The Moving picture world (April 1921)

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1012 MOVING PICTURE WORLD April 30, 1921 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS * COST LITTLE — DO MUCH* b STSE?" WANTED 3c Z'„ ALL OTHER COMMER p per CIAL ADVERTISING DC word Not less than twenty words accepted NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS:— The Publishers expect that all statements made iri every advertisement will bear the strictest investigation. SITUATIONS WANTED LADY ORGANIST desires position. Experienced picture player ; large library. West preferred. State salary and hours. Box 191, M. P. World, New York City. THEATRE MANAGER desires position. Thoroughly competent all branches. Business creator extraordinary lobby displays. Presentations. Salary and percentage. Box 190, M. P. World, New York City. MEN OUT OF WORK or seeking better connections carefully read ads in this department every week. Your ad here is the best way to get help. PICTURE THEATRE ADVERTISING book wants a position on every theatre manager's desk. A book full of ad-ideas that knows its job and will be mighty handy to have around. By E. W. Sargent, who knows what the theatre man needs. $2.00 postpaid Chalmers Publishing Co.. .">16 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. HELP WANTED GET IN TOUCH with the many thousand men likely to be in need of the services you offer, through an ad in this department. It is the most economical way to connect with a job. GOOD PROJECTIONISTS seldom need to look for work. "Motion Picture Handbook," for Managers and Projectionists, by F. H. Richardson, helps projectionists to the job and on the job. Complete projection information. $4.00 postpaid. Chalmers Publishing Co., 516 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES YOU PROBABLY HAVE a good thing, but need aid to put it over. Advertising in this department gets results. MONEY FOR YOU, Mr. Theatre Manager, in the current and equipment savings you can effect through constant use of the ideas and practical advice in "Motion Picture Electricity." by J. H. Hallberg. A book that every theatre man needs. $2.50 postpaid. Chalmers Publishing Co.. 516 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. EQUIPMENT FOR SALE OPERA CHAIRS from war camps, booths, machines and entire equipments furnished at halt original cost. Write your requirement. J. P. Redlngton, Scranton, Pa. FILMS FOR SALE FOR SALE: — "Gloria's Romance" (40), featuring Billle Burke; "Perils of Our Girl Reporters" (30) ; "Social Pirates" (30) ; "The Wildcat" (5) ; "Sunny Jane" (5) ; "Man's Making" (5) ; Those Who Toil" (5) ; "Her Bargain" (5) ; "Carmen of the North" (5) ; also large selection "Comedies/] "Features," "Serials," "Educationals," "Cartoons, etc. Guaranty Pictures Co., 130 West 46th Street, New York City. THEATRES WANTED IF YOU WANT to buy or rent a theatre, an ad in this department will cause exhibitors everywhere to make you propositions. THEATRES FOR SALE OR RENT IP YOUR THEATRE is for sale or rent, advertise it in this department. Then get ready to make the bargain. SPECIAL ! TO CLOSE AN ESTATE— Movie, located in city of over fifty thousand. Capacity, twelve hundred. Running six matinees per week. Four-story brick building. Rental, sixteen thousand a year. Building consists of theatre, stores, offices and thirty apartments. Weekly expense about six hundred. Receipts over one thousand. Price, to close estate, one hundred seventy-five thousand ; terms. Send for our special list of theatres. Hunt, 329 Brisbane Building, Buffalo, N. Y. MOVIE ; TOWN OF FIVE THOUSAND— No competition. Capacity, three hundred. First-class equipment throughout. Net profit, one hundred to one hundred fifty a week. Price, eighty-five hundred. Easy terns. Send for our special list of theatres. Hunt, 339 Brisbane Building, Buffalo, N. Y. FOR SALE — Theatre seating 900 in thriving New England city. Recognized as the finest theatre in the city and doing the best business. Everything complete from screen to lobby. Showing a steady profit of from two to three hundred weekly ; catering to the best class of patronage. Present owner has larger proposition under way in another city, and property will be sold to the right buyer at a reasonable price. Will require twenty thousand cash to handle. Box 194, Moving Picture World. New York City. EQUIPMENT FOR SALE OR RENT THE BEST EQUIPMENT before or after building a theatre is "Modern Theatre Construction," by E. B. Kinsila, because it indicates the best building methods at home and abroad, stressing safety, comfort and ornamentation. $3.00 postpaid. Chalmers Publishing Co., 516 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. FOR SALE — 900 veneer folding chairs, New Era pipe organ, player piano, lobby frames. Palace electric big "P" sign, electric flasher, office