, both in the prologue and in the main story. All these values and the appreciation shown by a crowded house at the Rialto sum up in ranking "The Tree of Knowledge" as a product generally and generously good. Cast. Prologue: Adam Theodore Kosloff Lilith Yvonne Gardelle Story: Nigel Stanyon Robert Warwick Belle Kathlyn Williams Monica Wanda Hawley Brian Tom Forman Sir Mostyn Hollingsworth. .. .Winter Hall Loftus Roupell Irving Cummings Mrs. Stanyon Loyola O'Connor The Baron Clarence Geldart Swedle William Brown Story by R. C. Carton. Scenario by Margaret TurnbuU. Directed by William C. De Mllle. The Story. "The Tree of Knowledge" relates to the fortunes of Nigel Stanyon. a young Englishman of liberal education and limited means. He falls a victim to wiles of beautiful "Belle," a siren of many conquests, and spends all his money on her. She has deserted him for a wealthy admirer when he is found by his friend, Brian Hollingsworth, and given new opportunity In the management of a large estate. Nigel now turns to a charming girl, Monica, and falls In lote with her. He is advised by his mother and by a neighboring young sport by the name of Roupelle to wed Monica, but he deeply regrets his affair with Belle and so confesses to Roupelle. Both Nigel and Roupelle are staggered one day when Brian brings home a lady he has just wed, who is none other than the notorious "Belle." She has married Brian for his supposed wealth, but she turns on him bitterly when she discovers that the estate Is badly involved. Nigel's position, because of his former relations with Brian's wife, becomes so dIfHcult that he resigns, but he Is persuaded to remain. He does this largely for the sake of Brian's happiness, to protect his wife from the advances of sporty Rouvelle. Brian discovers that his wife has had an affair with some other man before she married him and declares to Nigel that he will kill that man. He then leaves home on a business trip. Nigel learns that Belle is about to elope with Rouvelle, giving the latter a signal by turning down a parlor lamp. He interferes and a violent struggle follows between him and Belle. Brian unexpectedly returns, and Belle The Cue to Exit Given Robert Warwick a la Kathlyn Willims in Artcraft's "The Tree of Knowledge." denounces Nigel as the man who ruined her life. Nigel leaves. Belle gives her despairing husband a sleeping dose and escapes with Rouvelle. She thus passes out of the lives of Nigel and Brian forever. Brian realizes next day that he has wronged Nigel and helps to restore his fortunes, making it possible for him to wed Monica and enjoy the happiness he has long deserved. Program and Exploitation Catchllnea: Climb "The Tree of Knowledge" with Robert Warwick and See His Escapade in the Garden of Love. The Story of a Woman Who Wrecked a Man's Life and Was Waiting for Another Dupe to Come. The First Returned and Was Choking Her When — For This Inspiring Story See "The Tree of Knowledge" Starring Robert Warwick. Exploitation Angrles: Play up Warwick and get interest for the title. Rear a tree of knowledge In your lobby, the "leaves" consisting of a few green vines and a sheaf of heralds or throwaways with an invitation to pluck a leaf from the tree of knowledge. The best angle for newspaper work will be to pique curiosity as to how the title applies to the play. "The Whirlwind" Allgrood Serial Featuring Charles Hutdk* ison Well Supplies with Realistic Thrills. Reviewed by Margaret I. MacDonald. THE first five of the fifteen episodes of "The Whirlwind," made by the Allgood Picture Corporation, are all that the average audience could want by way of thrills. The story, which at times shows signs of reaching a premature end, manages to maintain a continuity which carries it through thrill after thrill, manufacturing on the way a large margin of suspense. Each episode contains a story of its own correlative of the main theme. The action keeps a fairly even pace, moving rapidly and for the most part consistently. The star of the production is Charles Hutchison, a master of the motorcycle, and splendidly daring as a serial hero. He makes long distance dives, takes his chance with the shell of a burning building, or scales the many stories of a brick apartment house with the assurance of the professional acrobat. Helen Thornton is the heroine of the picture, whose fascinating personality forms the morsel of contention between the hero and the heavy. Richard Neil is the chief bad man of the play who is supported by a competent staff of assistants. Cast. Charles Darrell Charles Hutchison Helen Grayden Edith Thornton Carnley Richard Nell Valet Ben Walker Written and Directed by Joseph A. Golden. The story of "The Whirlwind" concerns the love of two men for one girl, allowing interesting character differences for the working out of Incidental action. Charles Darrell, recently returned from France after winning the title of "The Whirlwind" and other wartime honors, meets Helen Grayden in a rescue scene when her horse bolts and threatens to throw her. He later becomes Involved In an attempt to land a band of crooks which has for its head a man by the name of Carnley who, in addition to holding a high social position, is also the fiancee of Helen Grayden. Covering his villainies he manages to carry on his double life with fair success. Through a series of hair-raising events Darrell pursues the wrongdoers, and in the fifth chapter of the story is engaged in releasing Helen from the clutches of the gang. She has been kidnapped for the purpose of forcing her to marry Carnley, after she has discovered his perfidy. The story carries the principal characters through strenuous escapades which include a perilous ride through the rapids of a swift running river, a break for safety over the edge of an ugly cliff, a miraculous escape from death in a dynamited house, bridging a gorge with a slender log, and other equally thrilling stunts. "When A Man Loves" Pretty Japanese Romance Produced by Vitagraph, with Earle Williams as Hero. Reviewed by Jane McCloskey. WHEN a Man Loves" is an obvious story, but pretty and entertaining for all that. Earle Williams is satisfactory as the hero. Yuri, as played by Margaret Loomis — who manages one of the best Japanese make-ups we know — is dainty and endearingly retiring. Among the other characters of note are Thomas S. Guise as Lord Bannister, stormy and domineering; Barbara Tennant as the un