The Moving picture world (February 1920-March 1920)

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CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 3c Per word for situations wanted and help wanted. Minimum $0.50 5c Per word for all commercial advertisements. IVIinimum $1.00 SITUATIONS WANTED. CAMERAMAN, experienced, go anywhere, studio or outdoor, open for engagement after April 1. Own Pathe outfit. Also want substantial market for industrial, educational, travel and news negatives. Brooks, 152 East 22d St., New York City. MANAGER, live wire, twelve years experience, booking specialist, expert protectionist, with New York license ; superior references. William, care M. P. World, New York City. HAVE been successful studio manager with large producer. Studio just closed, so open for engagement. Best of references. Experience as photographer, publicityman, stage manager, etc. Willing to accept any executive postion. Excellent business judgment and initiative. Box "W," 297 Madison Ave., New York. AT LIBERTY — Leader of orchestra (piano), pictures or vaudeville. Good library ; married ; good salary essential. Last three seasons with the Shubert attractions ; also with the best vaudeville (Keith's) and first class picture houses. Address Musical Director, care M P. World, New Y rk City. AT LIBERTY. — Man desires position as manager of moving picture house ; two years as owner ; fifteen years' newspaper experience ; No. 1 references. Address G. E. T., Moving Picture World, New York City. HELP WANTED. SALESMAN WANTED.— A large and growing house, covering Middle Western States, handling projection machines and motion picture theatre equipment of all kinds, has opening for salesman, familiar with line, who can shortly qualify as manager of branch oflSce. This is an unusual opportunity and development will be rapid if the man who comes in "delivers the goods." In writing us please give your reasons for believing you can make good and Indicate what Income you would expect to earn. Address ABC, care M. P. World, New York City. DEVELOPER wanted, negative and positive ; ex perienced man only; state salary. Address "W," care Moving Picture World, New York City. CAMERAS, ETC.. WANTED. WANTED — Second-hand motion picture cameras, any make, tripods, etc. Mail all matters to J. A. Burzyuski, Pine Island, Box 133, New York CAMERAS, ETC., FOR SALE. FROM CANTON. ILLINOIS, to Canton, China, 100,000 customers use our wonderful catalog and service for all their photographic needs. Movie cameras, tripods, projectors, northern lights, text books, supplels, etc., etc., all at sensational money saving prices. Write for this valuable. F-R-E-E catalog today. David Stern Company, "Value, service, satisfaction since 1885," Chicago, 111. UNIVERSAL MOTION PICTURE CAMERA DIRECT TO YOU, at record-breaking prices. 200foot model, brand new, list $430, net $345.00; 200-foot model, with Internal shutter dissolve, list $516.00, net $425,000 ; 400-foot model, list $640.00. net price $525.00 ; 400-foot model, with Internal dissolve, list $728.00, Bass price $595.00. The above are the latest models, brand new. Immediate delivery, cash with order or 25 per cent deposit, balance C. O. D. This Is the greatest opportunity ever offered and may not be repeated again. This is In line with our campaign to double our sales, and you are the winner. Send your orders or write for complete catalogue. Write today to AMERICA'S MOTION PICTURE HEADQUARTERS. BASS CAMERA COMPANY, 100 North Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. "BEHIND THE MOTION PICTURE SCREEN." a complete treatise on making and taking the picture, price $3.65, postpaid. BASS CAMERA COMPANY, Chicago, III. C-2 DE VRY, perfect condition, ready for use, $100.00. C-90 DeVry, perfect condition, guaranteed, $150.00. Headquarters for new and used portable projectors. BASS CAMERA COMPANY, 109 North Dearborn St., Chicago, III. EQUIPMENT FOR SALE. ONE 8 H. P. engine. One 4 kw. 110 volt D. C. generator. Switchboard and all Instruments. G. BL Fans — 1 52-in. ceiling, 2 16-ln. escilating, 2 16-ln. exhaust and 1 8-in. small fan. One 1-20 and on» % H. P. motors. All of the above, good as new, for $650. S. D. Wooten, Coldwater, Miss. THEATRES WANTED. WANTED — Moving picture theatre In good llv» town. Will consider any part of United States, L. E. Brewer, Wanette, Okla. FILMS WANTED. WANTED TO BUY— Motion picture theatre. Prefer one with stEige equipped for vaudeville In a 1It» town of not less than five thousand population.. State price and list of equipment and full particulars in first letter. Wm. H. Moyle, 241 S. Holyok» Ave., Wichita, Kan. FILMS FOR SALE OR RENT. FOR SALE — Mutt and Jeff Comedies, also features and serials; also "Seven Deadly Sins," 37 reels. Federal Feature Exchange, Inc., 146 West 45th St.. New York City. FILMS FOR SALE— One million feet >11 makes,, lengths and varieties, $4.(X) per reel and up. SenA for list Feature Film Company, Loeb Arcade^ Minneapolis, Minn. MISCELLANEOUS. A BOOK with a real commercial value. All about theatre wiring, circuits and lamps, nn lamps, exit lights, auditorium ceiling and side lights. Moving picture machine, stereoptlcon and spot lamps. Lights for projection room, ticket booth and special purposes. Will save you money on your current, repair and equipment billsa. Hallberg's Motion Picture Electricity, 280 pages, $2.50. Chalmers Publishing Company, 516 Fifth Avenue. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. SMALL studio for rent Full equipment Call or write. Telephone Murray Hill 4963. J. W. McGovern, 316 East 48th St, New York City. MOTION PICTURE HA.NDM)K ^ P.H.11ICH Complete instruction in detail on leading makes of projection machines, in simple, every-day language. There is not a day but what you can refer to this book for information to advantage. The twelve-page index affords a quick guide for your trouble and greatly increases the efficiency and value of the Handbook. 700 pages, $4. '1 ; ■■ MODERN THEATRE CONSrRUCTION Exactly what you need if contemplating the building of a theatre. A big factor in helping you to decide the type, size and design of your house. Keep up with your architect when going over the proposition. The reading of this book may be the means of saving you a few hundred dollars worth of mistakes and unnecessary expenditures. 270 pages, $3. You Cannot Afford To Be Without These Chalmers Pubhshing Company Garrick Theatre Building Chicago, 111. 516 Fifth Avenue, New York City The very book that hus1 1 i n g wide-awake theatre managers want when using printers' ink for house programs, folders, throw-outs and newspaper advertising. It tells about type, sizes and styles, paper stock, etc. Full of good business-winning ideas that get them all coming to the box office to .swell your receipts. 300 pages, $2. MOTION PICTUI>,E ELECTRICPITY Wright & Callender BIdg. Los Angeles, Calif. A book with a real commercial value. All about theatre wiring, circuits and lamps, arc lamps, signs, lobby lamps, exit lights, auditorium ceiling and side lights; moving picture machine, stereopticon and spot lamps; lights for projection room, ticket booth and special purposes. Will save you money on your current, repair and equipment bills. 280 pages, $2.50.