The Moving picture world (February 1920-March 1920)

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March 20, 1920 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD 2005 Reviews (Continued) (Continued from page 2003) "Mothers of Men" A . Selznick Romantic Drama of True Womanhood in a Time of Stress and Storm. Reviewed by Louis Reeves Harrison. A HIGH tension story of exceptional merit, "Mothers of Men" powerfully contrasts brutal passion with the innate purity of true womanhood. The Selznick production rightly follows one line of interest. It is that of a girl adrift at the mercy of circumstance, who preserves her native cleanliness of soul in spite of soiling misadventure. The subject is a delicate and difficult one to handle. To slight the truth would be to weaken the story and its effect. By skill of directing and editing, however, the strength of the situation is maintained and a purpose of broad vision and kindly humanity set forth in vigorous style. That the story is sensational, that it is wrought out of intense and dramatic experience, gives it screen value for that great mass of people who enjoy that which stirs their emotions, and this "Mothers of Men" does through skill of design and treatment. In acting and in that charm which gives the efifect of life known as "atmosphere" the Selznick production ranks high. The types are so well chosen that there has been a prodigality of good taste shown in minor characters. No matter how small or apparently unimportant the part, the actor fills it satisfactorily. So also with the details and general effects in the backgrounds. From the leading role, performed by Miss Claire Whitney, throughout the cast, there are no misfits. It is therefore just to say that "Mothers of Men" provides sensational entertainment of a high order. Cast. Marie Helmar Claire Whitney Capt. Von Pfaffen Lumsden Hare Paulette Martha Mansfield Mrs. Schultz Miss E. Roma Mr. Schultz Cesari Cravana General De La Motte Arthur Donaldson Mrs. De La Motte ZefEie Tilbury Lieut. Gerome De La Motte. .. .Gaston Glass Maurice Le Cerf William Gaton Story by William Henry Warner and De Witte Kaplan. Directed by Edward Jose. Length, Five Reels. The Story. Among "Mothers of Men" some know only the security of sheltered lives. Others, like Marie Helmer, are set adrift in whirlpools of bitter experience. It is in Austria, while making a hard struggle for existence, that she Is victimized by an officer of high rank. In agony of mind, yet with soul not dishonored, she flees to the family of a wealthy cousin in France, where she is given a home and the care of his two younger daughters. It is a gracious and happy household, its pride and hope a son who falls in love with Marie. In the course of time she has so completely won the affection of the young man's parents that they consent to a marriage. Just before the ceremony Marie writes him a letter, disclosing what happened in Austria. The servant who undertakes the prompt delivery of the note returns it wth apologies for his failure to obey her, and she decides after a mental struggle to bury the past. The honeymoon is barely over when war Is declared, and her husband and father-inlaw go to the front. Marie, because of her Austrian birth, is under a cloud for a while, but her loyalty to her husband's country is so intense that It becomes manifest to all. As the fighting line draws near the women of the household are drawn into closer affection by their common danger. Now appears in the household a quiet servant, an Austrian officer placed there as a spy; none other than the one who caused Marie's downfall in the land of her birth. Recognition is mutual. The spy insists that the young wife shall obtain from her husband a plan of attack discussed by French officers at .the house. Terrorized by his threats of disclosure, she induces her husband to disclose the secret. Between terror and loyalty she struggles, until she is transformed by her love. She dares give false information. The result is disaster for the enemy. According to the Austrian officer's code he must commit suicide. He awaits an oportunity to find Marie alone that he may kill her also. A struggle ensues as her husband approaches the house, and the spy is killed. Marie is so overcome when her young husband arrives that she hands him her written confession and begs him to read it. He smilingly declines — he has already done so on the eve of their wedding. He had the letter returned to her as though it had not been delivered because his love for her was that of a noble and generous mind. Then the sunlight of her pure affection shines once more — she is to be a mother — his splendid chivalry is to have the greatest reward she can give. Prog:ram and Elxploitation CatchUnes: Story of a Wayward Girl Who Preserves Her Good Name in Spite of Her Degrading