The Moving picture world (September 1920-October 1920)

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254 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD September II, 1920 Current Film Release Dates JSiumbers following titles of pictures indicate pages on which reviews or conimeiiis appeared. "L" refers to Comments, and "li" to Reviews. C-R signihes page where may he found resume of reviewer's opinions. Ex. indicates pages on which have appeared stories of the exploitation of that production. Volume number is also shown where information was published in previous volumes. Unless otherwise specified all dramas are hve reels in length. GOLDWYN DISTRIBUTING The Blooming Angel (Madge Kennedy). 43; P-1286. Vol. Vol. The Loves of Letty (Pauline Frederick). 43; P-1290. The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come (Jack Pickford). Vol. 43; P-1522. Water, Water, Everywhere (Will Rogers). Vol. 43; P-1113; C-R, Vol. 44; P-455; Ex. Vol. 43; P-1342; C-R, Partners of the Night. Vol. 44; P-123. Dangerous Days (Rex Beach Production). Vol. 44; P-2175; C-R. Vol. 45; P-117. The Street Called Straight (Basil King — All Star). Vol. 43; P-1293; C-R, Vol. 44; P-134. The Woman In Room 13 (Pauline Frederick). Vol. 44; P-138: C-R. P-597; Ex. 949. The Woman and the Puppet (CJeraldlne Far rar— Seven Reels). Vol. 44; P-142; C-R, P-723. The Strange Boarder (Will Rogers). Vol. 44; P-729; C-R, P-979. Out of the Storm (Barbara Castleton). Vol. 44; P-1107; C-R. P-1211. Jes* Call Me Jim (Will Rogers). Vol. 44; P 1361; C-R, P-1499. Dollars and Sense (Madge Kennedy). Vol. 44; P-1363; C-R, Vol. 45; P-250. The Return of Tarzan (Gene PoUar). Vol. 44; P-1504; C-R, Vol. 45; P-117; Ex. P-910. Scratch My Back (T. Roy Barnes and Helene Chadwick). Vol. 44; P-1632; C-P., P-1787; Ex. Vol. 46; P-82. The Groat Accident (Tom Moore). Vol. 44; P-1634; C-R, Vol. 45; P-250. Double Dyed Deceiver (Jack Pickford). Vol. 44; P-1791; C-R, Vol. 45; P-250. The Slim Princess (Mabel Normand). Vol. 45; P-254; C-R, P-369. Going Some (Rex Beach Production). Vol. 45; P-637; C-R, P-777. Cupid — The Cowpuncher (Will Rogers). Vol. 45; P-780. „ The North Wind's Malice (Rex Beach Production). Vol. 45; P-1068. The Penalty (Lon Chaney). Vol. 45; P-1069. Earthbound (All Star — Seven Reels). Vol. 45; P-1069; C-R, Vol. 46, P-109. Stop Thief (Tom Moore). Vol. 45; P-1216. BRAY PICTOGRAPH8. (One Reel) Pheasants, Aristocrats of Birdland. Professor B. Flat — A Musical Novelty. Guardians of Our Gateways. Famous Robberies. High Cost of Courting. Taos Indians and Other Subjects. FORD EDUCATIONALS. (One Reel) June 6 — To Suit Man — No. 204. June 13 — Chu Chu — No. 205. June 20 — Wickerware — No. 206. June 27 — Little Comrades — No. 207. July 4 — Tropical Gems of Florida — No. 208. July 11 — Water as Power — No. 209. July 18— Just Write — No. 210. July 25 — Current Occurrance — No. 211. Aug. 1 — Into the Big Cypress — No. 212. Aug. 8 — Starting Life — No. 213 Aug. 15 — To a Queen's Taste — No. 214. Aug. 22 — "Aqua" — No. 215. Aug. 29 — Out of the Woods — No. 216. L. J. SELZNICK ENTERPRISES Distributed by Select Exchanges. SELZNICK PICTURES. The Man Who Lost Himself (William Faver sham). Vol. 44: P-150. The Flapper (Olive Thomas). Vol. 44; P-1239; C-R P-1499 Aug.. 2-^Panthea (Norma Talmadge). Aug. 2. — Johnny (Herbert Kaufman Masterpiece— One Reel). Aug. 9 — Darling Mine (Olive Thomas). Vol. 45; P-1213. Aug. 23 — The Point of View (Elaine Hammerstein). Vol. 45; P-10G5; C-R, P1211. Aug. 30 — The Poor Simp (Owen Moore). SELECT PICTURES. July 10 — The Sowing of Alderson Cree (Bernard During). Aug. 16 — Just Outside the Door (Edith Hallor). NATIONAL PICTURES. March — Just a Wife. Vol. 44; P-458; C-R, P-979. March — Blind Youth. Vol. 44; P-600. The Invisible Divorce (Leatrlce Joy — Walter McGrail). Vol. 45: P-252. July 19 — Marooni'd Hearts (Conway Tearle). Aug. 23 — Out of the Snows (Ralph Ince). REPUBLIC PICTURES. Distributed by Republic Exchanges. Klnograms (News Reel). July 