The Moving picture world (February 1920-March 1920)

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March 20, 1920 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD 2021 87dn«7, I. B; Jt Burks ftad JuaSt 340 Ontario Strsat, Chlooeo, 111. Diftr 81r«t On c count of th» h»6ty ItlUr I Brot* jrou ju* tefor* I l«rt for th« >•* aobridei, tana a^o. I thoucht jou •ould b» 6l»d to kno» that Mth UrUMnal* ■toad up grftt, M apent als aon'-hJ aaong the h«»d nontflrs «M ounlb'd.B of IUl«kalft, &nd u«*d oal7 lb« two Unlvereols, I ban JuBt flnlsb*! printing tbe poelttvdo, And >llh3kit ft doubt thoy cr« tba floost rilma I hava • Tvr udo — In fact there ta not a foot of poor flln aoiong thj t«onty-flT« thousand f**t. Th« old ctuiera that J UBod doan her* t«o yaar* ■e* *tood up a* ■•11 a* the na« on*, and out*l'* of ecar* aod acratche* caua«d by long axpedllloaa through th* JUQ^e* and over oountala*. It 1* an good a* n«>--la fast. It'* Ilka An old aho*. It la like a part of a*, aad I vlll alvay* u*0 It In pr«f«r*nQ* to any other. hill B*Qd you aoas photograpba od th* next Zku say us* this letter or any part In advertlelng, aj next feature that >111 be reloaaed In *bo]rt a.z aonths vlll cr«at a BaneatLon. it 1b the aoat eondorful flla ot exploration that has evar been oado, and the photography 1* p*rf*et— It «a* all aada on the tao Unlv^rtale. It vlll probally b* oalled WILD HEX 0? UALF.KVLA., ^Shooting' the wild men with a UNIVERSAL HE UNIVERSAL Motion Picture Camera is the fa^ vorite camera of the explorer — the man who risks His life to get pictures. The compactness, strength and re liability of the Universal make it the ideal machine for work where the "going" is rough and conditions are bad. The Universal stands up under the hardest kind of usage and gets perfect film under the most adverse conditions. Read this letter from Martin John" son, the intrepid explorer, whose pic tures of the savage cannibals of the South Sea Islands create such a sen' sation. The pictures show him film' ing the "Wild Men of Malekula." He uses a Universal exclusively. Write for descriptive booklet of the Universal Motion Picture Camera. It explains why this machine has attained its position as the most efficient motion picture camera on the market. BURKE & lAMES (INCORPORATED) 251 EAST ONTARIO STREET, CHICAGO 225 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY