The Moving picture world (June 1921)

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526 ] MOVING PICTURE WORLD June 4, 1921 Erno Rappe, Conductor at Capitol, zena KeefeHas T. r> 7 • TTi/T • Gone to loronto Joins Syncnromzed Music Company A welcome addition has been made to the staff of musical cele- brities compiling Synchronized Music Scores. Erno Rappe, conductor of the Capitol Theatre grand orchestra and one of America's most prominent musi- cians, has joined the Synchro- nized Scenario Music Company's staff. Exhibitors who are aware to the splendid possibilities music holds as a winner of increased patronage, will hail the announce- ment, which comes from Music Score Service Corporation, of 1600 Broadway, New York, local distributors for Synchronized Music Scores. In association with James C. Bradford, for seven years direc- tor of the Broadway Theatre or- chestra, and special musical -^di- tor for Famous Players and First National; Carl Edouarde, pioneer in present day de luxe musical settings for motion pictAire pres- entations and director of the Strand Theatre Symphony Or- chestra since its first day; Dr. Hugo Riesenfeld, musical direc- tor of the Rialto, Rivoli and Cri- terion theatres, New York, and Joseph Carl Breil, famed for his scoring of many of the D. W. Griffith successes; Erno Rappe, at the zenith of his career, will lend his skill and that artistic touch which has done much to bring to the Capitol Theatre the outstanding success it has achieved. Synchronized Music Scores of- .fers exhibitors a splendid means of not only increasing their patronage, but also of adding to the entertainment of their pres- ent patronage. Regardless of whether a house employs one mu- sician—either piano or organ—or an orchestra of twenty pieces oc- cupies the music pit, synchro- nized music scores will exactly meet all requirements. All the scores are correctly timed and cued for every action on the screen and as long as a film is in existence, synchronized music scores will fit every scene. A brilliant idea recently patent- ed by Arthur J. Abrams, origina- tor of these popular scores, makes this possible. A cleverly designed and easily understandable symbol running alongside the notes themselves makes allowance for, and instantly designates how, any "cut" in the film may be handled. The enthusiastic reception greeting each new screening along New York's Broadway, where the staff writers of Syn- chronized Scenario Music Com- pany hold forth, proves the magnet that music is for thou- sands upon thousands of motion picture "fans." It is called folly for an exhibitor who prides him- self upon the high class pictures he screens, not to equalize his program by offering music in a class with the film production. Synchronized music scores are individual efforts. Each score is perfectly fitted to the especial pic- ture it is made for. Every note synchronizes perfectly with every action on the screen. The audi- ence is placed in a receptive mood and lives the picture with play- ers. Good music, a great com- peller of emotions, brings the picture "home" to them with em- phasis. Music Score Service Corpora- tion has already earned the praise of many prominent exhib- itors. "Mike" Glynn, of Glynn & Ward, controlling the Astoria, Century and Alhambra theatres, of Brooklyn, one of the first ex- hibitors approached for a con- tract, because of his stern appraisal of any plan placed before him, found nothing but praise for synchronized music scores and in signing his con- tract for service covering his houses, said: "I am glad to do business with you. The scores are certain to prove a great asset to my houses as there can be no denying the value of properly synchronized music. I am completely sold on the idea and feel that even though my houses offered a really high class of type of entertainment, the acquisition of synchronized scores completes my program." At the request of the Marcus Loevv office, Zena Kecfe, Selznick star, has left New York for a short visit to Toronto to appear at sev- eral theatres in that city in con- junction with the presentation of Selznick producions. Miss Keefe has just finished playing opposite Conway Tearle in a new Selznick production directed by Ralph Ince. .\ short time ago Zena Keefe made a trip to the South to appear on the stage in several theatres and scored such success that her ser- vices for personal appearances have been in constant demand ever since. AI Christie Announces Players for His Forthcoming Comedies The first three of the new se- ries of Christie Comedies, distrib- ution of which through Educa- tional has recently been arranged for another twelve-month period, are under way with many prom- inent comedy players featured. The first of the new Christie Comedies, "Nothing Like It," in- cludes Dorothy Devore, who is featured, with Eddie Barry, Earl Rodney, Helen Darling, Ward Caulfield and Eugene Corey. This has already oeen practically com- pleted under the personal direc- tion of Al Christie, who in addi- tion to supervising all pictures made by his company, is direct- ing a large number of the releases. The production work has been so divided that Christie will direct nearly all of the pic- tures in which girl stars are featured, and William Beaudine, Scott Sidney and Frederic Sulli- van will direct the other pictures which have casts headed by the boys. The second picture has just been titled "Oh, Buddy" and fea- tures Neal Burns, under the di- rection of Beaudine. \'era Steadman is the leading woman. Helen Darling, Victor Rottman and George I-'rench support her. The third will be put into pro- duction soon and will feature Viora Daniel. Jay Belasco, who won success in Christie one-reel comedies more than a year ago, comes back to Christie for this picture. Christie has also signed up "Laddie," the dog who regis- tered a hit in "Sneakers." Eu- genie Forde and Ward Caulfield are also in the cast. Uses Aeroplane to Deliver Film The Oklahoma exchange of As- sociated First National Pictures, Inc., recently employed an aviator to deliver a copy of "Passion" to the Crystal Theatre at Okemah. While the air route has been used in the past to rush a film to a large house, this is the first instance where an exchange went to this ex- pense and trouble to keep faith witii a small exhibitor, it is said. IMRESSIONISTIC PHOTOGRAPHS OF GOLDWYN STARS The settings of "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" are the basis of the scheme of decoration in these pictures of Irene Rich, Sylvia Breamer and Molly Malone, furnishing the "something different" so much In be desired in "stills"