The Moving picture world (June 1921)

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/line 4, 1921 MOVING PICTURE WORLD 553 Mechanical Details The Skinner Bros. Patented Direct-Fired Heater con- sists of a heavy cast iron fire pot mounted over a power- ful fan wheel and enclosed in a sheet-steel casing with outlet hoods at the top. Burns coal, coke or wood, same as an ordinary furnace. No more trouble to operate— absolutely odorless. Cold air from the floor level and from outside is drawn into the heater by the fan wheel, forced up and around the fire pot, heated and gently dif- fused through outlet hoods to all of the open building space. Keeps Your Theatre Warm and Well Ventilated Install a Skinner Bros. Patented Direct-Fired Heater and it will keep every part of your theatre at an even, comfortable temperature—there will be no places too hot while others are too cold, no drafts, no compli- cated system of outside pipes or ducts. Besides this, the Skinner Bros. Patented Direct-Fired Heater will constantly supply your theatre with fresh air, and force the bad impure air out through the regular ventilator openings in your building. You know, of course, what the assurance of proper SKINNER BROS. 1440 S. VANDEVENTER AVE. Boston 461 Little BIdg. Buffalo 718 Morgan Bldg. Cleveland 628 Marshall Bldg. New York heating and ventilating conditions mean to the people who patronize your theatre—naturally such a theatre is much preferred to one that is always full of cold or stuffy, impure air. Install a Skinner Bros. Patented Direct-Fired Heater and insure the conditions your patrons require. Read the brief description of the heater at the top— then find out just wh at it will do for you. Remember if our system should fail to do exactly what we claim for it, it will become immediately returnable to the factory for full cash refund. Send the coupon today. MFG. CO., Inc. ST. LOUIS, MO. Chicago 1520 Fisher Bldg. Indianapolis 342 Occidental Bldg. Minneapolis 818 Metropolitan Life Bldg. 1718 Flatiron Bldg. Patented Direct- Fired HE/VnNG SYSTEM Skinner Bros. Mfg. Co., Inc. 1440 S. Vandeventer Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Please send me complete details of Skinner Bros. Patented Direct Fired Heaters. Name Address (Have you a steam boiler?)