The Moving picture world (September 1921)

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O 6 'YircfinLa Courtship is one of • T^ealarts Thirty ~Six " Tjour franchise is ready for ijoul A VIRGINIA COURTSHIP. The title gives you the recipe — the recipe for full houses. It's like a mint julep — full of fragrance, refreshment and punch! The picture is based on the famous play of the same name by Eugene Presbrey which achieved such popularity in the days shortly before the Spanish War, and is remembered along with "The Old Home stead" and other favorites of that time. The fire'eating. colonel who still fought duels, the ancient quarrel of the Fairfaxes and the Llewellyns, the single-handed battle of the heroine with a band of counterfeiters, and the romance of a lovely girl and a manly, boy — all of these appeals — plus the flawless emotional acting of May McAvoy make this a picture that is a crowd'builder. Get your share of prosperity now with a Realart Star Franchise. V M0h * ) PRESS OF THOS B BROOKS NfW YORK r Trade Hark I!,.,-. U. S. Pat. UII.