The Moving picture world (May 1922)

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6 MOVING PICTURE WORLD May 6, 1922 One Every Other l^^efe Showmen and Editors Who Know! "Your Sport Reviews are like a breath of fresh air. They breathe the American spirit of sport and are a welcome addition to any program." — Samuel /,. Rothaphel, Capitol Theatre. N. Y. "More than a few programs are made worth while by the Sport Reviews prepared by Jack Eaton and Grantland Rice." — /. O. Spearing, New York Times. "The Sport Reviews are a very novel and bright spot on any bill. We always consider them an added attraction." — Joseph Phmkett, Strand Theatre, N. Y. First Runs Which Speak For Themselves Capitol New York Howard Atlanta Strand New York California ... Los Angeles Now Available Speed! Form! Stamina ! In The Pink! Drawing Cards! Self Defense! Centaurs of the Field! Winter Pep! A Rex Beach Week-end! Taking the Air! ByWay Champions! Fore! Hook, Line & Sinker! Animal Antics ! Record Breakers! Roosevelt Chicago Capitol Cincinnati Madison Detroit Missouri St. Louis Blank Theatres, Des Moines, Omaha Metropolitan, Washington American Denver Majestic Tulsa Stanley Theatres, Philadelphia A)id 1,000 Other Equally Discriminating Theatres jBreathingi the Spirit of Sport and It's Stars '^eiss Brothers' present JACKEATONS SPORT REVIEW Edited by GRANTLAND RICE D istributed by OOLDWYN by vrcLngement uiith Mrtchxss Pictures Corp.