The Moving picture world (June 1921)

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June 4, 1921 MOVING PICTURE WORLD 527 Al Lichtman Plans Big Sales Drive of Associated for Week of June 12 Plans for the launching of a sales drive on an unprecedented scale have just been completed by Gen- eral Manager Al Lichtman, of As- sociated Producers, Inc. This drive, which in scope of quality of pic- tures offered and territory em- braced is of unusual proportions, is scheduled to begin June 12 and con- tinue for a full week. Covering the entire United States and Can- ada, it includes in its operations every branch office maintained by Associated Producers, Inc., through- out this country and the Dominion, Rare enthusiasm permeates the organization and advices received by Mr. Lichtman at the home office in New York indicate that the various branch managers and their staffs are on their toes waiting for the send-off signal. Keen but friendly rivalry exists between the different offices and indications are that some new sales records will be hung up by the various Associated Producers exchanges. Backing up the sales forces in their drive will be a formidable and unusual array of productions among which are announced "I Am Guilty," a J. Parker Read, Jr., pro- duction featuring Louise Glaum, already released; "Home Talent," a Mack Sennett special released May 22; "Mother o' Mine," a Thomas H. Ince production released June 5; "A Broken Doll," an Allan Dwan production released June 12; "The Foolish Matrons," a Maurice Tour- neur production with an all-star cast released June 19; "The Ten Dollar Raise," a J. L. Frothingham production released June 26; and two two-reel Mack Sennett com- edies, "Made in the Kitchen" and "She Sighed by the Seaside." "These productions represent a high standard of artistic and com- mercial values," said Mr. Lichtman "Each one is a powerful box-office attraction, and I consider it a dis- tinct privilege to be able to offer such unusual pictures to discrim- inating exhibitors. Aside from their artistic quality these pictures have remarkable exploitation angles and possibilities for novelties in stage presentation, giving the live exhib- itor opportunities for exploiting these pictures along original lines "Consider J. Parker Read's 'I Am Guilty." This picture is one of the best that Miss Glaum has ever appeared in and shows a new phase of her distinctive talent. Thomas H. Ince's 'Mother o' Mine' is a tremendous subject, big and fine in its treatment and poignant in its human qualities. Mack Sennett's 'Home Talent' is a sure-fire attrac- tion, a comedy that typifies the genius of this greatest of all com- edy makers. 'A Broken Doll,' an Allan Dwan production, is repre- sentative of this producer's genius for combining artistic excellence with commercial requirements. "Maurice Tourneur's 'The Fool- ish Matrons' upholds the remark- ably high standard he set with 'The Last of the Mohicans.' Be- sides possessing a title of undoubt- ed commercial value it is a perfect Forthcoming Hodkinson Films Arouse Widespread Interest Nation-wide interest in the Hod- kinson organization has been aroused by the various announcements con- cerning forthcoming productions which have emanated from that com- pany. This interest has been mani- fested not only by those within the industry but by those outside it as well, for since the women's clubs and the welfare organizations have ^j)een mteresting themselves in the industry in their search for better pictures, it is only natural that they should turn to an organization that specializes in better pictures. Some of the productions which will be released by Hodkinson in the very near future, follow: "Keeping Up With Lizzie," the first of Irving Bacheller's typically American stories to reach the screen. Under the direction of Lloyd Ingra- ham, the cast headed by Enid Ben- nett has created a clean, fine, laugh- ing comedy, a picture which has been declared to be a credit to the Rockett Brothers who produced it, Hodkin- son says. "A Certain Rich Man," Benjamin B. Hampton's picturization of Wil- liam Allen White's novel. Mr. Hampton, producer of many screen successes, has .said of this picture that it represents "Ris greatest work thus far. "Lavender and Old Lace," adapted to the screen from Myrtle Reed's novel. This is a picture which has won enthusiastic praise from every reviewer. A clean, sweet, fine, wholesome production, wherein the smile IS never far removed from the tear. This, too, was directed by Lloyd Ingraham, and was produced by the Renco Film Corporation. "Ave Maria," made by Hugo Ballin, whose previous pictures, "Pagan Love" and "East Lynne," released by Hodkinson, have been gems. It is the first serious drama to be brought to the screen without a sub-title. "Rip Van Winkle," which Ward Lascelle is completing on the West Coast, is his first picture for Hod- kinson release. In the stellar role will be seen Thomas Jefferson, son of the famous Joe Jefferson who created the part upon the speaking stage. "The Light in the Clearing," another Irving Bacheller novel and a Dial Film Company production, being made under the direction of T. Hayes Hunter, director of "Earthbound." "The Face of the World," Irvin V. Willat's picturization of the greatest .story by Johan Bojcr, the international novelist. Mr. Willat gave the screen "Behind the Door," "Below the Surface," "Down Home," and "Partners of the Tide." example of the highest form of motion picture art, and any show- man, no matter what local condi- tions may be, ought to effect a clean-up with it. 