The Moving picture world (January 1921-February 1921)

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January I, 1921 MOVING PICTURE WORLD M Producers! Distributors! Exhibitors! Certain self "appointed individuals and interests at Washington are threatening the existence of,! the future and the stability of the entire motion picture industry by means of legislation to establish what is known as BLUE SUNDAY" To prove that the American people have no desire to eliminate happiness and legitimate recreation for the one day in seven which is devoted to rest and peace — that the American people have no desire to enter either a mental, spiritual or physical slavery at any man's dictation — we must submit at once a written protest of American citizens who will demand that they be not denied the privileges of the free air of God on the golf course; neither will they be denied the Sunday newspapers and magazines on their own veranda — nor shall any legislation be enacted which will deny them the privilege of silently witnessing a screen production of the master authors or artists of the world. No legislation will ever enforce or impose RELIGION OR BELIEF which must and does come from the soul Personal petition blanks for the forwarding of protests of 16,000,000 law-abiding and respectable citizens to their Congressional representatives in Washington have been prepared and are ready for YOU without cost or expense to yourself in forwarding the protest of your patrons to Congress assembled. WRITE, WIRE, PHONE FITZPATRICK & McELROY 202 SO. STATE STREET CHICAGO, ILLINOIS JOIN THE 16,000,000 CLUB TODAY Sole Representatives of JOIN THE 16,000,000 CLUB TODAY Ford Motion Picture Laboratories