The Moving picture world (April 1921)

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HODKINTSOJST SERVICE "EAST LYNNE" The greatest screen achievement of the day. Every living soul knows the name "EAST LYNNE" either as a book or as a play. Now, in picture form , it will attain to new heights of popularity never before dreamed of, for it is one of the finest productions ever made. Hugo Ballin, who produced and directed it, is an artist to his finger-tips and his artistry is shown in every foot of the film. Hundreds of thousands of people are waiting to see "EAST LYNNE." "PARTNERS the TIDE" As a director of pictures dealing with the sea and its folk Irvin V. Willat recognizes no peer. This was proven in his masterly handling of "Behind The Door" and "Below The Surface." Joseph C. Lincoln's novel from which "PARTNERS OF THE TIDE" was adapted to the screen gives him even greater opportunities than did those two splendid stories just mentioned.