The Moving picture world (February 1920-March 1920)

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2062 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD March 27, 1920 IS THE BIGGEST WINNER IN THE letters reproduced o these two pages are samples of scores that are coming in from theatres everywhere that are showing EMILY STEVENS in "THE SACRED FLAME." How can you then as an Independent Exchange pass up a guaranteed money getter such as this great big dramatic winner when you have evidence of such character before you? No production on the entire State Rights market surpasses this picture for box office results. That's why we claim that — Box Office Receipts Are the Vital Argument for any production, state righted or otherwise. Besides giving you a great big PROVEN WINNER that is cleaning up everywhere, we back you up with a wonderful advertising campaign book that's simply packed with exploitation ideas that get the money. With the aid of this amazing book no exhibitor on earth can help but make a cleanup on "THE SACRED FLAME."