The Moving picture world (June 1921)

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554 MOVING PICTURE WORLD June 4, 1921 SPECIAL ROLL TICKETS Tour own special Ticket, any colore, accurately num- V ^StXllA'W^^^SfJ^AUfMlM bered; every roll guaranteed. Coupon Tickets for Prize Drawings: 5,000, $6.00. Prompt shipments. Cash with the order. Get the samples. Send diagram for Be- ^ ff^H^B^^^ setred Seat Coupon Tickets, serial '-'^ ^W^Sg^^^ or dated. All tickets must con- form to Government regulation ind bear established price of admission and tax i(hm SPECIAL TICKET PRICES Five Thousand $3.00 Ten Thousand 5.00 Fifteen Thousand 6.50 Twenty-five Thousand 9.00 Fifty Thousand 12.50 One Hundred Thousand 18.00 National Ticket Co. shamokin. Pa. Solve yoar Lighting Problems by consalting as. The largest and finest theatres in the country, including the Tivoli, Chicago; Capitol, St. Paul, and others—have installed fixtures designed and made the Pearlman way. No obligation for consultation. Send for booklet of convincing letters. Victor S. Pearlman & Co. SJ3-JS S. WABASH AVE. CHICAGO CREATORS OF EXCLUSIVE LIGHTING EFFECTS HOW TO BECOME A PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER EARNING »35TO SieSAWEEK An Interesting booklet (free) on chooslnK a vocation, the opportu- nities Photoeraphy offers you and how to avail yourself of these advantaees. MOTION PICTURE—COMMERCIAL—PORTRAITURE Three months' course. Practical Instruction. Modem equip- ment. Day or Evening classes. Easy terras. Cameras and Materials furnished free. The School of Becognlled Supsrlorttr. Call or write for Catalog No. 25. N. Y. INSTITUTE of PHOTOGRAPHY 141 W. 36th St., New York or 505 State St., Brvtklyn Cleveland s New Allen Theatre THE new .A.llen theatre, situated in Play- house Square, Cleveland, which opened April 1, has a total seating capacity of three thousand. The house is one hundred and seventy-five feet long by seventy-five feet wide and being elected in the rear of the Selzer building, the entrance to the house is through the former structure. The theatre is of brick and steel construction, and was designed by C. Howard Crane of Detroit. The lobby irieasures twenty-five by ninety feet and leads into a domed rotunda.. To the left of the rotunda is a general waiting room, decorated in purple and gold, and from this waiting room one enters the men's smoking room. To the right of the rotunda is a tea room and soda fountain. Screen Visible from Tea Room A feature of the house is that from both the waiting room or lounge and tea room the screen is visible. Balconies overlook the marble floored ro- tunda, on which informal dancing will be given as a regular feature after both the afternoon and evening performances. The theatre proper consists of the auditorium, a mezzanine and a balcony. The ceiling of the theatre extends over into the stage set, and the orchestra is placed on the stage before the screen. In the front of the balcony proper are the loges furnished with velour upholstered and cushioned seats. Three Power Projectors The projection room, which is one hundred and sixty-five feet distant from the screen, is Has Three Power Projectors equipped witli three Power 6 B, type E pro- jectors, each with Fulco arc controls. A re- wind bench, with Power's re-winds and two spotlights, are included in the equipment of the projection room, which is twelve feet wide, twenty feet long, and twelve feet high. Frank Denol is the chief projectionist, assisted by Jack Prendergast. The e-xits of the house are fifty per cent, larger than required by law and these exits are numerous. More Contracts for Newman The contract for brass railings for the new Dalton Theatre, Pulaski, Va., has been awarded to the Newman Manufacturing Company, of Cincinnati. The contract was written for the Newman folks by the White Equipment Company, of Bristol, Tenn. Other recent Newman contracts are as follows: Changeable signs for the Colonial Theatre, Richmond, Va.; brass poster frames for the Majestic Theatre, Asheville, N. C.; brass railing for the Windsor The- atre, Canton, Ohio; eight poster and four photo frames for the Casino Theatre, Greenville, S. C.; metal grilles for the Mecca Theatre, New Orleans, La.; velour lobby ropes for the Rosedale Theatre, De- troit, Mich. The Majestic and Casino Theatres are controlled by the Southern Enterprises, Inc. New Company Incorporates The .Atlantic City Theatre Company, with registered offices at Maryland and Atlantic avenues, .Atlantic City, has filed articles of incorporation with the secretary of state at Trenton. The concern is capitalized at $125,000. The incorporators include John H. Earnshaw, Oliver T. Rogers, and William B. Moore, who is listed as statutory agent. Gayety Now the Halsey The Gayety, rechristened the Halsey The- atre, at Market and Halsey streets, was opened to the Newark public May 14. "Things Men Do" was the opening attrac- tion. The house is now under the control of the Ascher Enterprises of New York. THE ALLEN THEATRE OF CLEVELAND Above, rotunda, looking into the tea room. Below, at left, rear section of the main floor and the mezzanine. At right, the main entrance and lobby