The Moving picture world (February 1920-March 1920)

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2188 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD March 27, 1920 PICTURE THEATRE ARCHITECTS These men can design a good house. Let them plan yours. District of Columbia REGINALD W. GEARE 327 Woodward Bide., Washington, D. C. ZINK & SPARKLIN, Inc. 943 Hunscy Bids.. Washington, D. C. Michigan CHRISTIAN W. BRANDT 1114 Krcsce Bide Detroit. Hich. C. HOWARD CRANE 100 Griswold Bide, Detroit, Mich. M issouri Carl Boiler & Brother Theatre Architects RIDGE BUILDING, KANSAS CITT, MO. Coniulttnta to other arahltaots. Advlsora to owners ree&rding pl&na and spedilcstlons of oom«mplst«d tiieatrea. EDGAR P. MADORIE 1I05-S.7 Republic Bids.. Kansas City, Ho. New York EUGENE DE ROSA 110 West 40th St., New York Pennsylvania RITCHER-LEE COMPANY 32 Sooth 17th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Sauinniiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii III! I ROMAYNE COMEDIES Amonr the Best Two-Reelers en the Market WRITE OR WIRE ROMAYNE SUPERFILM CO. LOS ANGELES National Electric Ticket Register Co. ilanu/acturers of Electric Hciet lasoloK Machines for Moving Picture Theatres and Reataurants. Sold direct or through your deaJer. NATIONAL ELECTRIC TICKET REGISTER COMPANY 1511 North Broadway St. LouU. Mo., U. S. A. AMERICAN jfotoplaper (Trade-Mark Registered) The Musical Marvel Write for Catalovne AMERICAN PHOTO PLAYER CO. 62 West 45th Street New York City Eugene H. Kaufman Has Made an Enviable Sales Record EUGENE H. KAUFMAN, manager of the Accessory Department of Inter-Ocean Film Corporation, is known throughout the trade as a pioneer among accessory merchants in foreign territories. He is a man who has done much for the development of the motion picture accessory product in foreign film marts. Mr. Kaufman's connection with InterOcean dates back to the humble beginning Eugene H. Kaufman Manager Accessory Department Inter-Ocean Film Corporation. of Inter-Ocean's activities in the export field more than five years ago, when it then occupied an insignificant suite of offices in the Candler Building. Today the expansion of its business has necessitated the exclusive use of a five-story building with a frontage on Forty-second street. It was Mr. Kaufman who was instrumental in bringing about the foreign demand for Speer Carbons before they had yet found their present large market in this country. It was also Mr. Kaufman, who, on the strength of the tremendous sales of Speer Carbons annexed the Fulco Accessories to Inter-Ocean's many products and set up a big demand for these accessories. Since then Mr. Kaufman has added the Master Projector, the "Projex" Lens, Whol Studio Equipment and numerous other celebrated accessory products to his sales wing. Mr. Kaufman's plans for the future embrace the acquisition of other well-known accessory products for exclusive foreign distribution. "5«/?^C0 Color Hoods Instead of dipped lamps. Infinitely better more lasting and cheaper in the long run. ^ Made of nataral colored blown glass. Do Not Fade or Wear Out ^Iu!d*"4o W. Reynolds Electric Co. Lampa 426 s. Talman Ave.. Chlca«o. 111. 1 Write for our up-to-date price liat. Amusement Supply Co. Largest Exclusive Dealers to the MOTION PICTURE TRADE 300-302 Mailers Bldg. 5 Sooth Wabash Ave. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Dealers In Motlogmph. Standard and Himpi*^ Monng Picture Atachlnea. National Cartansw Mloua* Screens and Ererythlng for the Theatre WE SELL ON THE INSTALLMENT PLAN SPECIAL ROLL Tour own special Ticket. MMj anion, aacuntrir bubtasvd: ererr roll ruarant««d. &r^mM3^iiKt^y/iiiiiii\vm onpon tkms for ptIu ^^KiSKSf^^/J/f,ISiM Drawlnia: 9,000. 0.00. VM^m ahlpinenta. C a a b the ordar. the ^yiCTk &*iia (lla*iram for R« •emd Seat Coupon TlckeU. serial m^rm>^—t~j-" ot dated. All Ucketa most eooC -QRa^Bkiffi^ form to Ooremmmt reculatlon >Vg and hear established piloe of admlaalon and tax SPECIAL TICKET PRICES FiTe Thousand tlM { Ten Thousand >.M Fifty Thousand 9.W Fifteen Thousand 4.M Twenty-iT« Thousand <.0t One Hundred Thousand 15.00 National Ticket Co. shamokin, Pa. GUARANTEED Mailing Lists MOVING PICTURE THEATRES Every State — total 25,300; by States, M OO. Per M. 1.057 film exchange* tT.IO 313 manufacturers and studios 4.M 368 machine and supply dealers 4.M Further Partrculars: A. F.WILLIAMS, 166 W. Adams St., Chicago LA VITA CINEMATOGRAFICA The Leading, Independent Organ of Italian Film Trade SUBSCRIPTION FOR FOREIGN COUNTRIES SIX DOLLARS A YEAR Advertisementi : Tariff on application. Editorial Offices: TUBIN (Italy) — Galleria Naxionale ROTARY CONVERTER "MARTIN FOR REAL SUN-LIT PICTURES PERFECT REEL DISSOLVING WRITE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO. 412 S. Hoyne Ave.. Chloago 1010 Brokaw BIdg.. New Yst» In Answering Advertisements, Please Mention the MOVING PICTURE WORLD