safe, typewriter, desks, gold fibre screen, electric fixtures. Write, call or wire. Bargain prices for quick disposal. New Strand Theatre. Schenectady, N. Y. EQUIPMENT WANTED IF YOU WOULD SELL those theatre chairs, that machine, or other equipment, and at a good price, place an ad in this department. Buyers read it carefully every week. EQUIPMENT FOR SALE THEATRE and STUDIO equipment of every description can readily be obtained through this department. Place an ad. You will get the goods. CAMERAS WANTED IF YOU HAVE a camera that you want to sell, advertise it in this department. CAMERAS FOR SALE YOU NEED a camera for that special job, one that can be bought quickly and disposed of after a short time without loss. Get It through an ad In this department. FOR SALE — Debrie Camera, including tripod and extra magazines ; slightly used ; reasonable price. Box 189, Moving Picture World, New York City. PATHE PROFESSIONAL CAMERA, four magazines, carrying case, 2-inch Georz Hypar Lens, Precision tripod ; excellent condition. Used only by owner. Box 193. Moving Picture World, New York City. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE OR RENT — Bartola Organ, Model AA ; used four months. A. Bossen, 1007 So. Seventh Street, Lyons, la. HOPE JONES UNIT ORCHESTRA FOR SALE— A STYLE 135; IN EXCELLENT CONDITION ; CHEAP FOR CASH. ADDRESS COLONIAL THEATRE, TOLEDO, OHIO. FILMS WANTED FILM BUYERS everywhere read this department for film wants. Your ad here will get you a buyer. FILMS FOR SALE OR RENT YOUR FILM WANTS will be supplied through an ad in this department. It will be read by the men you want to reach. FOR SALE — Single reel Strand Comedies, with Billle Rhodes and Elinor Fields. Excellent subjects ; new condition ; with posters. Central Film Company, 729 Seventh Avenue, New York. MISCELLANEOUS VALUABLE SERVICE Is rendered advertisers under the miscellaneous head, at a low cost, In this department. CAMERA MEN ! — Cash for news subjects of COLORED CHARACTERS ; not exceeding 150 feet. For information address Charles F. Vodery, 505 N. Caroline Street. Baltimore, Md. Montreal's Papineau Opened on April 15 Montreal. Quebec, saw the opening of still another elaborate picture theatre on Saturday, April 16, when the Papineau Theatre, 1351 Papineau avenue, was opened by the United Amusements. Ltd., which also operates the Regent Theatre, Montreal. The event was marked by the personal appearance of a party of screen celebrities headed by June Caprice, Lucy Fox and Charles Hutchison. The new house serves a northern section of Montreal and seats 1,600. It is handsomely fitted out and the equipment features 'include a Hope-Jones organ. Projection is provided by two Simplex machines. The theatre has a balcony, with a horseshoe of boxes extending from the proscenium around the edge of the balcony and baclc to the proscenium. The policy of the company will be to change pictures twice weekly and prices TITLES FOR ALL PURPOSES ANY LANGUAGE 10 Years Specializing In This Product assures you of the BEST Moderate Prices Q.ulck. J??'" PREMIER TITLE COMPANY 356-358 EAST 33RD STREET CHICAGO for matinees range from 10c. to 20c. and for evening performances 20c. and 30c. Jay PicWel, late of the Imperial Theatre, Montreal, has been engaged as the organist. An attractive feature of the handsome terra cotta front is a statue of Papineau, the French-Canadian patriot, in whose honor the theatre has been named. The opening attraction was "A Modern Salome," starring Hope Hampton, and other pictures included Pathe News, Pathe Review and a Clyde Cook comedy. Building New Theatre A new moving picture theatre which is being erected at Garrett, Ind., for Raymond Beahler, a prominent business man of that place, is rapidly nearing completion. The new building has a seating capacity of 500. A large orchestra pit and a stage unusually ample for a theatre of its size are incorporated in the interior architectural arrangement. A spacious entrance lobby is also an attractive feature. AMERICAN jfotoplaper (Trade-Mark Registered) The Musical Marvel Write for Catalogue AMERICAN PHOTO PLAYER CO. 1600 Broadway New York City EAST RUTHERFORD, N. J.— Educational Pictures Company, 75 Prospect Terrace, has been organized with $100,000 capital to produce moving pictures. RUTHERFORD, N. J. — North Jersey Theatres Corporation, 57 Park avenue, has been organized with $300,000 capital to operate theatres, amusement enterprises, etc. NEW YORK, N. Y.— Frontier Features, Inc., has been organized with $100,000 capital by Anders Randolph, 15 West 67th street. LA CINE MAT OGRAFIA ITALIANA ED ESTERA Official Organ of the Italian Cinematograph Union Published on the 15th and 30th of Each Month Foreign Subscription: $7.00 or 85 Francs Per Annum Editorial and Business Officea: Via Cumiana, 31, Turin, Italy FOR BEST RESULTS USE "AGFA" Chemicals