Surroundings. Exceptional Story Contrasting Brutal Passion with Purity of Womanhood. Kxploitation Angles: Keep away from the war angle of this story, since to use this is to create the erroneous impression that it is a war drama. Work on the title and the cast, using the latter to emphasize the excellence of the production. "The Daredevil" Tom Mix, Successful Author-DirectorActor, in Live Five-Reel Fox Production. Reviewed by Robert C. McElravy. TOM MIX may be added to the rather limited list of performers who have successfully written and directed their own stories. In "The Daredevil" he has concocted and put across a swiftlymoving, humorous production, containing a iiumber of unique situations and much action of a stirring sort. It is one of the best of recent Westerns. There are big moments strung along throughout this picture. The hero's leap from the top of the moving passenger train to the bridge cords is the first sensation. Later his rescue of the girl from a box car proves his unusual daring. The riding scenes are all very good, and the recess of the bandit gang behind the waterfall is an original layout of the kind. The sub-titles are fresh and full of pertinent humor. Cast. Timothy Atkinson Tom Mix Alice Spencer Eva Novak Ralph Spencer Charles K. French Gilroy Blake l. c. Shumway Black Donlin Sid Jordan "Mazie" Lucille Younge Sheriff, Coyote Flats L. S. McKee Mexican Villain Pat Chrisman Buchanan Atkinson George Hernandez Ranch Owner Harry Dunkinson Story and direction by Tom Mix. Scenario by J. Anthony Roach. Length, Five Reels. The Story. Timothy Atkinson, in "The Daredevil," is the son of a wealthy railroad president, who has been sent to a Montana ranch for safe keeping. Tim is a practical joker and keeps the ranch harfOs in a continual uproar. The indignant owner of the ranch finally tires of Timothy and sends him back East. His father is not at all delighted to see him, and promptly sends Tim to Arizona to work at a small station. As the train approaches, a reception committee is awaiting Tim's arrival, but he has had an altercation on board and jumped from the roof of the train to a cross piece from which the bridge cords are suspended. Tim finally reaches the station on foot and the committee is surprised to find him anything but a tenderfoot In Western ways. Tim falls in love with Alice Spencer, daughter of the division superintendent. She urges him to undertake the task of breaking up a gang of train robbers. Tim invades their cave, hidden behind a waterfall, learns their secrets and makes his get-away. Later he rescues Alice from box car and recovers much of the stolen loot being shipped out by the bandits. He wins the love of the girl and the respect of the community. Progrram and Explottntion Catchllnes: The Westerners Awaited the Arrival of the Tenderfoot from the East — He Arrives with a Smash and Proves That He Is Anything But a Tenderfoot. Tom Mix in a Daring, Dashing Role of the Son of a Wealthy Easterner Who Goes West and Breaks Up Their Monotony. Tom Mix Is "The Daredevil" — See Him Break Up a Gang of Train Robbers and Finally Win the Girl of His Heart in This New Production. His Father Sent Him to Montana for Safe Keeping, But He Was Too Wild for the Westerners — Then He Is Sent to Arizona, Where He Distinguishes Himself by Daring Deeds and Wins a Western Lass as His Love. Exploitation Angrles: Play up Mix and tell that he lives up to the title. Then list the sensations and play these up as a group or singly. That is about all you need to do. "In Search of a Sinner" Bright First National Comedy with Constance Talmadge in a Fascinating Role. Reviewed by Louis Reeves Harrison. THE First National picture, "In Search of a Sinner," is gay with the adventures of a young widow in revolt against association with men who are too good. She detests their paternal advisory attitude toward women. She is inclined to puncture their inflated ideas of moral superiority. She has the acumen and the daring of a charming woman of experience, and she is correspondingly dangerous. Much is to be expected when this lively young widow breaks loose. "In Search of a Sinner" is a delightful comedy of human nature. Constance .Talmadge is a born comedienne. That is evidenced in her avoidance of the amateurish simpers and the eyerolling of the cabaret vamp. Her .attitude is that of an intelligent woman holding up to ridicule masculine sentimentality. Her support is excellent. The personal factors and the workmanship of "In Search of a Sinner" rank it high as a comedy. It drew outbursts of laughter at the Strand, and it will be a winner wherever shown. Cast. Georgiana Chadbourne. .Constance Talmadge Jack Garrison Radclifte Fellows JefCry Corliss Giles Sam William Roselle (.Continued on page 2007) "Threads of Romance." Made here by Wally Reid in his ParamountArtcraft, "Excuse My Dust."