The Moving picture world (November 1921)

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December 10, 1921 MOVING PICTURE WORLD 663 DIAL FILM COMPANY p T.HAYES HUNTER'S PRODUCTION 1 LIGHT IN THE CLEARING IRVING B AC HELLERS GREATEST STOBY HODKfiJSON m characteristic of the juvenile set of society. It contains a large cast of well known screen players, every one of whom can be said to be a principal. The cast includes George Lessey, who played the role of the stern parent in "Why Girls Leave Home," Margaret Seddon, Arline Blackburn, Francis Conlan, Nellie P. Spaulding, J. H. Gilmore, John Galsworthy, Jerome Patrick, Eveline Sherman and Arnold Lucy. "School Days" was produced by Harry Rapf from Gus Edwards' classic of the same name, and Wes' Barry was secured for the picture by the Warner organization by special arrangement with Marshall Neilan. TWENTY-FOUR SHEET ON THE T. HAYES HUNTER PRODUCTION, "THE LIGHT IN THE CLEARING." RELEASED BY HODKINSON; ADAPTED FROM THE NOVEL OF THE SAME NAME BY IRVING B AC HELLER. EUGENIE BESSERER HAS THE LEADING ROLF. ' 'OurMutualFriend" Opens at the Lyric Rex Beach's "The Iron Trail", United Artists' Release, Is Welcomed and Praised in Chicago t JXfi nSCher ,Broth(ers havef ™£e by ~ Associated First National Pic houses" 7n Greater New" York'dur special prorations to present The tares, Inc. on "Hail the Woman," ■ the next few weeks The suc. l Iron Trail m a big way at the Thomas H. Ince's forthcoming CJL of the L vric ,howintr was rer~ pnnr«,,^i( ti,„,(„ at u u ...:n • i i-i • <■_.. ..... . ce!,i OI lne J-y'ic snowing was re "What Do Men Want?" the Lois Weber picture which Wid Gunning, Inc., has been presenting at the Lyric Theatre in New York, was moved to the Broadway Theatre on Monday, November 28, because of the opening of the Gunning release, "Our Mutual Friend," at that I flCe PtCtUre theatre . . ... "What Do Men Want?" will play A series of elaborate and highly the Broadway for a week and will effective art posters will be issued be shown in all the other Keith Art Posters to Be Issued on More than a thousand persons prominent socially and in the busi ness world, made up a record aud" ence at the exclusive Chicago Roosevelt Theatre. Mr. Beach will special which is set for early re° fleeted Athletic Club which witnessed the make a personal appearance and tell lease wing in the crowds which turned out for the showing at popular prices premier showing in Chicago, of the the history of the story on which The lithographs include two styles at"the' Broadway" new Rex Beach picture, "The Iron the picture is based, and describe of twenty-four sheets, two styles of "What Do Men Want?" had Trail," recently released by United the real hero after whom he modeled three sheets, two stvles of one sheet sn„.,,r„Lr rvM„:ti » j _ . t _ •_ .l— * spectacular Artists. This was the first occasion in many years at which the Chicago Athletic Club has presented a photoplay as a private entertainment to its membership and guests. As a result Chicago social circles were prominently represented. There were matrons and Benedicts, debutantes and buds, and after the main floor space was filled the 'Murray O'Neill and one style of six sheet. opening in a Chicago Nigh Expounds on Merits and Appeal of "School Days" November 27, at the Bijou-Dream Theatre in the Loop. An advertising and exploitation campaign was put over by Harry Rice. A great number of tie-ups were made with down-town merchants for window displays, paper was liberally used and advertising space was taken in of one of the most lovable boys on all of the Chicago dailies. Several From a directorial standpoint, Wil liam S. Nigh, a few of whose the screen. Indeed, his characteriza of the theatre circuits operating in achievements have been "My Four tion is of high artistic merit, and I and around Chicago have made l"" "r0XTu! °" °n?° „„f:.!""nn!"§ Years In Germany," the sensational venture the opinion that he has never arrangements to play the picture done finer work than that which was following its premiere at the Bijouafforded him in 'School Days.'" Dream and the Chicago Exchange Over 100 prints will be ready for of Wid Gunning, Inc., already has first run theatres throughout the requested sixteen prints to take care track of the big gymnasium and story made from Ex-Ambassador made it serve as a balcony for the Gerard's book, and most recently, occasion. -Why Girls Leave Home," the Charles Giegench, personal repre worid's territorial rights of which sentative of Mr. Beach and Whit were soId within the short perjod of country during the coming holidays, of the demands of this territory, man Bennett, producer of the pic four weekSi consider the forthcoming Thislatest Warner production is said In St. Louis, Skouras Brothers tiire, told the audience ot interesting Warner Brothers production. "School to have been painstakingly produced have booked "What Do Men Want ?" happenings during the production of Days» featuring Wesley Barry, the amid the beauty of nature's play and will play it in all of their thea the picture and the difficulties that greatest screen play he has were encountered and overcome in brought to the silver sheet' reproducing the big railroad bridge Mr. Nigh bases his opinion not over the Copper River in Alaska, on]y on the popularity of the play and the matching oi the studio shots 0f the same name, but also on the with the scenes of the real structure appeal 0f "School Days" as a title 10 aii j '• Li r , ancl tne production as an artistic, All during the showing of the wholesome and entertaining screen picture the enthusiasm of the audi offering. ence was marked by interested " 'School Days' is a picture that audible comments and unrestrained w,n appeal to every mother who has laughter that greeted the comedy boys, to every man who remembers scenes. The long applause at the his boyhood, and to every human end, clearly indicated that all classes being who can thrill to the joys, the appreciate and enjoy melodrama disappointments, the pranks and the with a real punch when it is well glory of bovhood," said Mr. Nigh, done and is clean and wholesome. "The big thing about the entire pro While this showing of "The Iron duction. aside from a directorial Trail" was strictly private, it served standpoint, is the fact that there to introduce this latest Rex Beach isn't a living, breathing soul who picture most auspiciously. Exten hasn't experienced the irresponsible, sive newspaper stories both before untamable heart of boyhood. And and after the showing gave Chicago in the final analysis that is what fans a splendid idea of the picture, makes the picture one of the biggest and the picture treat they have in assets for the theatre showmen, store when the production has its "If I may be permitted a word first public showing at Ascher's about Wesley Barry, I want to take New Roosevelt Theatre during this opportunity of congratulating Christmas Week. him for making possible the creation ever ground, and the splendor that is tres during December. IT'S COMING FAST / ■all €\ W ; n(L* i □□□□□□ i^gi HjUJ i QEIIEIDIEEIE!] lU IEElEElE31EElE3Eq Lots of Surprises ! See the nearest Wid Gunning Exchange NOW! uiimniiiiiiiMiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiMiMiiniiHiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiii^^