The Moving picture world (June 1921)

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June 4, 195l MOVING PICTURE WORLD 501 Chicago and the Middle West By PAUL HINZ Illinois Considering Censorship Bill; Provides Commission of Three Members ANEW bill seilously affecting the indus- try was presented to the state legislature at Springfield by Representative J. H. Francis, of Morris, 111., May 10. It provides for the creation of a State Motion Picture Commission to be composed of three, appointed by the governor, and to receive a salary of $3,000-3 year; for establishment of suitable quarters in Springfield, with authority to open branch offices at any other point; for investing full power in this commission for the licensing of motion pictures as expressed in the following; The commission shall license every film sub- mitted to it and intended for exhibition in Illinois, unless it finds that such film is ob- scene, indecent, immwal, sacreligious, inhuman, that it depicts a bull fight, or a prize fight, or is of such a character that its exhibition would tend to impair the health or corrupt the morals of children or adults or incite to crime or race hatred. No motion picture film which has not been licensed by the commission and which does not bear its seal, and is not ac- companied by its certificate, shall be exhibited by any licensed place of amusement, or else- where, for pay, free will offering, or for charity, in connection with any business in Illinois. The bill further provides for a charge of $2 to be made by the commission for the exami- nation of the first reel and a charge of $1 for each additional reel; for imposing a fine of not more than $500 for violation of this act, or imprisonment in the penitentiary for not more than one year; for the privilege of re- vising the fees by increase or decrease to such a sum as will produce sufficient income to "pay the entire cost of the commission includ- ing salaries and all other expenses"; for in- vesting the same power over advertisements as over the films themselves and for the confisca- tion of any film unlawfully changed, exhibited or transported. Another bill causing considerable agitation among Illinois exhibitors is one that was in- troduced by Representative McCabe, of Free- port, which would prohibit theatre owners from seating patrons nearer to the screen than thirty feet. This in the average theatre would mean the non-use of the first six rows. This same bill includes a section providing that no picture theatre owner shall be allowed to sell a ticket of admission unless there is a seat va- cant in his house at the time of sale. Pictures at Pageant The motion picture has been called upon to play an important and interesting part in the great Pageant of Progress, which has been the talk of Chicago for months and which is scheduled for exposition for two weeks, be- ginning July 30, on the Municipal Pier. Edu- cational and industrial films will be exhibited by the department of public works and build- ings, by hospitals, schools and various manu- facturing firms which want to demonstrate their mode of operation. No arrangements have as yet been made for the showing of any features. Society Sees "Deception " Address hy Senator Walker "Deception" had an unusual premiere in Chicago where it was first shown to fashion- able society at the Drake Hotel, Thursday, May 19. The Service League for the Handi- capped, in search for good entertainment was interviewed by Dan Roche, Paramount's pub- licity director in Chicago, who sold them on "Deception." The ballroom at the Drake was packed, it being necessary to bring in extra chairs to accommodate the unexpected crowds, and the program, consisting of a Burton Holmes Travelogue and Paramount Magazine, in addition to the feature, was received with much applause. Seats sold for $5 each. Senator James J. Walker, accompanied by Sam Herman, executive secretary of the Mo- tion Picture Theatre Owners, was the guest of the Illinois branch of the M. P. T. O. A. on May 25, at a luncheon given in the Hotel Morrison. Senator Walker addressed ex- hibitors from Illinois, Wisconsin and Michigan upon subjects that are now claiming the im- portant attention of all connected with the industry. Indians in Prologue Ascher Brothers have arranged for the ap- pearance of nine Indians from the Blackfoot tribe at the Roosevelt Theatre during the run of Marshall Neilan's "Bob Hampton of Placer." Marshaled by Chief Tow-Guns Whitecalf, they will figure in an elaborate pro- logue, the setting for which was designed by Mons. Marshall. Princess Juanita will sing old Indian chants. An initiation ceremony to give their arrival in Chicago publicity has been planned by Harry Rice, to take place on the Municipal Pier, Monday, May 23, when sev- eral of the city officials, including the mayor, will he accepted as members of the Blackfoot tribe. AtB. &K. Houses Johnny Jones gave the Chicago public a glimpse of what the famous "Edgar" of the Booth Tarkington series looks like, oflF screen, when he appeared in a short sketch presented at the Balaban & Katz houses this week. His mother, Mrs. Edward Peel, appeared in the act which ran at the Central Park, May 20, 21 and 22, and which is booked at the Riviera for the week of May 23 and at the Tivoli the week of May 30. Fourth Week at Ziegfield "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" closed a third big week at the Ziegfield on May 21, with the prospect of being held over for a fourth week. Manager Harmeyer reports that the picture has occasioned unusual interest and that each (lay is increasing its drawing powers. In Brief Universal's Casino Theatre is now under the management of Bert Ibberson, who was formerly connected with the Standard Thea- tre, Cleveland, also a Universal house. Henry W. Peters has been appointed man- ager of the Pioneer Film Corporation in Chi- cago. Mr. Peters has been associated with Pioneer since last fall, before which he was special representative for Pathe on the West Coast. His experience in the film business has covered a period of about thirteen years. "Reputation" will have its Chicago premiere at the Roosevelt on June 5. An unusual ex- ploitation campaign, promising to be heavier and more inclusive than any ever put over by Universal in this territory, is being planned by W. W. Hill. EXHIBITORS VISIT INTERNATIONAL FILM STUDIO Members of Theatre Owners' Chamber of Commerce of New York look over the place where Cosmopolitan productions are made. Frank Borsage, who directed "Humoresque," is holding a future exhibitor in the front row Morosco Signs Ruggles Wesley Ruggles formerly of Metro and J. Parker Read, Jr. productions has been signed by Oliver Morosco to direct the screen version of "Slippy McGee" in which Wheeler Oakman has the title role.