The Moving picture world (June 1921)

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528 MOVING PICTURE WORLD June 4, 1921 Finish Big Scene in Vitagraph Picture George Randolph Chester, in company with Mrs. Chester, is pre- paring to start back East after hav- ing completed the final big scene for his special production, "The Son of Wallingford." The scene shows a real lake of boiling oil, with the hero and the heroine of the story of the story trapped in the centre of it in a small boat. It is said the scene is a fascinat- ing one to watch on the screen, and weeks were required for its prep- aration. Young Wallingford and Mary, his fiancee, are seen rowing in the distance on the lake as the blaze is started hundreds of yards from them. Foot by foot the fiery tongues lick along the surface of the lake with its deep film of oil, until it is a bare fifty yards from the occupants of the small craft. Escape seems impossible, as the two principals of the story are cut off i)y a veritable wall of fire on all sides. The brilliant flames illuminated all sides of the lake, which was spe- cially constructed for this produc- tion at Balboa, Cal., and its rays are thrown into all corners so that the elaborate dam, with its concrete walls and tide locks shows up won- .lerfully. Films Based on Edison Questions A series of education test films based on the now famous Edison questionnaires is being prepared by the National Non-Theatrical Mo- tion Pictures, Inc., for use in schools and elsewhere in the non- theatrical motion picture field. Harry Levey, the president of the organization, has had the Edison ijuestionnaires classified and finds that at least fourteen branches of science and arts are covered, and that he has in his vaults, available for distribution, films which fall within all of these classifications and answer the questions. Will Launch Big Advertising Drive Paramount has announced that it intends to follow up the advertis- ing campaign for "The Best Show in Town Week" by a national ad- vertising drive to assist exhibitors booking Paramount Pictures during the vacation season. This advertising, according to Jerome Beatty, director of publicity and advertising, is designed not only to assist exhibitors in summer resorts, but also to aid theatres in big cities, as many country people, seeking change, spend their vaca- tions in the larger centres of popu- lation. Buys Four Curwoods The Reelcraft Pictures Corpora- tion, of Davenport, la., has signed contracts with Arrow for four pro- duction of the Neva Gerber series and the four James Oliver Cur- wood pictures for their territory. ''Little Lord Fauntleroy" Now Being Filmed by Mary Pickford After four months of prepara- tory work, Mary Pickford has started production on "Little Lord Fauntleroy." Little Mary's film version of Frances Hodgson Bur- nett's famous story will be her fifth contribution for United Artists re- lease and by far the most expen- sive photoplay she has ever under- taken, it is stated. It is expected that the production will be ready for its New York premiere the early part of September. That exhibitors may expect to book a picture decidedly different from anything Miss Pickford has ever before put out is the statement of Hiram Abrams, president of the United Artists Corporation, who has just returned from the Coast, where he was in conference with Miss Pickford and Bennie Zeld- man, her production manager, re- garding an extensive advertising and selling campaign in connection with this feature. The difficult problem in photog- raphy presented in this feature is one of the things that will make it a costly production, it is reported. Miss Pickford, playing two distinct roles all through the picture, oc- cupies the screen in two different characters at the same time. The direction is being handled by Jack Pickford and Alfred E. Green. More Films Nearing Completion at the Culver City Studios Director Frank Lloyd is now at Fort Bragg, in the Redwood coun- try, picking out locations and su- perintending the building of a camp for his forthcoming production for Goldwyn of Katherine Newlin Burt's first story written expressly for' the screen, "The Man from Lost River." Allan Forest and House Peters will play important roles. Will Rogers will soon complete the photography on Edward E Kidder's old comedy-drama, "A Poor Relation." Clarence Badger is directing it. E. Mason Hopper will also soon finish photography on ' The Glorious Fool," an original scenario by Mary Roberts Rine- hart, in which Helene Chadwick and Richard Dix have the principal roles. Tom Moore is about ready to be- gin work on the new picture which Rupert Hughes wrote for him, "From the Ground Up." Reginald Barker is preparing to begin pho- tography on "The Poverty of Riches," by Leroy Scott. Ignace Jan Paderewski paid his first