The Moving picture world (November 1921)

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996 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Cost Little Do Much "™TIO« WANTED 4. AND HELP wv Hcl All Other COMMER .„ j CIAL ADVERTISING 9C WOTO Smallest ad twenty words. Notice : The Publishers expect that all statemenu made In every advertisement will bear the strictest Investigation, SITUATIONS WANTED EXPERIENCED FILM SALESMAN, 25, good address, trained salesman, desires position. Willing to travel. Box 239, Moving Picture World, New York City. YOUNG MAN, 26, experienced in theatrical line, desires position as manager or assistant to theatre manager. Well educated and hard worker. Box 240, Moving Picture World, New York City. PROJECTIONIST, NON-UNION, fourteen years' experience, desires employment. Expert in optics, electricity and overhauling machines. Competent and reliable ; good references. P. C. Shiversl, Lexington, Neb. WANTED — Position as theatre manager. Experienced. Have movie camera equipment and can produce local pictures. L. E. Brewer, Wanette, Okla. EXPERIENCED ORCHESTRA director desire* engagement as conductor or pianist-leader ; references ; lare;e lihrarv Box 238, Moving Picture World, New York City. HELP WANTED COMPETENT MOTION PICTURE ORGANIST with ample experience and good-sized library. State salary expected and give references first letter. Six-day week, matinee and nlsht. H. W. O., Moting Picture World, N. Y. City. THEATRES WANTED WANTED— THEATRE in good, live town. Have movie camera equipment to trade in as part payment, and will Instruct In its complete technical operation without charge. An opportunity for a man desiring to travel to obtain a money-making proposition. L. E. Brewer, Wanette, Okla. WANTED TO LEASE — Moving picture theatre, fully equipped; must pass state Inspection. Tell all particulars first letter. Box 237, Moving Picture World, New York City. EQUIPMENT FOR SALE FIVE THOUSAND YARDS Battleship Linoleum, four thousand of best grade cork carpet. Government surplus stock, at less than wholesale prices. J. P. Redlngton, Scranton, Pa. OPERA CHAIRS from war camps, booths, machines and entire equipment furnished at half original cost. Write your requirements. J. P. Redtngton, Scranton. Ps. FOR SALE — Two Power's 6A motor-driven, 110volt. A. C. fiO-cycle moving picture machines : In good condition ; $148.00 each. A bargain. Webster Electric Company, 719 9th Street, N. W., Washington. D. C. FOR SALE — One Simplex complete ; motor-driven ; condition guaranteed: 110-volt, A. C. 60-cycle ; a bargain at $24." 00. Webster Electric Company, 719 9th Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. CAMERAS, ETC., FOR SALE CAMERA. I.'0-foot capacity. F 3.5 lens, regular and trick eranks ; Erneman tripod outfit for topical work. Bareain sale ; $100.00. J.. A. Rehkopf, Daytona. Florida. FOR SALE — High-grade motion picture camera equipped with all the latest improvements. Chronik Brothers, 73 Gold Street, New York. FILMS FOR SALE OR RENT SERIALS. FEATURES, 5-6 and 7 reelers. Cowboy and comedies carried in stock. Let us quote on your requirements. Serial Film Exchange. 126 West 4fith Street, New York City. Cable address: "Serialfllm." FOR SALE — TWO HUNDRED SINGLE, double reel comedies and western dramas : excellent condition : $3 per ree]. Shorty Hamilton in "Pen Vulture," $50. Also educational-classic features. I. S. Fisher. 729 Seventh Avenue, New York. FOR SALE— FEATURES. WESTERNS, one and two reel Comedies ; Posters on everything. Central Film Company, 729 Seventh Avenue, New York. FOR SALE — "Adventures of Jimmy Dale" (32 reels) ; "Scarlet Runner" (24) ; "Secret Kingdom" (32) ; "Adventures of Female Reporters" (30) ; "The Vamnires" (27) : "The I.IWatnr" (27) ■ "The Grey Seal" (32) ; also "The Submarine Eye" (8) : MOVING PICTURE WORLD "Idle Wives" (7), featuring Dorothy Phillips; "The Stafford Mystery" («), featuring Billie Burke and David Powell; "A Million Bid" (5), featuring Anita Stewart, Harry Morey ; "The Juggernaut" (5) ; also largest and most complete selection of other high-grade SERIALS, SPECIAL PRODUCTIONS, Comedies, Educatlonals, etc. Guaranty Pictures Co., 130 West 46th Street, New York. Cable address : "GAPICTCO." WE HAVE thousands of film — 1-7 reels ; comedies, dramas. Westerns, serials. Claire Productions, 60 Graham Avenue, Brooklyn, New York. Picture Theatres Projected SOUTH CHARLESTON, W. VA.— New theatre to be erected on Seventh avenue, is to be financed by Quincey Jones, president First National Bank, to cost $30,000. WHEELING, W. VA.