'The Ten Dollar Raise,' a J. L. Frothingham pro- duction, is a comedy-drama of cvery-day life and its appeal is universal because it deals with a subject closest to the heart of hu- manity. Sennett's two-reelers have proven value and deserve the best position on any bill." Doraldina Breaking Loew House Records Mme. Doraldina, whom it was reported recently had formed her own producing company, is break- ing all attendance records at the Loew houses through the South and Southwest, where she is making; personal appearances with her latest Metro picture, "Passion Fruit.' According to Mme. Doraldina's manager, Frank Saunders, she is regarded by the showmen of the South as the greatest box office bet in the show business today. A wire from Mr. Saunders from Loew's Theatre, Kansas City, Mo., to Stephen T. King, representing Ernest Shipman, at 17 West 44th street, follows: "Doraldina has broken all at- tendance records in every theatre she has made an appearance. Nec- essary to give two and three shows a day to satisfy vast crowds. Bir- mingham records shattered in pour- ing rain. "Memphis opened 17,200 paid ad- missions. Giving extra shows. Com- pelled to close box office every day in New Orleans. "Sixteen years' record smashed openuig day, selling capacity and standing room in thirty-two min- utes. Longest period box office was open was forty-five minutes. 'St. Louis repeated previous rec- ord-breaking attendance, pulling crowds. "Unheard of business at Nash- ville, all records shattered as above. In all cities extra showings were necessitated by tremendous public interest. "Kansas City opened to largest crowds and paid admissions ever known in this city. "Impossible to satisfy crowds. Compelled to remain here for an- other booking by reason of public demand through letters received at theatre: Consensus of opinions of showmen that Doraldina is the greatest box office bet in the show business today." V. H. Clark Honored As a token of their regard, the department heads in Paramount's Long Island studio recently pre- sented Victor H. Clarke with a gold wrist watch. The occasion of the presentation was Mr. Clarke's de- parture from the post of general studio manager to become special representative of the production de- partm.ent, a new position created by Jesse L. Lasky, first vice president of the Famous Players-Lasky Cor- poration, in charge of production. The presentation was made by Robert T. Kane. Flynn to Direct "The Last Trail" Emmet J. Flynn, who directed the big Fox spectacle, Mark Twain's "Connecticut Yankee," has been as- signed to the direction of "The Last Trail," a film play made from Zanc Grey's novel of the same name. "The Last Trail" requires the shooting of some gigantic outdoor .scenes. Vitagraph's superb produc- tion of David Belasco's fa- mous stage play presents Catherine Calvert in the stellar role. It has many ad- vantages over its stage pred- ecessor, for it was made in the exact locale described in the story, on a stage that is nature itself. The spoken drama is limited in its ability to convey ideas that the filin visualizes in dt'amatic scenes. Depicting one of the most interesting and intensely dra- matic period^ in American history, with a clean, sweet love story interwoven in a background of war, the pro- duction has a theme that will appeal to alL Great care and discretion have been exercised in producing the picture. There is just enough of the war of the rebellion to set the story, and not enough to con- vey the horror of those stir- ring dbys. The camera work in these scenes with the war background is remarkable. The bell scene, a spectacle for which "The Heart of Mary- landl" will always be known, is handled in a capable man- ner, but though this was the big scene in the play, the pic- ture carries many of equal importance. All in all, the production grips the attention from the first and holdls it throughout. Pictures help to cover the lapses of time and change of place and some of the illustratecl titles are real works of art. Miss Calvert was never seen to greater advantage than as Maryland Calvert and> her work throughout is prac- tically beyond criticism. Crane Wilbur handles the role of Alan Kendrick in a mas- terly manner, while Victoria White, Marguerite Sanchez, Jane Jennings, William Col- Her, Jr., Boi Lyon and Felix Krembs all deserve mention. —Washington, D. C, Post.