visit to a motion picture studio recently when he was shown through the Goldwyn plant by Rupert Hughes. Mr. Paderewski said he is an ardent "movie" fan and never misses see- ing a big production. Tells of Novel Short Subjects for Release Week of June 5 Pathe Exchange, Inc., announces a novel assemblage of short subject features which have been scheduled for release the week of June 5. "The Crystal Prism" is the title of episode six of the new Seitz serial, "The Sky Ranger," in which June Caprice is co-starred with George B. Seitz. "On Perilous Ground" presents episode thirteen of the Pathe se- rial, "The Avenging Arrow," in which Ruth Roland is starred. The chapter shows the star in an auto- mobile pursuing a fast freight train and a daring leap from the machine to the train. There is also an ex- citing fight staged on the top of the moving train. "Blue Sunday" is the title of the current Hal Roach comedy, featur- ing "Snub" Pollard, assisted by Ma- rie Mosquini and the entire staff of Hal E. Roach comedian.s. The offering is a satire on the threaten- ing Blue Laws. Pathe Review No. 106 is the cur- rent issue of the screen magazine, presenting carefully chosen subjects of widelv diversified features. Veiller's "Anchored Camera'* System Is New in Pictures Producing a motion picture so as to present the characters always at relatively the same distance from the audience is an innovation in photoplay art brought about by Bay- ard Vciller, heading one of the pro- duction units at the Hollywood studios of Metro Pictures Corpora- tion. News of this step forward in the making of picture dramas reached the New York offices this week, following a pre-release showing of Mr. Veiller's first picture for Met- ro, "The Last Card," starring May Allison. The effect is achieved by what is known as anchoring the camera, that is, not moving it close up or far back from the actors, as is so widely done; but maintaining it at the distance from the action to bring about a picture classified as a medium shot. The close-up is used very sparingly; and the long shot only for landscape views. Advantages of this constancy of distance are, it is said, a saving of the exercise of the visual faculties, ordinarily kept so very busy adapt- ing themselves to one distance or angle and then to another; and a swifter continuity of dramatic ac- tion. Sennett Comedy Draws Big Crowds Mack Sennett's current two- reel comedy, "She Sighed by the Seaside," distributed by Asso- ciated Producers, Inc., is said to have proved popular at the Cap- itol Theatre, New York's largest playhouse, recently where it is reported, it attracted large crowds at every performance dur- ing its entire engagement. Many Parts of World Shown in Melford Film Settings representing many dif- ferent sections of the globe, it is feaid, will be seen in the new George Melford production, "The Great Impersonation," now under pro- duction for Paramount at the Lasky studio. The picture will open with scenes supposedly laid in a room in Ox- ford University in England. Then it will take the spectator to a jungle in German East .Africa, through the jungle to a clearing and a thatched cabin. The two principal characters there exchange reminiscences, and scenes in Vienna and England are introduced. The next scenes will show the interior of the Kaiser's secret war room on the Wilhelm- strasse in Berlin, just prior to the great war. The picture will then flash to scenes in London, showing the quarters of the German Am- bassador. Next will be seen a set- ting representing the offices in Scot- Jand Yard and other diplomatic of- fices. Other scenes are laid in a co- lossal setting representing Dominey Hall, an ancestral castle in England. The set includes a large reception hall, with several adjoining rooms. Other interesting, exteriors are a natural location representing Fal- mouth-by-the-Sea on the English coast; scenes in London just five days preceding the declaration of war against Germany; many typical Belgian scenes and a German wire- less station on the coast of Eng- land. Service Begins To Show Results The policy of "service to the exhibitor" inaugurated by Gener- al Manager Al Lichtman, of As- sociated Producers, Inc., is be- ginning to bear fruit. F. C. Bonistall, manager of the Pitts- burgh office, received a letter from Otto C. Clinger, manager of the Main Street Theatre of Gal- ston. Pa., which speaks for itself. It says in part: "I want to thank you very kind- ly for the nice print you sent of 'The Last of the Mohicans.' As- sociated Producers has proven, beyond a doubt, that it not only has the prints, but it is sure to have masterpieces." Three New Films .\mong the recent features an- nounced for distribution on th» state right market are three pictures starring "Snowy" Baker, the Aus- tralian sportsman, produced by W X. Selig.