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562 MOVING PICTURE WORLD June 4, 1921 Doing big business in hot weather It's easy enough, if you know how. Scores of other exhibi- tors do it. You can, too. Our new booklet "A better summer business" tells you all about it. Ask for booklet 618. SYSTEIA 1476 BROADWAY Philadelphia Baltimore Denver Detroit NEW YORK, N. Y. Kansas City Atlanta Sacramento THE NEWMAN STEEL-CLAD TICKET CHOPPER "BUILT FOR PERMANENCE" Has successfully replaced tbe less lubttuitUl, wooden chopper of yeeterday. Has a soUd metal bod?, hearll; brae«d and reinforced throughout. Finished In maboffanjr eDamel with nlckolad tria- mlnss. It Will Stand More Punishment Than Any Other Chopper:—Regardleu tf Prite Our patented mechanism prerents clogging and guarantees the effeetlTe mutilation of each and OTery ticket. Write for our complete Fixture Cataiog. (Newman Products are Haiwfletf by Most DMUerv) The Newman Mfg. Co. —58 Years Young— 721 SYCAMORE STREET CINCINNATI. OHIO Mid-Wesi Branch—68 Welt Wuhlnftoa Street, Chicago, III. In Canada—Perklnl Electric Co., Toronto. Montreal, Winnipeg Next To the Sun il is scientifically proved that the carbon arc is the most powerful light on earth. And the "shining light" among carbon arcs— the nearest kin to the sun itself — is the Columbia Arc. Columbia Projector Carbons Brilliant Bright White Light Noiseless—Flickerless National Carbon Company, Inc. Cleveland Ohio E L E Y "The Camera of Superior Accomplishments" Reason No. 4 FLOATING FINDER This wonderful achievement which is exclusive of the ".XKELEV" permits the operator to view the finder field from a normal position at all times even though the camera points to the zenith, H'rite us for catalogue giving thirty <S0) other reasons why the "AKELEY" is suferior. Akeley Camera, Inc. 2.50 W. 49th St., New York City ERBOGRAPH COMPANY LABORATORIES AND STUDIO DWIG G B ERB president MOTION PICTURE DEVELOPING AN D PRINTING TELEPHONE AUDUBON 3716 a03T0 2IIW. 146""" ST. M E NA/ O R K C I T V