The Moving picture world (February 1920-March 1920)

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2026 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD March 20, 1920 iiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNiiriiiiHiiuiiiiiai PICTURE THEATRE ARCHITECTS These men can design a good house. Let them plan yours. District of Columbia REGINALD W. GEARE 327 Woodward Bids-. Washinrton, D. C ZINK & SPARKLIN, Inc. 943 MunBey Bldg., Washincton, D. C. Michigan CHRISTIAN W. BRANDT IIU Kresse Bids., Detroit, Mich. C. HOWARD CRANE 100 Griswold Bide., Detroit, Mich. Missouri Carl Boiler & Brother Theatre Architects RIDGE BUILDING, KANSAS CITY. MO. Conaultants to other archit«ct«. Advisors to owners regarding plans and spedflcations of contemplated tiieatrea. EDGAR P. MADORIE 1105-6-7 Republic Bldr., Kansa* City New York EUGENE DE ROSA 110 West 40tb St., Nnr York Pennsylvania RITCHER-LEE COMPANY 32 Sooth 17th St., Philadelphia, Pa He. 2nimiiiimuiiiiiiiitii<iiiiiiiiiiirii Write for our up-to-date price list. Amusement Supply Co. Largest Exclueive Dealers to the MOTION PICTURE TRADE 300-302 Mailers Bldg. 5 Soath Wabash Ave. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Doaleiv in Motiograph. Standard and Simplex Monng Picture Machines, National Carbonf, Minusa Screens and Srerythiug for the Theatre WE SELL ON THE INSTALLMENT PLAN LA CINEMATOGRAFIA ITALIANA ED ESTERA Official Organ of the Italian Clnematocrub ITideo Published on the 15th and 30th of Each Month Foreign Subscription: 20 francs per aniOB. Editorial and Basiness Offices: Via Cumiana, 31, Turin, Italy AMERICAN Jfotoplaper (Trade-Marli Resistered) The Masical Marrel Write for Cataloarne AMERICAN PHOTO PLAYER CO. 62 West 45th Street New York Cl*y National Electric Ticket Register Co. Manufacturer* of Electric Ticket lanlng Alachinee for Moving Picture Theatres and Restaurants. Sold direct or ttirough your dealer. NATIONAL ELECTRIC TICKET KEGISTE^R COMPANY ISII North Broadway St. Louis, Mo., U. S. A. Correspondence Where the Projectors Went. March 5, 1920. Moving Picture World: Replying to the inquiry of John T. Perron in your issue of March 6, regarding "The present whereabouts of the hundreds of motion picture projectors that the Government, Red Cross, Y. M. C. A., and similar bodies must have had at the end of the war," the following letter, which we have recently received, may supply the desired information: February 27,1920. Nicholas Power Co., 90 Gold St., N. Y. C. Gentleman: I have used the Power's for theatre and road work for over fifteen years, and had the supervision of some two hundred machines in the army camps in France. I found them to be very reliable and that they stood up well under the rough handling that some of the inexperienced army operators gave them. It was very difficult to get a Frenchman to admit that any machine was better than his own Pathe, but they made a great scramble to buy Power's when the community quit business in France. Very truly yours, HUGH E. KINK, Supervisor, Community Motion Picture Bureau, 6 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. During the war the Nicholas Power Company sold over 1,800 projectors to the Government, Y. M. C. A., Red Cross and K. of C, which will probably be a record in this line for a long while to come. In Forei^^n Markets. Every machine we sold was a new one, and of course, after it passed out of our hands we had no control of its use or disposal. However, we are aware through our European agencies that these machines are on the market in foreign countries, and they have had quite some influence on our export business. We think it Is very excellent evidence of the quality of our machines that they are in active use and there is a strong demand for them in competition with the best and newest European projectors. The treatment these machines received in France and elsewhere came under the personal obsrvation of the writer, and I can heartily agree with Mr, King when he states "that they stood up well under the rough handling that some of the inexperienced army operators gave them." Some day, when the true story of the great war comes out, I think the boys who served Uncle Sam will realize that no other single thing so greatly contributed to their happiness while away from home as moving pictures. Plain, unadulterated homesickness was the most serious disease in the army, especially in France after the armistice, and moving pictures was the medicine that cured more "sick" boys than anything else I know of. Very truly yours, P. McGuire, Advertising Manager, Nicholas Power Company, Inc. Wants Stencil Machines. Moving Picture World: Find enclosed check for $3.00 for renewal of our subscription to the Moving Picture World for the coming year. We have been trying for some time past to procure a stencil machine for making slides, and up to the present time have been iiiiiimiiiiKiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiii Tell Us Your Troubles WHENEVER any exhibitor or house manager runs up against a snag in the matter of equipment— its choice, use or installation; whenever you are in doubt as to just what you should do to make a new house attractive or improve an old one — ask the "Better Equipment" Department and we will dig up the dope for you. BUT don't forget to enclose a stamped return envelop with your inquiry. unable to get any line on where the machines are made. We are enclosing a sample slide and would like to know if you could give us any Information as to where the stencil machines are made and the name of the makers. AMERICAN THEATRE, L. P. Brenneman. Write Lucas Theatre Supply Company, 158 Marietta street, Atlanta, Ga., who are distributors for such a machine. Wants Seating Layout. Moving Picture World: I notice in the World that you have, for the benefit of your readers, a Better Equipment Department. I have just purchased a lot and Intend building a motion picture theatre, and what dope I would like to know is how is the best way to arrange seating to get in the most seats. Lot is 33 by 125 feet. Thanking you for any help that you can give me, I remain. Yours truly, JOE BROKAW, manager, Brokaw Theatre. Would suggest that you take up the matter of arrangement of your proposed house with one of the picture theatre architects listed on this page. In a matter of this kind their suggestion would be much better than any which I could offer. arn'35to'100aWee BECOnE A PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER Big opportunltlet NOW. Qualify for this fasdnatlnc profession Three monllw' course covera all branrhes: Motion Plctur»-CommerclalPortraltur© Cameras and Materials furnished fr€4. l*ractical Instruction; modem oquipment. Daj or _ classes; easy t«rma. The Sdiool of Reoognind Sajnlaclty. Call or write for oompleto cataloc No. 16. N. Y. INSTITUTE OF PHOTOGRAPHY 141 W. 3Gth St.. N. Y. 505 Stato St.. Brmklyn, N. Y. Kinarko Carbons YOUR DEALER, OR CARBON IMPORTS CO. 110-112-114 West 42nd St. New Yorli City EXCLUSIVE DECORATORS of Theatres and Motion Picture Houses Let us submit an estimate. William G. Andrews Decorative Co. 1426 S. Wabash Avenue Chicsfo, Dl. Irani^rteK Automatically supplies only such voltage as iirc requires. No waste of current in ballast. HERTNER ELECTRIC CO. West 114th Street ClersUnd, OhU ROMAYNE COMEDIES Amonr the Best Two-Reeleri w tb« MArk«t WRITE OR WIRE ROMAYNE SUPERFILM CO. LOS ANGELES THE NEW PREMIER PATHESCOPE FUCKERLESS "SAFETY STANDAUD" MOTION PICTURE PROJECTOR Dept. H.W. The Pathescope Co. of America, lac Aeolian Hall N«w Tscfc