The Moving picture world (June 1921)

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590 MOVING PICTURE WORLD June 11, 1921 E. S. Walker, Orpheum Theatre, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. I feel protected against cut-throat competition since buying a First National franchise. THAT'S ANOTHER REASON WHY niwrell be a Franchise e^^er ywhere iiiianiiK A Picture WitK Big Audience Appeal! A Made ty the Anita Stewart Productions, Inc. Because There is a talented and popular star. There is a strong supporting cast. There is an unusual story of the queer pranks fate plays on a girl. There is an unique marriage angle—two strange loves. There is a child that will tug at women's heart strings. There is a wealth of \iJonderful scenerp from the snow clad barrens in the Arctics to the tropical beauty of the East. There is a la\'ishness in production that gives the picture distinction. In star, story and scener^, it is just vJhat they want. Speaking of Louis B. Mapper's presen- tation of the inimitable star ANITA STEWART IN Pla3)tKing5 of Destiny By Jane Murfin and Larry Trimble. Directed b^) Edwin CarevJe. Scenario b^) Anthony) Paul Kelly. A First National Attraction.