— W. H. Morgan, 98 Eighteenth street, has plans by J. L. Metcalf, Toronto, O., for brick, tile and ornamental terra-cotta moving picture theatre, 42J/2 by 110 feet; interior tile, composition roof, concrete and wood floors, probably hot-air heat, to cost $24,000. ANTIGO, WIS. — Harvey Hanson, owner Palace Theatre, has plans by H. I. Leibert, 47 Mack Block, Milwaukee, for moving picture and vaudeville theatre, including stores, to be erected at Fifth avenue and Edison street, to cost $100,000. Seating capacity of theatre 1,500. BELOIT, WIS.— Beloit Amusement Company has plans by Claude & Starck, 8 South Carroll street, for theatre, with seating capacity of 1.600, to cost $130,000. MILWAUKEE, WIS.— Contract has been let for erection of two-story moving picture theatre, store and office building, 85 by 200 feet, to be erected at Teutonia Center and Hadley streets for Teutonia Avenue Realty Company, 1047 Teutonia avenue, to cost $200,000. MILWAUKEE, WIS.— Oscar Brachman and Saxe interests have plans by Martin Tullgren & Sons for theatre and business block to be erected at Grand avenue and Sixth street, N.W., to cost $2,000,000. TWO RIVERS, WIS.— Rivoli Theatre Company has plans by W. J. Raeuber for new theatre, to cost $100,000. Changes in Management GREEN FOREST, ARK.— Roy Kirkpatrick has purchased Majestic Theatre. WASHINGTON, D. C— Miss Edyth M. Blackman has purchased Wonderland Theatre on East Court street. WAYCROSS, GA.— F. A. Adams, of Milledegville, is new manager of Orpheum Theatre. BETTENDORF, IA.— J. H. Pabst has sold his moving picture house to N. Gordon. 1330 Washington street, Davenport, for $25,000. New owner will continue same policy. BOONE, IA.— W. J. Oakes, of Creston, has purchased Lvric Theatre. WATERLOO, IA.— Walter F. Davis has resigned as manager of Crystal Theatre to accept position as business manager for Hostettler Amusement Company in the home office at Omaha, Neb. GALVA, ILL.— O. U. Peterson, of Toulon, has purchased Star (moving picture) Theatre. WASECA, MINN.— New Garden Theatre will be managed by M. C. Martin, of Minneapolis. CENTRAL CITY, NEB. — J. W. Fosbender, manager Donelson Theatre, has purchased Empress Theatre. CLEVELAND, O.— Control of Metropolitan Theatre at 5012 Euclid avenue, has passed to Euclid-East 17th Street Company, through 99-year lease concluded by Joseph Laronge, of Joseph Laronge Company, Williamson Building. TEMPLE, PA.— George Maurer, 910 North Eighth street, Reading, is manager of new theatre to open here shortly. DALLAS, TEX— George D. Waters is new manager Capitol Theatre. December 24, 1921 MAILING LISTS MOVING PICTURE AND LEGITIMATE THEATRES 22166 Moving Picture by State* per M SS.0O 1219 Film Exchanges, for List 7J6 196 Manufacturers and Studios 3-Sa 419 Machine and Supply Dealers 4.00 3674 Legitimate Theatres U. S. A Can. ZS os 610 Vaudeville Theatres 7 .56 A. F. WILLIAMS 1(4 W. ADAMS ST. CHICAGO LA CLNEMATOGRAFIA ITALIAN A ED ESTERA Official Organ of the Italian Cinematograph Unlso Published on the 15th and 30th of Each Month Foreign Subscription: $7.00 tr 85 francs Per Annua Editorial and Business Offices. Via Cumiana, 31, Turin, Italy TITLES FOR ALL PURPOSES — ANY LANGUAGE 10 Years Specializing In This Product Assures You of the BEST Moderate Prices Quick Service PHEMIER TITLE COMPANY 3SC-3S8 EAST 33rd STREET CHICAGO QUALITY plus SERVICE Developing — Printing — Titles backed up by a fair vale of price* — are offered and delivered with every order we receive for Write for Latent Scale ol Pricet STANDARD MOTION PICTURE CO. Mailers Building CHICAGO Phone: Central 2347 AGENTS WANTED We have a splendid slde-Une that S"Us readily to theatre owners and managers. It consist* of brass railings and door hardware, metal and wooden lnbb> frames. tlcVet choppers, marquise, signs, etc.. etc. Liberal commissions and exclusive rights In your territory If you can qualify. Write to-dty for particulars THE NEWMAN MANUFACTURING CO. 717 Sycamore St. Cincinnati, Ohio BARGAINS — Rebuilt Machines POWERS — SIMPLEX — M0TI0GRAPH Complete Theatre Equipments and Supplies Write for Oat aloe MONARCH THEATRE SUPPLY CO. 228 Union Ave. Memaala. Teas. THE CINEMA NEWS AND PROPERTY GAZETTE 30 Gerrard Street W. I. London, England Has the quality circulation of the trade in Great Britain and the Dominions. All Official Notices and News from the ASSOCIATION to its members are published exclusively in this journal. YEARLY RATE: POSTPAID, WEEKLY. $7.25 SAMPLE COPY AND ADVERTISING RATES ON REQUEST Appointed by Agreement Dated 7/8/14 THE OFFICIAL OROAN OF THE CINEMATOGRAPH EXHIBITORS' ASSOCIATION OF GREAT BRITAIN 4 IRELAND. LTD.