The Moving picture world (February 1920-March 1920)

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March 27, 1920 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD 2171 Marie Shotwell in Meighan Picture. With the selection of Marie Shotwell for an important subtle characterization in "Civilian Clothes," the Paramount-Artcraft production Thomas Meighan is making in New York under the direction of Hugh Ford, this capable actress, star of both stage and screen productions, makes her first appearance under the banner of the Famous Players-Lasky Corporation. Mr. Ford chose Miss Shotwell for the part after a careful deliberation over the requirements for the role, and the actress decided to accept his offer when she thoroughly understood the difficulties of the role, for, Miss Shotwell said, so long as the characterization ii there it really matters not whethere one is starred or featured, for the public picks out the player who really does things. Radin Pictures Makes Its Debut in the Independent Field; Has Popular Stars Arbuckle Sigrns to Appear Exclusively in Five Reelers IN response to the insistent demands of exhibitors, who for a long time have wanted him to appear in feature pictures, Roscoe (Fatty) Arbuckle has just signed a contract with the Famous PlayersLasky Corporation to appear hereafter only in five-reel feature comedy productions as a Paramount Artcraft star. Mr. Arbuckle's new contract not only will bring him into five-ree! comedy features exclusively, but also adds another to the list of Paramount Artcraft stars. In the past Mr. Arbuckle has been producing lor himself, under the name of the Comique Film Corporation, of which Joseph M. Schenck is president and general manager. Mr. Arbuckle has just returned to Los Angeles, after having signed a contract for three years, during which time he will devote his screen activities exclusively to tive-reel feature comedies. -Arbuckle's departure from short comedies into feature work marks one of the most interesting developments of recent years and is a direct result of requests from exhibitors throughout the country for Arbuckle pictures of greater length. Mr. Arbuckle will begin work at once in the Lasky studio at Hollywood. ONE of the newest companies to make its appearance in the independent market is the Radin Pictures, which this week makes its bow to the state right buyers of the country under the guidance of Matthias Radin, president and general manager of Tyrad Pictures, Inc. This announcement does not mean that Radin has retired from the Tyrad organization. Such is not the case. He still continues as its active head and will operate the Radin Pictures entirely apart from Tyrad, handling separate and distinct product through the latter named company, so that the two will in no way conflict. The first feature to be offered to state right buyers by Radin Pictures is a fivepart drama of mystery featuring Frank Mayo, Ben Alexander and Claire MacDowell, entitled "Thru the Eyes of Men." This photoplay contains a story of the unusual type, one which lends itself to special exploitation. It is a clean drama of the human interest order and a box office attraction. To Release Short Subjects. That Radin Pictures does not intend to limit its product to feature subjects of length is evidenced by the fact that it will have ready for release on or about April IS a series of twenty-four single part comedies released under the brand name of "Zip Comedies," starring Chris Rube, Florence E. Turner, Nea! Burns, Ben Wilson, Bardine Burkette. Harry Mann and Mr. and Mrs. Carter De Haven. On the same date a series of twentyfour two-part "Real Star Dramas" in which such prominent stars as Violet Mesereau, Mary Fuller, Zoe Rae, William Mong, Francis Ford, Grace Cunard, Violet MacMillan, Lena Baskett, Molly Malone, Irene Hunt, Franklyn Farnum and J. Warren Kerigan appear, will also be ready for distribution. The stars mentioned appear in different groups of releases in new subjects never before shown. Change Title of Vitagraph Film. Corinne Griffith, the Vitagraph star, changed the name of her newest picture. The feature is an adaptation of the story by O. Henry entitled "The Memento," and it had gone half way into its celluloid life under that title, until Miss Griffith changed it. "The Garter Girl" is now its name. Hamlin, Logan Square, Howard, Atlantic, Davis Square, Wanda, Liberty, Clark, Twentieth Century, Gold, Plaza, Shakespeare, Star, Oakley, Rose, Rosette, Mabel, Emmett, Irving Park, Casimir, Magnolia, Ashland, Grand, Americus, Madlin, New Paris, New Lyric, New Era, New Cicero, Stadium, Karlov, Parkway, Argmore, New Park, Prairie, Tiffin, Monogram and Eagle Theatre. Selznick Men Wide Awake at New York State Convention THE Lewis J. Selznick organization was very much in evidence at the convention of the New York State Exhibitors' League, held in Utica on March *> and 10. Representatives from the New York and Buffalo offices, publicity and exploitation men, and officials from the home office were on the job every minute and put much "snap" in their work. New York exhibitors were given a visual demonstration that the Selznick organization is a "live wire" in behalf of the showmen. Miss Zena Keefe, the Selznick 1920 star, was the "Mystery Woman," for whom every girl in Utica was looking. Through the Utica Observer, Selznick offered $50 to the women who could pick out Miss Keefe on the street and identfy her. The big surprise from the Selznick office came when each exhibitor found in his box at the hotels, or in his room, a copy of the convention number of the Selznick Bulletin, a newspaper gotten out on the spot. Charles McClintock directed the "stunts." Durant Sells Four Plays for Broadway Production HARRY DURANT, of the Famous Players-Lasky organization, is turning his typewriter again toward the "legitimate" stage after several years spent in writing for the screen. Mr. Durant now has four of his plays scheduled for New York openings — "The Beautiful Virgin," with which Georg Broadhurst will open the Broadhurst Theatre early in the summer; "The Man Within," a Napoleonic drama with Jose Ruben in the title role, to be produced by Oliver Bailey at the Fulton Theatre; "Neither Do They Spin," a comedy drama which Lawrence Webber will bring into his Longacre Theatre, and an unnamed melodrama which Producer A. H. Woods believes has all the elements of a sensational success. In addition to these four plays, of which Mr. Durant is the author, he is to take a flier in the producing game himself with "Growing Pains," a comedy by Sidney Toler, and in which Ernest Treux will bs starred. Mr. Toler is also the author of "The Golden Age," which George Tyler is now rehearsing and of "The Rag-a-tagMan," which Sam H. Harris has listed for an early production. "Burlesque on Caurmen" Proving Popular. The Mickey Film Corporation of Chicago, owners of "A Burlesque on Carmen," starring Charlie Chaplin, for Illinois, report it has broken booking records with this Kremer attraction. In several instances Chicago theatres have booked Carmen for the same day and date, and many larger downtown theatres will show the comedy within the next few weeks. A partial list of the bookings secured by the Mickey Film Corporation follows : Rialto (one week), Casino (two weeks). Walter Miller in Artclass Productions. Artclass Pictures Corporation announces that Walter Miller is to be featured in five productions which it will make for release through Robertson-Cole. Mr. Miller played one of the leading roles in "The Return of Tarzan" and was loaned to Selznick Pictures for "The Invisible Divorce." He is now playing opposite Betty Compson in her first picture to be made by her own company. SEE OUR EXCHANGE PAGES They are of interest to every showman and film salesmen in the business. They reflect the "doings" of the "live wires" of filmdom. She will be the star in Three New "Stills" of Anne Luther. "Why Women Sin," a Wistaria Production, Inc., and will be supported by a notable cast of players.