12— Mr. Wu (Special Cast). July 19 — Baby (Special Cast). July 26 — Mountain Madness (Special Cast). April— The Gift Supreme. Vol. 44; P-727; C-R, P-1499. The One Way Trail (Edythe Sterling). Vol. 44: P-1236; C-R, Vol. 45; P-250. The Great Shadow. Vol. 44; P1237. Man's Plaything (Montagu Love-Grace Davison). Vol. 44: P-1792. Girl of the Sea (Wllliam.son). R-507. Children Not Wanted (Edith Day). Vol. 45; P-642. METRO PICTURES CORP. May 31 — The Best of Luck (All Star — Six Parts). Vol. 44; P-1791; C-R, P633. July 5 — Parlor, Bedroom and Bath (All Star — Six Parts). Vol. 45; P-372. July 19 — The Misfit Wife (Alice Lake — Six Parts). Vol. 45; P-638; C-R, P777. Aug. 2 — Held in Trust (May Allison — Six Parts). Vol. 45; P-1065; C-R. P1211. Aug. 16 — The Chorus Girl's Romance (Viola Dana — Six Parts). Vol. 45; P1213. Sept. 1 — The Hope (All-Star — Six Parts). Vol. 46: P-113. Sept. 13 — The Price of Redemption (Bert Ly tell — Six Parts). Sept. 20 — The Saphead (Crane-Keaton — Six Parts). Sept. 27 — Clothes (All Star — Six Parts). Oct. 4 — The Hope (All Star — Six Parts). NAZIHOVA PRODUCTIONS. January — Stronger Than Death (Seven Reels). Vol. 44; P-631. April — The Heart of a Child (Seven Reels). Vol. 44; P-459; C-R, P-867. C. E. SHURTLEFP, INC. Aug. 23 — The Mutiny of the Elsinore (All Star Cast — Six Reels). Vol. i.t; P-636: C-R, P-777. Nov. 22 — The Star Rover (All Star — Six Reels). TATLOR HOLMES PRODUCTIONS. April — Nothing But Lies (Six Reels). Vol. 44: P-1235; C-R, P-1787. ROBERTSON-COLE A Woman Who Understood (Bessie Barriscale). Vol. 44; P-139; C-R, P-697. The Brand of Lopez (Sessue Hayakawa). Vol. 44; P-3n2: C-R, P-45a. The Third Woman (Carlyle Blackwell). Vol. 43; P-2174; C-R, Vol. 44; P-299. Bright Skies (ZaSu Pitts). Vol. 44; P-859: C-R. Vol. 45: P-250. The Devil s Claim (Sessue Hayakawa). Vol. 44: P-984. The Fortune Teller (Marjorie Rambeau). Vol. 44: 1'-1I07: Ex. P-1598. The Notorious Mrs. Sunds (Bessie Barrls cale). Vol. 44; P-1108: C-R. 5U3. The Wonder .Man (Georjies Carpenller — Six Reds). Vol. 44; P-1502; C-R. P-1737. The Heart of Twenty (ZaSu Pitts). Vol. 45; P-118: C-R. 503. Uncharted Channels (H. B. Warner). R-506. Li Ting LanK (Sessue Hayakawa). Vol. 46; P-505: C-n. P-633. Life's Twist (Bessie Barriscale). Vol. 45; P 640: C-R, P-777. Arabian Night (Sessue Hayakawa). Big Happiness (Dustin Farnum — .six Reels). Occasionally Yours (Lew Cody — Six Reels). Supreme Comedlea. Artistic Temperament. In Room 202. Come Into the Kitchen. Take Doctor's Advice. Oh. You Kid! Letty's Lost Legacy. Becky Strikes Out. MARTIN JOHNSON. Lonely South Pacific Missions. Recruiting In the Solomons. The City of Broken Old Men. Marooned in the South Seas. ADVENTURE SCENICS. Sons of Salooskln. Ghosts of Romance. PIONEER FILM CORP. Thoughtless Women (Alma Rubens). Place of Honeymoons (Emily Stevens with Montagu Love). Midnight Gambols (Marie Doro). What Women Want (Louis Huff). Where Is My Husband? (Jose Collins). Out of the Depths (Violet Mesereau and Edmund Cobb). Empty Arms (Gail Kane and Thurston Hall). Finders Keepers (Violet Mesereau and Edmund Cobb). His Brother's Keeper (Martha Mansfield, Rogers Lytton and Gladden James). The Inner Voice (E. K. Lincoln). Bubbles (Mary Anderson). A Moment's Madness (Marguerite Namara). Idle Hands (Gall Kane and J. Herbert Frank). A Good Woman (Gail Kane and J. Herbert Frank). Luke McLuke's Film-osophy. Sonny Series. REALART PICTURES Special Features. The Deep Purple (R. A. Walsh Production — Six Reels). Vol. 44; P-983: C-F, P-1233; Ex. P-1594-1744. Vol. 45; Ex. 746. The Law of the Yukon (Charles Miller Production— Six Reels). Star Prodactions. Jenny Be Good (Mary Miles Mlnter). Vol. 44; P-984; C-R, P-1233: Ex. 1478. Miss Hobbs (Wanda Hawley). Vol. 44: P 1630; Ex. 1599-908; C-R, Vol. 45; P-117. A Cumberland Romance (Mary Miles Mtnter). Vol. 45: P-641. A Dark Lantern (Alice Brady). Vol. 46: P-934; C-R. P-1064. The Soul of Youth (Lewis Sargent). Vol. 45; P-1216; C-R, Vol. 46; P-109.