The Moving picture world (January 1922)

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MOVING PICTURE WORLD J«nuary 21. 1<»22 Sellino the Picture to the .Public Simple- \Vr\: HiH)k-ut> It WAS \t n\-* persons ;re c\ifr to HoJkinsori Tilesivpi H.isFi2<\^ of the U to die rcvf irss ilnst '. THIS WISDOW DISPLAY IfV.V A PRESS SOTICE H'tWoor Sisfltys wrrr ■ ■ • ^ •"»/>«. IJakc, a»d tkt fiftr to ght p^irs ^ sftt to tJu irst Cnr to irM».> 'ir Param^mmt stms skoxm was smck m movrlty tkat tkt c<M#r wnU I . ... ti> ^Ml Mwr "TV Afmirs of AmaUT Eftcorvd ■w*;t<j ibrtT r.:: ■. ucc Thciirc. Wichita, is the latest repcvrt sood results with the unemployed smn! for "Ladies Must Lire," ; " jiirbers rersoaded the Eagk to - w-ho sold papers on the street ^ T Other tmmers ' dMitre. and dK ..: s;\cri; girls wore fur coats ro hurt the stoti in the least. .. . ^ A K-hita mind is not anahTical. StiJgcd a Panide of MototxycU Warriors Most inanAjters ha\-e tried to have a couple of armored men on motorcycles for the Fox pn.xi'.>ction of "A Gxmectiait Yankee." but Doc Hotator. of the Alhambra Theatre, Toledo, staged a parade of the anachrvmistic knights and ran them all o\-er town to help out the Oinscmas business. Then he took tbem down and photographed them in front of a couple of water tanks as emblematic of the prohibition Christmas cheer That seems to us to be the refinement of cruelty. It's bad enough to back up against the water tanks the crther »V>4 days of the year. Outside of this it was good advertising for the Xfark Twain comed.v. and it brought the vacationing kiddies in. which was the aa^ rVv was Th rce Piece Ma il Ca mpaigti •"ivansc a newspaper campaign was not . ; - ed expedient in Xorfolk on "Orer the V. ' the .Xiiviitorium resorted to a three- ".i:: car.T>i'>:" to a list of 2,000 names. :o.:nd t cheaper t.han the advertising rates worked out. The first dwt was a postcard merely aimooDC- ng the comii^ of the picture, the second, three .ia>-s later, was another card with a cut and <o>me additional details, and one day later ^ -ampaign closed with the mailii^ of drms "eralds, timed to reach the recipient the day before the opening. It seemed to replace rsewspaper a dra tisiu g very soccessfnlly LET TELESCOPE SCAS THE FACE OF THE WORLD Chmt'i Brmitmy Tktmlrt. Las AmgrUs. mimi* m ctmr mimflotiom tk€ ttUsto^ idr* ftr Ae H0dUms—-rfimstd /rrn {FSbt fndmctiam. TV imttrimr shamed • siowiy mabmg (Inv anil Ik* fmerr: If ram had m chamc* wamU yau dmnge A* Fa€» af Ik* WaHir" It Worked D. .\. Coulter, of the Ohio Theatre. Indian- apolis, used street car banners to announce the day after the opening th«t "The Sheik" woaM be contiinied for a second week in response to popoiar demand. No one stopped to wcnda bow he arranged with the car com p any and got his baraws so quickly, and the gag had & osnal effect of makiiig the crowd more eager to see a soccess, and the stanrtpomt contmned mto the week.