The Moving picture world (February 1920)

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February 12, 1921 MOVING PICTURE WORLD 835 Naked Truth Special Selected as Next Vehicle to Bring A. M. P. A. Members Together WITH semaphores set for a clear run, the Naked Truth Special, bearing the I. W. W.'s (Itinerant Welkin Wringers) of the Associated Motion Picture Advertisers, will track at the Biltmore Hotel March 4, for the association has decided to hold its first honest-to-Hoyle salubriation in many an aeon that evening. Chief Dispatcher Tom Wiley has assured that the train will track promptly at seven bells and that all who reach the yard late will miss the opening ceremonials. The ceremonies will be presented under the auspices of Chief Dispatcher Wiley and Yardmaster Paul Lazarus. A Hearty Reception For the entertainment of the passengers on the special a committee, headed by Tom Wiley and George Landy, has provided a bevy of scintillating talent that is mentioned by name in whispers only when the committee assembles in the Gotham grottos. Some of the big film magnates will be present at the first Naked Truth dinner ever given by the A. M. P. A.; and the inclusion of these magnates under unusual circumstances guarantees a hearty reception for the special. "Hot Dogs'' will be the order of the evening. Regardless of customary railroad etiquette, employees who insist upon attending in their overalls will be reminded that economy as a publicity fad has outlived its day unless Ben Atwell provides a parade of theatre ushers for his exploitation stunt. The Committee Announces The four greatest Continental artists, the committee announces, have been obtained for the program at a figure that promises to break the committee's bank roll and send it to eternal Sheol. Guests on the special who insist upon curling up on the floor and winding the mosaics around their ears will be offered a feeling reminder. An order of ceremonies has already been outlined by the Chief Dispatcher, which will be in entire harmony with the decorum of the A. M. P. A. As each passenger alights on the platform he will be greeted with three hawty cheers. WE THINK SHE'S MCE.' Wanda Haivley, <who is starring in Reatart's "The Snob" or with some appropriate token of encouragement, such as : Raw, raw, raw Bill, Bill, Bill Raw, raw, raw We're for you still. There will be other attractions too numerous to remember. Sir Oliver Lodge, Mrs. Tom Thumb, Arthur Brilant and President-elect Harding will be among the celebrities present, the last named even though it is his inaugural day. Reservations on the Naked Truth Special are fixed by capacity. Owing to the fact that it is the first time in many years that the A. M. P. A. has financed an excursion run of such a dignified nature, seating accommodations for a limited number only will be provided this year. More than half the available seating capacity has already been reserved, according to advices received from Chief Dispatcher Wiley. As an A. M. P. A. enterprise the Naked Truth Special will be reserved with preference for A. M. P. A. members and a limited number of invited guests Kead What the New York Newspaper Critics Said of VIGNOLA'S Personally Directed Special "THE PASSIONATE PILGKIM" By Samuel Merwin When it Played the Rivoli Theatre Week of Jan. 2 " 'Thel Passionate Pilgrim' rarks "A beautifully acted picture with with the [finest presented in recent an absorbing strry that is something weeks.'' a little different." New York World New York Telegraph ' One of Mr. Vignola's best works, "The play abounds in surprises he has brought out a play of remark with a frequent thrill and always an able power and interest ." intense sympathetic appeal " New York Journal New York American The Passionate Pilgrim' is a "Mr. Vignola's treatment of the romantic drama of more than usual story is particularly gocd, especially quality." his use of the cut-back." New York Sun New York Times "The story is interesting and the "One remarkable feature. These humanness of the various characters are the first film shots we have seen is refreshing " that look like a newspaper office " New York Daily News New York Globe VIGNOLA PRODUCTIONS "The Ultimate Achievement in Screen Entertainments" Made^for^Cosmopolitan Released by Paramount M. P. D. A.