The Moving picture world (February 1920-March 1920)

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2028 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD March 20, 1920 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 3c Per word for situations wanted and help wanted. Minimum $0.50 5c Per word for all commercial advertisements. Minimum $1.00 SITUATIONS WANTED. YOUNG MAN wants position as manager tor moving picture or vaudeville house ; good reference. Louis Goldenberg, Apt. 005, 221 Sherman Ave., New York City. CAMERAMAN, experienced, go anywhere, studio or outdoor, open for engagement after April 1. Own Pathe outfit. Also want substantial market for industrial, educational, travel and news negatives. Brooks, 152 East 22d St., New York City. MANAGER, live wire, twelve years' experience, booking specialist, expert projectionist, with New York license ; superior references. William, care M. P. World, New York City. AT LIBERTY — Moving picture operator, technically trained ; go anywhere. Oliver Blaine, East Garro St., Plymouth, Ind. HELP WANTED. EXPERIENCED laboratory superintendent wanted by Middle West industrial motion picture producers to take charge of new laboratory now being constructed In large Middle West city. Must be expert. Splendid opportunity for the right man. Address Midwest, care M. P. World, New York City. LOCAL No. 448 can use a few good operators. Write Business Agent, P. O. Box 225, Pueblo, Colo. SALESMAN WANTED. — A large and growing house, covering Middle Western States, handling projection machines and motion picture theatre equipment of all kinds, has opening for salesman, familiar with line, who can shortly qualify as manager of branch office. This is an unusual opportunity and development will be rapid if the man who comes in "delivers the goods." In writing us please give your reasons for believing you can make good and indicate what income you would expect to earn. Address ABC, care M. P. World, New York City. CAMERAS, ETC., FOR SALE. FROM CANTON, ILLINOIS, to Canton, China, 100,000 customers use our wonderful catalog and service for all their photographic needs. Movie cameras, tripods, projectors, northern lights, text books, suppleis, etc., etc., all at sensational money saving prices. Write for this valuable. F-R-E-E catalog today. David Stern Company, "Value, service, satisfaction since 1885," Cblcaeo, 111. CAMERA, never used, cost $75.00 ; first $50.00 takes it. Box 861, Roanoke, Va. UNIVERSAL MOTION PICTURE CAMERA DIRECT TO YOU, at record-breaking prices. 200foot model, brand new, list $430, net $345.00; 200-foot model, with internal shutter dissolve, list $516.00, net $425,000; 400-foot model, list $640.00, net price $525.00 ; 400-foot model, with internal dissolve, list $728.00, Bass price, $595.00. The above are the latest models, brand new. Immediate delivery, cash with order or 25 per cent, deposit, balance C. 0. D. This is the greatest opportunity ever offered and may not be repeated again. This Is in line with our campaign to double our sales, and you are the winner. Send your orders or write for complete catalogue. Write today to AMERICA'S MOTION PICTURE HEADQUARTERS. BASS CAMERA COMPANY, 100 North Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. "BEHIND THE MOTION PICTURE SCREEN," a complete treatise on making and taking the picture, price $3.65, postpaid. BASS CAMERA COMPANY, Chicago, 111. C-2 DE VRY, perfect condition, ready for use, $100.00. C-90 DeVry, perfect condition, guaranteed, $150.00. Headquarters for new and used portable projectors. BASS CAMERA COMPANY, 109 North Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. CAMERAS, ETC., WANTED. WANTED — One Bell & Howell camera, regardless of condition. C. H., care M. P. World, New York City. EQUIPMENT WANTED. THE very book that hustling, wide-awake theatre managers want when using printers' ink for house progress, folders, throwouts and newspaper advertising. It tells about type, sizes and styles, paper stock, etc. Full of good business winning ideas that get them all coming to the box office to swell your receipts. Picture Theatre Advertising, by Sargent, 300 pages, $3.00. Chalmers Publishing Company, 516 Fifth Ave., New York City. EQUIPMENT FOR SALE. 650 slightly used tipup veneered theatre chairs. Immediate delivery. Theatre Supply Co., 124 West 45th St., New -ork City. FOR sale; — Powers 6A motor driven, with rheostat, used six months, condition guaranteed, $225.00. Powers 6B motor driven, with rheostat, $350.00; good as new. Wanted good second-hand machines. Box 861, Roanoke, Va. NEW METAL 14-in. reels, regular price $2.00; our prtce $1.50, or two for $2.00. Virginia Theatre Supply Co., Roanoke, Va. WHILE THEY LAST— $2.50 theatre ledgers, $1.7.5, plus 10c. postage. Order yours now. Virginia Theatre Supply Co., Roanoke, Va. STANDARD moving picture machine, good condition, with rheostat, for sale ; bargain. Frachtenberg, 660 Summit Ave., Jersey City, N. J. WURLITZER pipe organ-orchestrian, Style H, $1,200.00 ; good as new ; cost $3,850.00. B. B. Johnson, 726 9th St., Rockford, 111. FILMS WANTED. WILL BUY five and six reel new and used features. Only those having condition, star casts, striking titles and full set of paper. Specialty Photoplay, Inc., 727 Seventh Ave., New York City. WANTED TO BUY— Motion picture theatre. Prefer one with stage equipped for vaudeville in a live town of not less than five thousand population. State price and list of equipment and full particulars in first letter. Wm. H. Moyle, 241 S. Holyoke Ave., Wichita, Kan. FILMS FOR SALE OR RENT. FOR SALE— Million Dollar Mystery, 46 reels; "Girl From Frisco," 50 reels ; "Social Pirates," 30 reels ; "Italian Battle Front," 10 reels ; "OrlfDth's Battle of Sexes," 5 reels : "Cleopatra," 8 reels ; "Rip Van Winkle," 5 reels: also series of "Ham and Bud," "Sis Hopkins," Mary Plckford, single reel specials ; other features and comedies, large selection. Guaranty Pictures Co., 145 West 46th St., N. Y. City. FOR SALE — Mutt and Jeff Comedies, also features and serials; also "Seven Deadly Sins," 37 reels. Federal Feature Exchange, Inc., 145 West 45th St., New York City. FILMS FOR sale: — One million feet, all makes, lengths and varieties. $4.00 per reel and up. Send for list Feature Film Company, Loeb Arcade, Minneapolis, Hlnn. 100 FULL REELS of films, new condition, $2.50 each. Send money order for trial order. Will sell not less than five. Jtick Mabmarian, 440 West 23d St., New York City. MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED — Pictures of motion picture stars In quantity lots. Address B. C. Powell, Manager, P. 0. Box 444, Detroit. Mich. MOTION PICTURE HANDBOOK FOB WANACERS AMD 0PERATQB5 ^ F H RICHARI'SC :; Pu8l.lS«ei> BY THE MOVING PICnjte»«LD NET VOBK PICTURE THEATRE ADVERTISING tm «a>«OP SARGEHT This Is the Book That Wai Cut Projection-Room Expenses and Improve Your I Screen Results You Are Handicapped Without It Richardson's Handbook Costs $4.00 Postpaid Its Readers Would Not Be Without It for $100.00 Send Check, P. O. Money Order or Cash TO CHALMERS PUBLISHING CO. 516 Fifth Avenue, New York, U. S. A. What^s the Use? Of running a good show, if nobody knows about it? After you've read Sargent's Book and pulled the stunts that he tells about, the only ones in town who won't line up in front of your box ofiFice will be the ticket sellers. Send $2.00 and get this money maker postpaid. CHALMERS PUBLISHING CO. 516 Fifth Avenue, New York, U. S. A.